What Is An Ethnography?! UCLA Anthropology Student Defines + Shares Examples | Cultural Anthropology

What Is An Ethnography?! UCLA Anthropology Student Defines + Shares Examples | Cultural Anthropology

Alivia Brown

2 года назад

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@cominglegend9994 - 26.08.2023 18:57

Love from India ❤

@jabeen1766 - 14.08.2023 07:12

I am am finding difficulties in understanding "experiential ethnography ". Somettimes its seems like participant observation method of fiel study like positivists and sometimes it is more like phenomenology like GEERTZ tick culture description. Plese help what it is really. Love and peace ❤

@Brythonic_Silures - 11.07.2023 02:30

While studying anthropology in community college, I initially knew nothing of ethnography, my interest was more heavily focused on archaeology. Funnily enough I realized later archeology is really a multidisciplinary field that definitely approaches the study of extinct cultures the way an ethnographer would with a contemporary culture. Since then I have been deeply enamored with ethnography and love the field.

Eventually, I realized all sorts of ethnographic or ethnohistorical material on extinct European cultures has survived up to the present day thanks to ancient historians like Tacitus.

The De Origine et situ Germanorum by Tacitus(56 A.D.-120 A.D.) for examples is one of my favorite ancient ethnographies on Pre-Roman Britain/Roman Britain and the Celts and the Germanic demographic of continental Europe at the time of Domitian's reign when Tacitus was still writing De Vita Agricolae and Germania.

Sense then I have collected many ethnographic works on many cultures including Winifred Blackman's The Fellahin of Upper Egypt and who in my opinion should be just as well known as Margaret Mead.

@Theo_basilea - 04.05.2023 11:17

What do you think of multi-sided Ethnography ?

@RapidFireToaster - 13.04.2023 15:19

I've been considering doing ethnography for my masters as a sociologist and I have to say, I greatly appreciate the way you explained this.

@sekyereisaac3291 - 27.01.2023 12:42


@WilliamCarterII - 14.11.2022 06:06

Hey! 4th year anthro student at CSULA just down the street. UCLA for grad school. Much love! Keep it up

@hlobend2111 - 18.10.2022 05:58

Have you read the Chronicles of the Narvaez Expedition? Cabeza De Vaca could have easily gotten a degree in the study of all you are mentioning amoung cultures , people and customs. Thanks.

@nadinecontreras8566 - 15.09.2022 19:14

what's your focus in anthropology and what are you planning to do

@aibikenurlan2786 - 26.08.2022 23:16

Hello, l am 16 years old, and l want to be an ethnographer. But the problem is that in the future l might not be able to research some ethnics that l am interested in. For example, ethnics in Afghanistan attract me. However, it is very difficult, or even almost impossible to go there. As l know, an ethnographer have to talk to leader of village, where people live in almost full isolation from modern life and have to collect much information about that nation, culture, observe their traditions and main celebrations. Possibly, l won't have that opportunity to do the research in Afghanistan. Should I just focus on other ethnics in the future? Because most members of ethics of Afghanistan live only there, in Afghanistan and l won't be able to find members of nations, that we can meet only there. Do ethnographers have got such problems? What do you think?
Sorry, if l have got mistakes)

@lovelysmith1794 - 25.08.2022 01:46

Got it.:

@nishanthchauhan827 - 10.07.2022 05:45

Hello Alivia brown Can you please explain the difference between ethnography and fieldwork in anthropology or participant observation method ?

@albyfoster2921 - 01.02.2022 02:42

Great, easier to understand than in class! Thanks so much! You deserve more subs

@davidjuarez9009 - 05.10.2021 05:05

The first Ethnography I read was Argonauts of the Western Pacific and I loved it. It was like reading a novel but more exciting. (I love your channel)

@vivianvk4545 - 04.10.2021 21:28

Such an informative video Alivia, and great book recommendations! Take care <3

@cherfoster2447 - 04.10.2021 05:48

This is excellent! I'm actually going over Ethnographies this week in my class, so perfect timing!

@matthewcrome5835 - 04.10.2021 02:43

Ethnography is what really interests me in anthropology, so I'm always excited for videos like this! Keep up the good work! I have a question- for sensitive subjects like the San Diablo Valley ethnography, are the subject's names/identifying information changed?

@tatiad378 - 03.10.2021 19:40

Thanks for these recommendations! Love your channel ♥️
