Destiny 2: Why you NEED to beat the Legendary Campaign, & How to Do It!  | Witch Queen

Destiny 2: Why you NEED to beat the Legendary Campaign, & How to Do It! | Witch Queen

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Ian Favel
Ian Favel - 05.09.2023 02:02

Using polaris lance thru legendary. Just started playing for the first time since 2018 at the end if forsaken before the first annual pass. The harder difficukty is more fun.

Void Knight
Void Knight - 25.05.2023 19:50

If you already reached the soft cap you can wait for the next expansion to get to soft cap early

Cristian Alvarez
Cristian Alvarez - 11.05.2023 03:12

I didn’t get the rare gear set after beating the campaign on legendary. Am I missing something here?

CAMERON JEFFRIES - 01.03.2023 14:50

You are completely Trippin you forgot about Osseo Strega you are really Trippin. I don’t care how many so if you got this gun is melting in this legendary campaign

Baran Ozcelik
Baran Ozcelik - 19.02.2023 23:01

Hi guys I completed the arrival on legendary however I never received anything?

Nyles - 16.02.2023 16:58

Newlight here, literally first booted up the game 4 days ago, I don't have the DLC but I have access to The Arrival mission. Went into this and definetely felt like I was not yet supposed to be here but kept going. Eventually after quitting the game once and wanting to lower the difficulty (but that meant doing the entire mission from the start, so I decided to stay on it) I managed to kill Savathun in the first mission. The fight itself lasted for about half an hour and I was so proud of myself. Until the line "This seemed a bit too easy no...?" You can imagine the look on my face.

But lo and behold a cutscene plays and I literally screamed with excitement.

THAT IS until everything played out and I found out you have to complete the entire campaign on legendary, not just the starting mission (which I thought I only had access to because I am FTP) to earn the rewards. Yeah, no. Miss me with that for the next 6 months minimum.

Greg Makamian
Greg Makamian - 13.02.2023 20:07

What if you're a new player with no exotics? Should I even try legendary mode?

Inevitable - 07.02.2023 04:48

If you run through legendary on a second character do you get the exotic drops again

- Gibby
- Gibby - 19.01.2023 23:16

Mf when I'm a gambit only player and my warlock friends drag me through legendary and then I find out that it's the second hardest mode. As a hunter.

Realcountry98 Gaming
Realcountry98 Gaming - 18.01.2023 09:34

I am going to beat the legendary campaign by myself even though everyone says it’s impossible even my family but I will do it

Francis Xavier Paragoso
Francis Xavier Paragoso - 04.01.2023 23:57

So it's supposed to be played by teammates? No wonder at the first witchqueen campaign quest i wasnt able to finish it i only got to the boss with 3gold bars of health and he has invisibility state,it was easy killing him the problem is the other mobs shooting at you nonstop special the ones that throw cannon or fire i eventually quit after like 10 tries

Don Draper
Don Draper - 28.11.2022 03:54

omg youre just talking about weapons how about you try and actually TELL US WHAT TO DO IN THE MISSIONS AND WHAT THE MISSIONS AREEEE

Double Click
Double Click - 02.11.2022 04:53

i was really into the original destiny back on ps3.... now i came back to it after so many years and i gotta say the legendary difficulty option is great. it finally feels like im not an immortal bullet sponge that somehow always manages to survive everything no matter what. im actually dying this time around and when im careless i get punished for it. its great

Homnix HD
Homnix HD - 18.10.2022 02:07

I literally used 2 linears one the arby sandwich and then my bxr once i got it amd last linear is the taipan

Homnix HD
Homnix HD - 18.10.2022 02:04

Just finished solo

Grim - 16.09.2022 03:42

I’m raging right now I can’t get past the arrival and I’m 1540

SenatorHentai - 08.09.2022 20:08

I’ve been using the vow, mostly because I like using hand cannons with my hunter

Jairo Gonzalez
Jairo Gonzalez - 03.09.2022 09:12

I did the whole campaign in legendary and I didn’t get any exotic rewards at the end 😐

Tyler Stewart
Tyler Stewart - 23.08.2022 02:56

Starfire protocol/Well of radiance/empowering rift + classy restoration = ez mode

RigbyBetta - 07.08.2022 04:14

The very first restricted zone is making me cry, I take down the big boss guy, then like 70 more fat fucks appear from everywhich direction so there's nowhere to recover health n shit, it's painful

Dredgen Gam
Dredgen Gam - 31.07.2022 05:35

I'm just an idiot that likes a challenge. No one actually needs a guide to beat the legendary campaign... Right? But the why is obvious... Better rewards = hard to resist.

El sin nombre
El sin nombre - 13.07.2022 21:22

As a new guardian and very little knowledge I would like to know if this is doable or if I should just stay clear

Simon Jack
Simon Jack - 27.06.2022 05:10

Personally you should only do the legendary campaign if you're not 1520 and if you are unable to complete legendary or Master lost sectors in terms of the which Queen Exotics. So if you are over 1520 and you already have every exotic armor available there's no reason to do legendary missions.. think about it if you're going to sit there for hours and hours to do legendary missions for nothing you clearly need to get your head examined what's the point of completing something that you already done on normal for zero Rewards..
Personally we shouldn't have one revive per person we should have the champion revive system that we have in Grandmaster! Limited revives does not make activities challenging it just makes it f**** annoying. It's just like when you study for a test and you keep telling yourself that you can't fail you can't fail you keep saying that to yourself you're going to fail either way. It's the exact same thing when you're doing an activity that has limited revives you are going to keep telling yourself you can't die you can't die you can't die you're going to end up f**** it up because that's all you are thinking about!
Something I really want to point out the first time I experienced legendary missions I instantly thought about division 2 legendary mode unbalanced content with constant bullet sponges on every corner enemies taken tons and tons of ammo just to kill one enemy.. bullet sponge enemies are not challenging enemies personally if you are 1570 you should not have to go through a f**** modifier that lowers your power that is totally stupid! I hope Bungie listens to all this because as we know they already announced that the lightfall expansion will have a legendary mode!

