The Race to Build the World's Tallest Wind Turbine

The Race to Build the World's Tallest Wind Turbine

Tomorrow's Build

11 месяцев назад

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Jimmy D
Jimmy D - 19.09.2023 13:09

To me this is just human stupidity. "Bigger is better". How about smaller and more efficient? I would not like to be around when one of those massive wind turbines fails, and they will fail, it is inevitable.

Taylor No
Taylor No - 18.09.2023 18:34

Climate change is a scam

Ionor Rea
Ionor Rea - 18.09.2023 06:09

As far as I understand, larger turbines have higher minimum wind requirements to even move due to the weight of blades and subsequent increase in friction of adequate bearings involved, thus they need to deflect wind at higher blade angles to somewhat compensate which also increases demand for structural strength thus weight while maximum rotaton speed must be lower as there is limit on how fast can tip of the blades turn before impacts from foreign object even just water droplets start causing too fast degradation just by speeds of impact involved. So, it's not exactly as if the bigger sail is always better but more like bigger sail mounted on the heavier car with thicker tires with more resistance, in consequence, there won't be as many places where such large wind turbines despite usually higher winds at higher altitudes would make a return on investment, unless these places experiencing strong winds often...
As even larger wind turbines will generate even more noise that will through wind turbine structure transfer underwater, these things can also negatively affect marine life while ships folloowing the footsteps of submarines that due to electrification and ducted propulsion become quieter.
If the technical challenges of XL wind turbines can't be solved on the budget, these monsters of the sea may become legends few will see with their own eyes during their short testing phase...

Heron - 17.09.2023 14:06

I wonder if it would be practical to equip tethered airships with wind turbines and position them at altitudes of several thousand meters, where the wind is steadier and more reliable. They could simply be reeled in for maintenance.

jaswinder kaur
jaswinder kaur - 16.09.2023 15:00

Quintillion and quintillion dollars business

J Hill
J Hill - 12.09.2023 20:38

The big question is what to do with the damm things when they wear out. There is no recycle method that anyone wants to pay for. Solar or wind. Safe nuclear is here and it's the answer.

Alfie Rieckhoff
Alfie Rieckhoff - 08.09.2023 00:39

Going to kill off our bird life. 😡

Доктор Ларкен
Доктор Ларкен - 08.09.2023 00:00

Why don’t they just use sky hooks?

That was supposed to be sarcastic and kind of a joke, but I realized there’s people out there that still believe the Earth is flat and they would propose hanging up from a dome lol

Edit: there’s a company that produces a big ass fans. I honestly thought it would be that company.

I don’t know if that’s the name of the company big ass fans ? However, when traveling through America visiting different warehouses they have the fans suspended and it literally says big ass fan it has a donkey on there to somebody out. There knows what I’m talking about.

And I’m pretty much burnt out on hearing about climate change and going green when at least 80% of the world isn’t doing it and they don’t care not to mention countries like America attacks big oil , when their grid can’t handle the majority of people having an electric vehicle! Not to mention countries like China and Russia are capitalizing on utilizing oil and coal!

The planet will be fine , however, it may reach a point where it sucks to live on this planet, but the planet goes through cycles! Imagine America spending trillion dollars in the next 50 years or whatever it is going green and they’re the only country that’s going green meanwhile, Third World countries haven’t modernized whatsoever let alone reach their version of the industrial revolution! But it’s OK. They need to go from having no power grid to having one and it fueled by green energy! And nobody wants to build a nuclear power plant that’s what kills me!

But the engineering for these things are awesome. Could you imagine trying to recycle those though or change out a new blade?

Gary KP
Gary KP - 07.09.2023 15:26

A massive waste of time

Elizabeth Winsor
Elizabeth Winsor - 07.09.2023 11:06

The affectation in your voice makes me not want to listen
....just so you know ....

Robert Bonobo
Robert Bonobo - 07.09.2023 07:17


Brian Hawkes
Brian Hawkes - 07.09.2023 03:58

Why are you worried about climate. The climate does what the climate does, we can no more change it ,than we can turn down the sun. All this climate change business is to get the money from you to the people that run our governments.

David Walker
David Walker - 06.09.2023 01:45

Stating 14% more or other figures is pointless if you don’t give a number..14% of what?

Hugh Jaass
Hugh Jaass - 05.09.2023 21:01

Sure hope the bigger ones have elevators to the top. Google how many steps are needed to climb in a normal turbine.

Louis - 05.09.2023 12:34

Why the hell you keep in stretching out your words art end of every sentence.
You speak wiered

csl - 05.09.2023 12:23

the race to build the tallest waist of money...

fu3k_Muhammad - 05.09.2023 07:24

Think of the Birds 🐦 ... to save the environment we're killing millions of birds a year 😢

M Masterton
M Masterton - 05.09.2023 02:04

Complete waste of time and resources. Never invest in this nonsense.

Andy Johnson
Andy Johnson - 05.09.2023 00:03

Massive amounts of R&D needs to go into recycling the wind turbine blades ASAP. The same with solar panels.

