Relationship Advice For Men

Relationship Advice For Men

Dan Bacon

5 лет назад

498,962 Просмотров

Here are the 5, important pieces of relationship advice for men that are discussed in this video:

1. Creating a relationship dynamic based on the fear of getting dumped, usually leads to it happening.
2. Putting way more effort into the relationship than a woman does, isn't the way to get her to fall more and more in love with you.
3. Relationships are not hard work.
4. Turning sex into something that you're getting from her, gradually makes her stop wanting it.
5. Being emotionally fearless in a relationship will give you far greater rewards than being emotionally guarded.

With #2, sometimes a guy will make the mistake of putting in more effort into the relationship than his woman, in the hope of making her love him the way she used to in the beginning.

Yet, that’s not the way to do it.

Women will rarely admit this if you ask them, but the best way to make a woman fall more and more in love with you over time, is to bring out her good girl side in the relationship and keep it alive.

This means bringing out the side of her that always wants to treat you well, be affectionate, be attentive, loving and supportive.

On the other hand, if you bring out a woman’s bad side and allow her to get away with treating you badly, then neither of you will really like who she becomes in the relationship.

From your perspective, she may slowly become a woman that you used to love and appreciate, but not anymore.

You might feel like you resent and even hate her at times, especially if you’ve been such a good man to her and she is gradually putting less and less effort into making you feel appreciated or loved in the ways that are important to you.

Think about the couples that you’ve seen where the woman is affectionate, loving and respectful towards her man and you will realize that the man isn’t making the mistake of putting in loads more effort into the relationship than her to hopefully make her happy.

Instead, he is a good man and treats her well, but more importantly, he gets her to treat him well and feel lucky to have a man like him.

She knows how difficult it would be to find a man like him who can bring her good girl side out and keep it alive and well in the relationship.

As a result, she loves him more than she has ever loved anyone else in her life and treats him like he is the one for her.

Unfortunately, so many men out there don’t ever get to experience that kind of love because they are unable to keep a woman’s good girl side alive and well in the relationship.

No matter how much he does for her, it’s never enough and it never brings back the love she used to have for him because he is going about it in the wrong way (i.e. he’s trying to get her to love him based on what he does for her).

Soon enough though, a break up happens and more often than not, it’s the woman who initiates it.

After every good deed the guy has done for her, the guy might then feel shocked that she wants to leave him and may even end up feeling bitter and angry when he notices that she moves on without him.

It’s a horrible experience for a man to go through, especially when he is a good man and had good intentions with her all along.

Yet, the reality is that she didn’t break up with him because he was a good man.

In most cases, a woman will break up with a guy because just wasn’t able to bring out her good girl side and keep it alive and well, so things gradually began to fall apart.

The guy could have turned the relationship dynamic around and made her treat him better and be social much more loving, affectionate and attentive than she ever was, but he didn’t know how to do that, so he lost her.

He also didn’t ever get to experience the higher levels of love that happen after years of being together where the love is growing.

To get to that amazing place in a relationship, you have to bring out her good girl side and keep it alive.

It's very easy to do as well.

To learn exactly how to do it, go to:

By the way…

My approach to relationships (that I’ve been using with my wife for the last 6 years) is about bringing the best out of a woman, so she treats you with the love, respect and affection that you deserve.

When you approach your relationship in that way, you will see a completely new side of your woman and more importantly, she will keep getting better and better over time.

That’s what I’ve been experiencing with my wife and what men from all over the world who have used my approach, have been experiencing with their woman.

You can do it too.

It really is possible to turn things around in your relationship and enjoy an amazing relationship with her from now on.

See you in the next video!

Dan Bacon


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W M - 29.03.2021 00:46

I suggest Dan to all guys to learn to be real men. I followed his advice for my girl who ex'd me. Now we are married and still come back for more advice. Thanks Dan!

Ochai Gideon
Ochai Gideon - 14.08.2023 23:30

I really love to hear more of this

Jetzer - 05.07.2023 17:25

nice video

Ganidu Sathishka
Ganidu Sathishka - 13.04.2023 09:08

What happen if she hide everything ?

