I was searching for all command combinations in reading logs to extract an info. this video is great.
ОтветитьAwesome video! Please don’t stop making Linux, bash, ethical hacking related videos. Thank you. Subscribed!! 😊
ОтветитьOne word.……….…………$Π¶€®
Ответитьthank you so much for this tutorial it helped me a lot with understanding of cat, grep and sort.
Are you able to tell me what this command would do "cat -rf ~/syslog | sort | grep -iaE -A 5 'cpu[1-7].*(7[0-9]|8[0-9]|100)' | tee cpu.txt" specifically the numbers after cpu which seem to me like it's a time stamp
thank you this is very helpful
Ответить16 th field from experience still blow away
ОтветитьYou sir are incredible at teaching
ОтветитьAwesome tutorial on cat and grep, Thanks...
ОтветитьGreat info and an enjoyable watch 👍👏
ОтветитьHi Sir, I have a log file which I cannot see after the command cd /var/log Please give me some suggestions thank you
ОтветитьGold sir 🔥
ОтветитьFrom description: > "I show you how to filter information from a .log file, and you find out just how important strong passwords really are."
i always wondered that pattern matching has smth to do with password security, but then i thought, you have to have passwords to apply pattern matching on 'em right? 'cz the password input field of a site doesn't accept regex, and generating exhaustive strings from regex doesn't help either...
so, what are scenario we are imagining for talking about regex in context of secure passwords?
Simple and straightforward ❤
ОтветитьConcept explained well in a short video.
Ответитьfrom the ip addres can you find out their location ?
ОтветитьThanks! That was informative. The only thing I would have done differently is flip the order of uniq -d and sort. Less items to sort after uniq filters them out.
ОтветитьI am checking this video 3year after upload. The video tutorial is on point and clear.
ОтветитьGreat introduction to the topic, a few things that i think are worth mentioning, once people have learned the commands that were being demonstrated:
If the logs your using have a variable amount of spaces between columns (to make things look nice), that can mess up using cut, to get around that you can use `sed 's/ */ /g` to replace any n spaces in a row with a single space. You can also use awk to replace the sed/cut combo, but that's a whole different topic.
uniq also has the extremely useful -c flag which will add a count of how many instances of each item there were.
And as an aside if people wanted to cut down on the number of commands used you can do things like `grep expression filepath` or `sort -u` (on a new enough system), but in the context of this video it is probably better that people learn about the existence of the stand alone utilities, which can be more versatile.
Once you're confident in using the tools mentioned in the video, but you still find that you need more granularity than the grep/grep -v combo, you can use globbing, which involves special characters that represent concepts like "the start of a line"(^) or the wildcard "any thing"(*) (for example `grep "^Hello*World"` means any line that starts with Hello, and at some point also contains World, with anything or nothing in-between/after). If that still isn't enough you might want to look into using regular expressions with grep, but they can be even harder to wrap your mind around if you've never used them before. (If you don't understand globbing or re really are just from reading this that's fine, I'm just trying to give you the right terms to Google, because once you know something's name it becomes infinitely easier to find resources on them)
Now dump all the unique IPs into a text file, and run nslookup on each one. $50 says they all are located in China or Russia. At least %98-99 of them. At least that's what I always end up finding.
Ответить😊 great videos 👍 thank you!!!
Ответитьyou don't need cat, just use grep "string" auth.log also, you instead of cut, just use awk '{print $11}'
ОтветитьThanks.. very helpful and will be using this as a reference from now on
Ответитьnice , except cut -d " " -f x not working for me , i will dig durther to figure out why..
ОтветитьMuy buen video, gracias por compartir, saludos desde México
Ответитьthanks for the amazing video
love it <3
Thankyou this video was exactly what i needed
ОтветитьGood vid, thank you
ОтветитьTo filter .log files using cat, grep, cut, sort, and uniq commands, follow these steps:
1. First, open your terminal or command prompt.
2. Navigate to the directory containing the .log files you want to filter. You can use the 'cd' command followed by the directory path. For example:
cd /path/to/your/log/files
3. Use the 'cat' command to concatenate and display the contents of a .log file. For instance:
cat your_log_file.log
4. To search for specific lines in the .log file, use the 'grep' command. For example, if you want to find all lines containing the word 'error', you can use:
grep 'error' your_log_file.log
5. If you want to extract specific columns from the output, use the 'cut' command. The format is 'cut -d delimiter -f fields'. For example, if your log file has columns separated by a space and you want to extract the first column, use:
cut -d ' ' -f1
6. To sort the lines alphabetically or numerically, use the 'sort' command. For example:
sort your_log_file.log
7. Finally, to remove duplicate lines from the sorted output, use the 'uniq' command. For example:
uniq your_log_file.log
By combining these commands, you can create a pipeline to filter .log files effectively. For instance:
cat your_log_file.log | grep 'error' | cut -d ' ' -f1 | sort | uniq
This command will display unique first columns from lines containing the word 'error' in your_log_file.log.
ОтветитьThank you!
Ответитьsir can we use awk instead of cut?
ОтветитьFor compressed files, zcat zgrep
ОтветитьThx. Very helpful.
ОтветитьYou could configure fail2ban not only for sshd but also for nginx requests to catch 400-404 errors.
Ответитьthis one is one of the most helpful tutorials out there that show how powerful grep and pipe are. Thanks for sharing that and I hope you make more cool stuff.
Ответитьawesome video
ОтветитьWithout changing directory how can we do
Ответитьthis is exactly what I was looking for and even more! thank you so much!
ОтветитьIf I wanted to count the number of times that each unique instance showed up. What would I do for that? Would I do the unique and then do the word count for each instance by using grep for that specific phrase?
Ответитьhi do you know how to copy log file from cowrie honeypot is on?
ОтветитьI’m on windows and I’m currently tasked with finding stuff for a log file they gave me
ОтветитьThanks for this one. Helped a lot
ОтветитьOne of the best video walkthroughs of all time.
ОтветитьThank you for making learning for my university studies much easier!
ОтветитьYou try to access his server you will have your public ip posted on internet