You're exactly right. It is a never ending journey, and sometimes that's the most enjoyable part. Iteration after iteration, small tweaks and changes to one's equipment and setup,.... Basically heaven on Earth for tinkering nerds. (Just don't let the piles of "extra" or "backup" test gear get to tall😂)
Test equipment acquisition syndrome has plagued us all at some point. 😂
Very nice setup you have there
Dude hope you make more videos about your eBay buying and selling test equipment shenanigans. Lot of folks would love to see that
A lot of us out here doing the same thing. Not just because it's kind of fun swapping/upgrading test equipment all the time, but because it is genuinely one of the best ways to get high-quality professional equipment for affordable prices.
I Started selling and dealing test equipment on eBay several years back to help fund some new lab gear, (a 8.5 digit meter and a fluke multifunction calibrator) but it turned into a semi full-time gig for a few years there. Not only bringing in a decent money but growing my experience greatly with troubleshooting and calibrating mountains of mid-grade and even super high-end metrology and test equipment. Way more experience than I could ever get with my normal day-to-day repairs. And giving me the chance to learn so much.
Best part.....keep some of the best finds for my own lab. When you dealing that stuff regularly through eBay and even through local auctions and stuff... Even local scrap yards if you can find them... You'll be amazed at the super high-end metrology grade equipment that can be had for pennies on the dollar.
Damn I miss regular visits to the industrial auctions. Would love to hear more details about that skid load of transformers.
ОтветитьWhat a lovely compliment of tools you have!
ОтветитьWhat a beast of a workbench! Yours is definitely much more evolved than mine. I like the ease of access you have to your tools. That's something I for sure need to improve. The biggest challenge I've seen for workbenches seems to be tool access / organization and parts access / organization. You're 100% right though, it's a journey and I like where yours is headed. Cheers!