NoLimitJio - 25.06.2022 04:15

😭waping broly level

jackson jones
jackson jones - 22.06.2022 07:14

Dear fallout I’ve been looking for this seasons new exotic, and I’m troubled because it seems the only way I can get these warlock boots is by their lost sector day. I’m an impatient man, and would prefer to grind it sooner. Does completing the legendary campaign give me the choice of any new exotic? Updating season to season? Thanks, love the ideas in general,

Hieu Le
Hieu Le - 20.06.2022 06:11

is the reward over with? Just finish the legendary solo didnt get any of the reward.

Clems - 12.06.2022 01:32

The legendary campaign is f’n crazy, each mission takes easily over 2 hours, absolute f’n NIGHTMARE for a returning player like holy shit I didn’t know I bought a dark souls game….totally not cool especially when the normal mode doesn’t give you shit

Alistair Cross
Alistair Cross - 01.06.2022 22:55

The difficulty solo was pretty good. Any added fireteam members feel like it's a little too easy, though.
I got through crutching on DMT, though, so take what I say with a grain of salt

TroyDa Sickunt
TroyDa Sickunt - 27.05.2022 17:39

Can you do the campaign on normal difficulty all the way through then change it to legendary for the last mission and still get the exotic armour?

ColMustard 1820
ColMustard 1820 - 13.05.2022 05:07

Very hard when you have zero friends to play the games with

Caped Baldy
Caped Baldy - 01.05.2022 21:43

Sixth coyote makes the campaign easy mode lol

Alex Burch
Alex Burch - 01.05.2022 11:07

Alternating between Riskrunner for the arc damage lightning chain and izanagi’s burden has helped me a lot. Then I just use a legendary bow/SMG when I’m running either or. Boss fights I’ll either use Izanagi or Gjallahorn. Usually have to die a few times though to get a feel of what weapons are best though. Legendary has more then lived up to the hype of some actual difficult fucking content so props to Bungie

Kazumane - 28.04.2022 03:32

Ty dude ty vm for the info

I'm not Rick
I'm not Rick - 25.04.2022 18:27

Is it worth buying the 30th anniversary?

SevvForShort - 19.04.2022 17:22

I soloed the witch queen campaign on legendary for the Loot. For the final mission just kill two of the witches and then just poke her when your inside her bubble.

I just use anything. I used Mytho any primary and any rocket or grenade launcher with vaporal

facer339 - 13.04.2022 09:09

After playing the campaign on legendary difficulty on my warlock, I have come to the following conclusion: Legendary solo play is over tuned and NEEDS to be nerfed. Period. It's more at a Grand Master difficulty, not legendary difficulty.

Eric Alvarez
Eric Alvarez - 11.04.2022 01:42

How can I select legendary campaign? I saw the screen upon booting up the dlc hit circle and now I can’t find the option for legendary campaign

Sean Farrand
Sean Farrand - 10.04.2022 13:49

I enjoyed soloing legendary except for Sav. The fight is just boring and annoying. The bubble that makes her invincible unless she is in a certain range was the most annoying mechanic ever.

Juan Saucedo
Juan Saucedo - 03.04.2022 18:53

Where do I get exotic armor I finished it solo on legendary but have not gotten any exotics man

baniguy - 02.04.2022 22:21

So any exotic gun. Got it.

R A - 01.04.2022 08:18

Goddamn that voice is monotnous

Biggerm - 30.03.2022 01:26

Got nice exotic gauntlets with a crappy 46 roll. So disappointed!

Derek Alvarado
Derek Alvarado - 20.03.2022 19:59

The legendary campaign was fun I just don't like the token idea kinda kills the mood

Ser walker of the Keynes
Ser walker of the Keynes - 19.03.2022 23:03

I grabbed one of the new purple scouts from wellspring, has a perk that let's it match any elemental shield type whilst always being void..

Adding the barrier mod for scouts this season makes its a very good pick for higher tier game modes, keeps the range and messes up ALL shield types.

Room Admin
Room Admin - 15.03.2022 23:24

lol...what exotic to bring...well guardian..."BRING EVERYTHING"...and throw moar grenades (in Shaxx voice) hahaha...kidding aside TYVM for the vid Fallout!!!

Kyle farts
Kyle farts - 15.03.2022 00:21

This is no help

ViktoRize - 13.03.2022 00:47

Hardest Beat Ive Heard Today

Ramiro Rodriguez Jr.
Ramiro Rodriguez Jr. - 12.03.2022 14:37

Do u need to own the expansion to get the rewards

Henry Kenick
Henry Kenick - 12.03.2022 01:24

I’m going full cowboy here. Solo is the best way to play story missions
