How to make a VIRTUAL INSTRUMENT for any DAW

How to make a VIRTUAL INSTRUMENT for any DAW

Sanjay C

3 года назад

47,560 Просмотров

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Sanjay C
Sanjay C - 11.10.2020 15:26

The competition is FREE to enter. You can use my free instrument too. Watch the video!

Ugene gareth
Ugene gareth - 09.05.2022 08:59

;;;;; 2Esdras 2: 29 -100 ;;

Shroomy - 04.05.2022 21:38

now i can make my own rhodes plugin and sell it... for FREE!

Yunarin Piano Studio.
Yunarin Piano Studio. - 04.05.2022 18:27

I tend to use ableton racks when I'm prototyping a sample library. I love the flexibility compared to SFZ players

Craig Rodmell
Craig Rodmell - 11.03.2022 01:25

This was fascinating! However, I don't think I'll be replacing my Roland RD-2000 any time soon (it has many Rhodes sounds in it that I love). I'm watching this much too late to take part in the Giveaway anyway. However I think the idea is great! For people who don't have an RD-2000 or equivalent hardware instrument, this could be a game-changer. I'm having a look at another wonderful freebie, Decent Sampler. Cheers, and thanks for making and posting.

Krisztián Volentér
Krisztián Volentér - 05.03.2022 16:46

Looook at the desk. Compressor is again in the background😎

Asm Kawsar
Asm Kawsar - 07.11.2021 00:43

wow explained such wonderful way!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Mike Moonman
Mike Moonman - 30.09.2021 07:48

This is dope!

saierwe - 17.08.2021 20:25

Serendipity, I came here looking for how to make a vst, but what I found is a free bag full of gold bars... 😍😍

Philip Joshua
Philip Joshua - 27.06.2021 16:03

Thanks for the video Sanjay...😍😍😍😊

I hate you
I hate you - 02.06.2021 01:11

I like to Sound design gfunk style presets
Synth leads and thicc basses. always wanted to put it into my own vst 😢😢😢

Wamauro Dentes [boka loka]
Wamauro Dentes [boka loka] - 15.02.2021 01:30

Great info here. And nice voice/diction. Thanks for share the knowledge.

Sampath Korna
Sampath Korna - 06.01.2021 19:41

I want indian instruments samples is there any free plugins please help me

Pong Trometer
Pong Trometer - 26.12.2020 01:00

thanks so much for your generous knowledge for introduction to plugin creation .

mrfuzztone - 17.12.2020 10:17

I like the Sanjay's Rhodes piano Chorus Pro sound. A good sounding inexpensive virtual piano.

AlpoMusic - 14.12.2020 19:00

Ty this is exactly what I was looking for

Andrew Reeds
Andrew Reeds - 22.11.2020 07:53

One heads up for Windows users who wants to code an SFZ file: In the sample section, you will need to type the location of the samples in your computer in order for it to read the file.(Eg, C:/Users/Name/Desktop/Samples/Piano-C5.wav). And you will need to drag the wav files along with the SFZ file onto Sforzando. :)

pepeflores2003 - 28.10.2020 19:09

Nice video Sanjay! It would be great if you could make a video explaining the whole process to convert wav files to sfz files and how to use them with Roli Equator synth.. :) Cheers