Wessel - 04.03.2023 19:26

thank you, this is just what i needed

Fellow Person
Fellow Person - 16.02.2023 19:41

My first REAL girlfriend, that I consider, and I just recently turned 30, so I understand that I'm ignorant to many aspects, but I feel like she constantly hyper analyzes my words without context and judging my actions when I've been nothing but SUPPORTIVE of every aspect of our relationship. I want this to work but her own insecurities seem to be getting in the way. There's a great chance I'm missing something here, I guess there's a reason my father claims I'm aloof, but this is only our 2nd argument over what I see as basically nothing.

FJB_LGB - 07.02.2023 18:29

This video is like a documentary about all of my past relationships. I have experienced all of these situations in my past relationships.

Babygothands - 27.01.2023 13:14


Laura Lane
Laura Lane - 22.01.2023 02:30

As a woman watching this. I feel like I understand myself better and also how to treat my man better when i come accros one

Natural Nature
Natural Nature - 19.01.2023 20:28


Matthew Good
Matthew Good - 30.10.2022 01:35

I need to put this advice into action. So true

meghna's everyday Vlogs
meghna's everyday Vlogs - 22.09.2022 11:21

I need honest advice married for 17 years does staying shabby all the time affect marriage my man does not want to groom himself as per norms around i tried to explain got things but no ise

Alan França de Lima
Alan França de Lima - 14.09.2022 04:22

Great video Dan!

amxncas - 14.07.2022 23:24

What you do if u tell your gf your feelings all the time and then she had one thought of doubting our future and not sure if im the anymore. What should i do?

Neeraj Sharma
Neeraj Sharma - 09.07.2022 16:25

Every fucking word in this vid is a pure gold. You can rewatch it 100 times and get something new coming out of it.

Ratko Pocuca
Ratko Pocuca - 20.06.2022 11:56

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I also thank Google Gods for letting them find you and your videos.

Hershal Jayson
Hershal Jayson - 13.06.2022 12:06

Thank u so much 😭

Eversteijn - 05.06.2022 04:28

Been taking notes and now it's time to put it into practice. Thanks Dan, you are a legend!

Will let you know how it goes ;)

Aaron Wright
Aaron Wright - 19.05.2022 22:27

I have watched a bunch of these kind of videos and all I can say is that you got some straight facts, brother, very good knowledge and organization! Definitely enjoyed the video, thank you for sharing! 🙏 💪

Mystic MP
Mystic MP - 17.05.2022 12:44

I wish I knew all of this before hand... This just shows that a lot of men need help with relationships

Johan Qin
Johan Qin - 04.05.2022 22:58

Thank you!

shubham dere
shubham dere - 20.04.2022 16:36

I want one suggestion regarding with my relationship if she ignores me but sometimes they want relationship bhut sometimes she want friend only, so what can i do sir

Royal J
Royal J - 05.02.2022 09:27

Mein Dan I was going through this same issue and I was doing all the wrong things now I think I'll make that shift and do things right. Good way to learn to be real mein!!

Erick Pena
Erick Pena - 04.02.2022 06:37

Thank you

Alex St
Alex St - 29.01.2022 02:18

Dans advice works, Dans the man

Brian R
Brian R - 15.01.2022 18:10

I use this guys methods and get a horn job every time Dan your the man 🎉👍

Paul Lambert
Paul Lambert - 06.01.2022 17:38

Great video my new gf tested me last night joking she smacked my butt said she hit it better if I had a gerard butler butt and I didn't get mad but said baby you one to talk grow one first .. then come at me we laughed .. I didn't know it was a test I'm so glad I found this video! ;)

Sanathoi Hidangmayum
Sanathoi Hidangmayum - 24.12.2021 14:00

His words r so true that i can agree 💯 really appreciate it man thank you so much

dheeraj kapoor
dheeraj kapoor - 24.11.2021 22:10

This is a great video!!! One needs to execute these ideas in the right manner !

