Now almost 15:$1.00US
ОтветитьCitizens are also part of the government everyone have to play his part to build a healthy nation
ОтветитьIt isn’t entirely the Ghana government’s fault: Ukrain war, OPEC cutting oil production, the US $ (the international reserve currency) has been artificially strengthened by the US Federal Reserve which has also driven down nearly all other currencies but especially the currencies of underdeveloped countries.
ОтветитьOf course, the real problem is that Ghana doesn’t have much to trade to generate the balance of payments between what Ghana buys from other countries (machinery, pharmaceuticals, electronics petroleum, etc.) and what Ghana sells abroad. There are smart people in Ghana but most people barely have even a high school education. When only the wealthy elites have access to higher education they continue to perpetuate the elite class into business and government. Those people aren’t interested helping ordinary people - only themselves.
ОтветитьGhana needs an FDR now more than ever (Franklin Delano Roosevelt). Instead Ghana has a neo-liberal who believes if the rich keep getting richer, the money will “trickle down” to the poor.
ОтветитьWhen a ship at sea needs to stop or change directions, it can’t just immediately stop and turn. It already has a lot of momentum to overcome first. If Ghana didn’t want what they have now, they should have changed course years ago.
ОтветитьIt's not only Ghanaian who are stuffing it's a world wide crisis we just have to pray and ask God for help because it's only God who can help us now and not the politicians they need help themselves 😀😀
ОтветитьWe was in Accra in 2019 year of return. The government need expand and do more business with the Diaspora. They need to open up and make it easy for Ghanaian and Diasoprans to do business with each other almost 2 billion dollars for just tourists from Diaspora alone. Institute a cultural for visitors to pay for up keep of cultural attractions and stop making the decedent's of the slave trade pay to see where the ancestors was torture killed and taken away. No one pay to go to the cemetery. Ghana need to invest in solar and wind. Ghana need to get more control over business investing in Ghana. Africa produces alot of trash wast that can be recycled and some use to create methane gas and methanol products that can fuel buses and cars and trucks that can save millions in renewable energy. I like Ghanaian chocolate. One of the best in the world 🌎. Can't get it here in the states. Peace and one love. Rich needs to pay more. 😊 thanks
ОтветитьGhana is the only Afrikan nation which has discarded its national currency for the American Dollar...
Until that ill-advised practice is gotten rid of, the pursuit for socioeconomic stability will remain a fleeting illusion.
Look it is not only in Ghana but all over the world everyone is suffering from high inflation and rising prices Africa is not exempt. The globalists tried to kill us with the pandemic that didn't work now they want to finish us with world wide inflation
ОтветитьLet God reigns
ОтветитьThank you for reporting on this!!!
ОтветитьWe love you dear keep it up
ОтветитьWhen we follow the ways of our colonial masters we will have the same problems that they have. But if we follow what is right. A society made for the people by the people. Then we will have a society without those who go without. We need to demand a new social contract.
ОтветитьSo many people are now willing to leave and work outside.
ОтветитьThe leadership is real bad and Ghana has all those Chinese loans they have to pay back. So, for the people, you are in bondage. They will be paid back off your backs. Then also, your leader is a western puppet.
ОтветитьThe solution may be for investors to resettle in Accra and bring in resources and business opportunities. I'm currently in UK, recently submitted for voluntary return to Accra...hoping to hear something back very soon 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾.
ОтветитьDedollarised your economy and things will be better. Also stop relying on government
ОтветитьThat’s what I asked a few months ago. How is there no violence worth the increasing prices. It will ultimately result in anger and anger leads to violence.
ОтветитьGood work Mrs Acheampong. I see a very strong Woman Warrior.
I am currently in the U.K. but plan to come to Africa next year to start implementing my plans to create jobs and development opportunities for the youth in Nigeria and across africa
I was about to go put for my daily prayer walk but I saw this video and had to stop to watch it because these are the topics that are dear to my heart.
ОтветитьGhana has made record profits in fuel.The profit at the end of the year should be around 1 billion.
Someone needs to ask,were is that money,going to go.
