Gone for a CB Oz. Forever leaving my 34inch mezz max short.
ОтветитьLove my DF3
ОтветитьI may have missed it but what shafts are in all of these putters?
ОтветитьSweeper is still good his right elbow needs to be closer to his side! Look at his right arm in all other strokes versus sweeper. Fix right arm with sweeper he would be money.
ОтветитьYou also never talked lie angle and looking at his miss I think he needs to be 67* lie angle. Looks like you did that before this part. What lie was he?
ОтветитьDude didn’t like the 2.1 yet makes every single putt with it 😂. Sounds like me when I first tried 2.1. Needless to say I’m playing the 2.1 right now.
ОтветитьI went old school after fitting.....The DF 2.1 worked the best.....Love my space ship.....
ОтветитьGreat job on your video!
ОтветитьSo with the oz1 you said with 0 shaft lean will result in more of a left miss then with 2 degree lean?
ОтветитьJust got fitted for df3. Oz comes off too hot for me
ОтветитьWhy No link?
ОтветитьHis alignment is left of the hole but nice to see a fitting I imagine you can only get at lab hq.
ОтветитьHe’s wearing shorts and he’s wearing green got it
ОтветитьWatch the kid in the background at 11 minutes and 40 seconds. He hit the golf ball and then let the club go and then the club stayed on his golf bag as if he set it there. He looks like a whiny little brat. He literally keeps tossing his club every shot he plays
ОтветитьLooked like ball position was super inconsistent.
ОтветитьMess max with TPT shaft is ridiculous pricing. Almost 1k for a putter. For 1k, the putter better make every putt. That's right, it's a human operating the club. $399 for a putter shaft. Average golfers can't afford stock prices from LAB.
Ответитьproblem going with LAB is nobody near me has all the heads to test and get fit for. They have 1 or maybe 2, no armlock and no sweeper. Shame. I am stuck with sweeper DF3 or Mezz max, but who know what head is best and no way to test each.
ОтветитьHe’s not a good putter. And simply hitting balls without moving feet is too robotic to get a good assessment.
ОтветитьIt's funny he discarded the armlock for distance control. If you hear Bryson talk about his putting, he always says the armlock helped him the most with distance control because it takes the hands out of the equation and he can control the distance just with his swing length. I personally think when people talk abaout feel in distance control is because they try to do it with their hands and not with the swing length. Big mistake there discarding the armlock so quickly I think!
ОтветитьI was remotely custom fit 2x, first was for the DF2.1 about 3 years ago. couldn't get on with the size of it and sold it. Last Summer it was the DF3. Sent in my video and they recommended a 72 lie angle. I went with a 36 in. counterbalanced and heavier head. at 5'6" i choke down about an inch or so and get the full counterbalanced feel. got the NN head marking and LAB SS 3.0 17 inch grip. By far the best putter ive ever gamed and ive been playing nearly 35 years. key is getting the correct lie angle otherwise you're throwing your $ away. It takes any manipulation of your hands out of the stroke, and only focus on speed and line of the putt. My DF3 isnt leaving my bag, unless LAB comes out with an insert version like the OZ1i.
Ответить“Rotate open to closed…” with a Lie Angle Balanced putter?!?!
ОтветитьI got a custom DF3, upgraded accra shaft, with the heavy weight option, and i'm really struggling to get the ball rolling end over end... ball jumps off the face wobbly which is really throwing me off, and i'm also struggling with speed control. Did I make a mistake by getting the heavy option???
ОтветитьI went to my local golf shop today and tried every LAB model after one hour I went with a used DF 2.1
In perfect condition. Changed the grip back to the OG grip and cleaned it up. I can’t believe how easy it is to putt..Can’t wait for the weather to get better here in TX… I should have listened to the guys at my local store earlier lol..
You don´t have ALL the models. The LINK1 is missing
ОтветитьGreat video. Putter fitting is as much chemistry as engineering. And practice.
ОтветитьWhat’s up with the yahoos in the range in the background? 😂
ОтветитьWould love to get one but without being able to try them it's a difficult decision
ОтветитьI like the idea of the counter balance but I'm not sure where I would be able to test one in person with the OZ1 head. Most fitters local don't even have the stock ones in yet!
ОтветитьI got the DF 3 last season. Such a good putter.
ОтветитьSo are counter balance shafts longer? I went to the website and the shortest counter balance shaft length is 36. If I play a normal 34, what's my counter balance shaft length?
ОтветитьGuy in the background hitting balls is pure comedy
ОтветитьI think the mezz is the only one I could stand seeing in the bag lol
ОтветитьIf consumers keep paying ridiculous prices for these clubs they are just going to keep going up in price! Clubs aren’t magic. You can’t buy a game. Practice is the only thing that shaves strokes.
ОтветитьAwesome video showcasing the LAB lineup. Thank you. shout out to the club drop guy. What is the shaft in the CB Mezz Max that you recommend?
ОтветитьDoes anyone else think this the tool didn’t give a shit about what this dude had to say? He was trying to inform him on labs tech and all he wanted to do was talk about himself and if he was making putts
ОтветитьHow much does a counter balance with a heavy head weigh?
ОтветитьHis alignment is always left/open.
ОтветитьBro needs to fix his alignment cause hes start aiming far left and just pushing putts
Ответить7 to 10 in a short space of time, this is where the new handicap system is useless.
ОтветитьI’m the opposite, inside 10 ft I can’t make shit w armlock, 20-50 ft w armlock my speed control is amazing. I’m going from the Odyssey #7 armlock to just purchasing a DF3, I can tell after putting a few hours w it, I’m going to have to get good w speed control outside 15-20 ft from being used to the armlock. I just wanna make more inside that distance and hopefully that’s what the DF3 will do
ОтветитьLove the full comparison. When he started testing the sweeper you can see the shoulders are open and sweeping is going directly on the line it's hit. Need to work to square shoulders and a way to do that is to point the left elbow at the hole (or line hitting) and sweep using a shoulder turn.
ОтветитьAmazing video and thank you for the in depth comparison of each LAB putter. I’m the same handicap as Blair and I’m the guy who’s bought a ton of putters and can’t find one that I like. I get fitted next week for LAB and I can’t wait
ОтветитьI wish they had analytics for each of your putts, so then you could see what the best putter is for you
ОтветитьLAB is "signing" 10 handicappers? Sign me up.
ОтветитьAlso check out their second use outlet putters for a bit of a discount!