DeBo - 27.10.2021 18:37

This is the video I needed. This is my first real long term relationship and things are definitely upside down right now. Seems my approach has been completely off, this video gave me the exact insight I needed. Feeling 1000 times better about my relationship 👌🏿

Methembe Keith
Methembe Keith - 17.10.2021 07:50

Yoo I really needed to hear this before it was too late

Zhafran - 15.10.2021 16:35

Hey Dan, a few years ago I watched a lot of your videos - and it resulted in me getting an amazing girlfrend. But I made the mistake of not continuing to watch your videos. Now I hope it's not too late for me to fix my relationship by bingeing your videos...

blown voice coil124
blown voice coil124 - 25.09.2021 13:44

Hey Dan this advice really opened my eyes!!Now my question is do i tell her I'm learning more to become a better man during our rough patch or do i just do it!thx again!

starwarsfan 54
starwarsfan 54 - 06.09.2021 20:44

Yknow you suck at life you come to this video...yeah that goes for me too, cry it out men, cry it out

Ivan Sergeev
Ivan Sergeev - 18.08.2021 21:09

I am grieving that I did not find this video earlier. I could avoid mistakes and pain. Fuck. But on the other hand, I now know what is worth paying attention to. What really matters and which mistakes I can make. I am 20 and I hope to build a happy healthy relationship in the future.

Jim - 15.08.2021 08:16

Dan you are an inspiration to all. I've learned more from you in one year vs 58 years of life. BTW I have found the woman I have been seeking for a long time. God Bless you !!!

jacob malet
jacob malet - 06.08.2021 02:36

These comments are amazing… I really need help guys 😭 my relationship is going down hill so I’m glad I looked this guy up, I need more videos for sure cause the girl I’m with is special beyond anyone I’ve ever met and we have already broken up once… and now she’s getting close to wanting to break up again and I’m not giving up.. it’s so stressful but I like when he said to not let fear control or set the relationship… so I’m hoping by watching more of his videos I can use these and get her back to how she needs and wants me to be…

Lee Michael LaCrosse
Lee Michael LaCrosse - 24.07.2021 08:51

I have met the most amazing woman in my life we have been together for two months and slowly my insecurities and my obsession with making her happy is taking a turn for the worst I’m afraid she’s gonna leave almost every day these videos have helped me so much it’s time for me to play the masculine role and not act so emotional don’t know why I decided to share this but I really appreciate your videosI truly think that I can salvage this relationship by taking your advice thank you again

ticka360 - 14.07.2021 02:49

Help me a lot thank you

Zachary Croyle
Zachary Croyle - 30.06.2021 09:27

Wish I would’ve watched this years ago before I made all 5 of these mistakes!

Marvin Aidoo
Marvin Aidoo - 29.06.2021 20:29

Dan I’m 21 years of age and my S.O is also 21 too; she’s some months older than me. Is it possible for us to get married someday

Mr. Kenichi
Mr. Kenichi - 24.06.2021 12:23

I’m currently struggling in my relationship and realized how much I didn’t understand the concept of one, thank you so much for this video this helped me view a whole new perspective and has given me hope

blex187g - 18.05.2021 05:47

My girl and I were in a rough patch. She was moody often, and we seemed distant from each other. I watched Dan’s videos and started to implement his tips. One week later and she’s texting me more than ever. She’s offering to buy me clothes. She’s being more affectionate. And she’s not as moody as before. Even when she is moody I just laugh it off and make a joke out of it. For some reason that makes her be nicer to me the whole day!

Wina kabika
Wina kabika - 13.05.2021 00:44

This makes so much sense. I really wish I came across this video a while back. I've made some many mistakes, but I believe I can make things right with my current gf in our relationship

JaxkBoy Lee
JaxkBoy Lee - 04.05.2021 13:13


Krikor Karagyozov
Krikor Karagyozov - 29.04.2021 20:24

HUGE THANK YOU ! Me and my ex are now back together . And thats because I listened to you , Dan . I do not follow up the no contact rule and I'm glad I did so ! You helped me a lot ! Cheers !

Andrea Lomeli
Andrea Lomeli - 29.04.2021 03:17

As a woman watching this. I feel like I understand myself better 😂😅 and also how to treat my man better 💕