Ghana is not falling apart, Ms negative. Accra is not all Ghana so using Accra to gauge all of Ghana is the most naive thing to do. To begin with, the current situation of hardship in Ghana is a combination of sabotage by opposition NDC MPs who at the onset of this government vowed to make Ghana ungovernable because they lost power and the behaviour of some Ghanaians themselves who take advantage of situations to overcharge their prices
ОтветитьIt's not easy
ОтветитьIf a country or people is just consuming then when the price goes up then they will feel it tomatoes can be grown in Ghana but you will import it rice can be grown in Ghana cooking oil van be produced in Ghana but they are importing it they must look to produce what ever they can produce themselves at home every patch of land must be use people who has a home on a patch of land must look to grow what they can on that patch of land instead of looking to pave over the land
ОтветитьLuv this video keep it up
ОтветитьGreat content!!!!! We need more of this✔️✌️
ОтветитьYes inflation is happening everywhere. In the U.S. things have gotten rough. However, in my opinion, the rate of inflation in Ghana is even more alarming. I was there a few weeks ago. In the middle of buying rice the price went up 5-10 cedis, at all of the shops when I was at Madina Market. My friend contacted me a week later and said the rice we bought for 540 went up to 830.
ОтветитьGhana is trying,inflation is worldwide,the most important thing is we are not killing each other.
ОтветитьWhen @realwarripikin visited Ghana for her show and lamented that the country was too expensive, Ghanaians retorted that Nigeria's Naira was worthless and that's why she had the impression Ghana was expensive.
Surprise, surprise—one of their own Juliet Ibrahim is whining today. They'll now accept it as true.
Anna i love your reporting I love your family but please i beg, you have a big following and i love how you highlight the problems in Ghana but this problem is worldwide and i think it’s important africans should know this, the reason why i say this i am a civil servant based in london and i had to witness last week a woman having to loose 2 of her children to the system due to what the government says is neglect but i perceive to be poverty her working several jobs and not making ends meet also they questioned her mental health but what i see is stress caused by every day living she left africa at 17 and has been here for about 18 years she’s dreams of going home but she is stuck unfortunately this is not an isolated incident i see everyday africans without documentation living in poverty you would not experience in africa on top of that their dignity taken away i see people with documentation struggling due to the economic situation complaining about the same problems ghana is having. Africa has problems they have rampant corruption it needs to be highlighted but worldwide problems need to be stated as problems worldwide it’s wrong no it’s dangerous to not make africans aware of the challenges happening abroad if they want to leave i don’t think they should not go but they need to be prepared for the challenges they are going to face.
ОтветитьStarting a cooperative village might be good. They have done well in the states, and I believe there are a few on the continent. Many arrive there trying to go it alone, but setting up a community with the right people could be beneficial. The co-op can buy land with a natural water source, raise and grow their own food. If developers from outside of the country can set up eco-villages in Africa, you all can too. It helps to think community, instead of trying to go it alone. That's what developers do. Check out LivetoLearnLearntoLive. "It takes a village."
ОтветитьThanks for the great job. Your channel has a huge future.
ОтветитьYou do good work sister Anna, God bless you. ❤
ОтветитьStop this negativity. Holland and Europe is going through the same issues with protests going on. Ghana will be ok
ОтветитьExpensive expensive everewhere
ОтветитьThat why I like Anna she keeps it real… 😊
ОтветитьThere is inflation almost everywhere in the world , the government need to reduce the suffering of the people.Also in Nigeria, prices have skyrocketed, the crisis in Ukraine is also a contributing factor coupled with Corona crisis affected the economy this year.
ОтветитьUnfortunately Ghana isn't no different than any other country on the Continent. The Government's are steady getting rich from their Country resources while the every day citizens are suffering from inflation and low wages.
ОтветитьPlease leave Gh a lone
Its not just Accra or Ghana, Anna. The whole🌎is in crisis. Babe, we have to be smart and strong. I stayed at the hotel on your Thumbnail, very nice.
Ответить❤❤ Love your Channel 🎉🎉
ОтветитьThanks for this excellent video cute face ❤
You are soooooo cute looking baby
Accra is over hyped
Move to other regions buh don't stay in capital town
Go inside village ❤
You came in to make videos of Ghana, you're making money, profitting from Ghana and it's people and now here you are Cursing us.
You leave the "falling apart Country" and then come back for more content,
Did Ghana fall apart before or after you came to live here.
I reject all Curses from you and others in Jesus name, Amen.
Think about your words