Paleopal - 04.09.2023 16:17

We wonder if this windmill concept will ever generate enough electricity to pay for itself. In the contest between efficiency & economy, economy always winds out.🤣😂

CaptainNutzlos - 04.09.2023 10:47

Its just not working !! since we shut down the last reactor here in germany prices have gone through the roof! 2000 one 1kwh was about 20 cents now you pay between 40-50cent a kwh !! For every windmill you need a backup powerplant, thats why its so expensive....🙄

WokeYtube.1-1 - 04.09.2023 09:08

Green garbadge.. I start to get sick when i see this garbadge everywhere down the road and sea.. Its bullshite

Alfian Duta Krisnadi
Alfian Duta Krisnadi - 04.09.2023 08:14

Amazing & Best Of The Education Wind Turbines Of The New Energy In Future

Tom Miller
Tom Miller - 03.09.2023 23:32

No matter how many wind turbines and solar farms there are there will still be climate change. 🙄

glenn alexon
glenn alexon - 03.09.2023 19:28

Big Ben is the clock, not the tower that houses it.

cs46901 - 03.09.2023 19:20

Imagine how much CO2 we'd save our planet from by eliminating half of these overpaid under worked politicians jobs..... imagine how many homeless people you can feed with the money saved. ....

Crypto Play
Crypto Play - 03.09.2023 17:45


Brym Stone
Brym Stone - 03.09.2023 15:35

if blade size really is an issue, why don't they just build industrial-strength vertical turbines?

iscadean - 03.09.2023 12:51


I wish I lived in a free country
I wish I lived in a free country - 03.09.2023 12:35

What so you can kill even more birds, use more concrete as a base and destroy an even larger area when they collapse while creating even more unrecyclable and environmentally toxic waste. Wind turbines are among the worst possible ways of generating electricity from an environmental perspective...

Mark Jakims
Mark Jakims - 03.09.2023 12:20

Talk about ignorance !!!

Matthew Smith
Matthew Smith - 03.09.2023 07:58

capable of producing
but how much does it produce?

Pukes - 03.09.2023 01:08

Pointless... they're better off with nuclear energy.

Patrick - 02.09.2023 20:03

More future waste that cannot be gotten rid of!

ClaudeMagicbox - 02.09.2023 18:22

There can't be any "fight against climate change" because the climate changes on it's own in Superior Cycles and many Lower Cycles and has done this many times in the past 2.5 billion years passing from ultra-dry to ultra-moist to ultra-cold climates Cycling over and over
Being these Superior Cycles hundreds of millions of years long nobody has obviously ever experienced more than one or a large shift, considering a single person capable of living for all Sapiens-Sapiens history, from the Stone Age till today, this person would have witnessed only about 4-5 Lower Cycle changes within the same Superior Cycle with just average temperature and weather changing a bit.
We are currently living the end of a Lower Cycle, begun roughly in 5000 BC, within a 100 million year long Tropical Superior Cycle... it is naturally changing and will take roughly 300 to 500 years before initiating a serious shift that could last a few million years toward the first Lower Cycle of the next Ice-age Superior Cycle.
Mankind's ability to influence these cycles is null, at most by bringing our emissions to absolute zero (all over the planet), we would reduce overall emissions of Co2 by 5% just slightly slowing down the natural Lower Cycle (95% of Co2 is input into the atmosphere by volcanoes... you think you can put a cork in volcanoes??).
Stop this POLITICALLY motivated bullshit please.

David Yersz
David Yersz - 02.09.2023 13:03

What a fkin waste of time and money wind turbines ANOTHER GLOBAL SCAM

Leo Fortey
Leo Fortey - 02.09.2023 06:55

Horrible structures. Why make them single use? Why not add apartments to them? Such a waste of energy creating these pointless structures with short life. They are NOT GREEN people!!

Euro Wars
Euro Wars - 02.09.2023 03:00

Super tall wind turbine = monopolised energy markets which exclude the little guy = centralisation = communism

BS - 01.09.2023 21:48

I love wind turbines; they are beautiful and graceful and I enjoy being able to see them from my home. But if the problem of the degradation of the leading edges can't be solved, they'll never be a permanent part of the solution.

Xelthia vice
Xelthia vice - 01.09.2023 16:22

lol wind energy....

sjow - 01.09.2023 14:54

In my opinion wind turbines is a cultural thing they are essentially monuments, modern day pyramids. Few

Superdavo0001 - 01.09.2023 12:19

Ngl as much as it'd be less efficient I wish there was at least one of these behemoths on land, as an attraction & demonstration if nothing else. It'd be incredible to see such monsters in person!

Shane McShane
Shane McShane - 01.09.2023 02:18

I didn't know there was a "fight" against climate change. Physics doesn't fight, it just is. We can fight amongst ourselves. Maybe that's what you meant?

Dawn Elder
Dawn Elder - 01.09.2023 01:53

More dead whales and destroyed farmland and forests.

Nemophilist - 31.08.2023 21:55

What a waste of resources.

Dave Is Great
Dave Is Great - 31.08.2023 20:03

Amazing that people think this is clean energy. The cost for materials, tooling, machining, designing, building, transporting, erecting, maintaining and doing it all over again yields a shit ton of fossil fuel use not to mention the flammable oil, that's right oil used to keep the motors lubricated. How do you people think they are designed built and transported? Do you think a green leaf floats buy and does all of this? How about those giant trucks that have to transport them along with the giant machines that have to erect them and assemble them? Do you think they are powered by vegan grains and pronouns? No, they are powered by Diesel fuel and in some cases JP7 and JP8 which is jet fuel. You wanna be a leafy bellied green loving fossil fuel hating pansy? Well, turn your attention to China and India for they are the worst countries on the planet for fossil fuel use!

halburd1 - 31.08.2023 12:35

lame and dumb idea. duh lets put a huge wind resistance item on a really tall pole. what will happen duh. not to mention the expense of it will far out weigh any gain acheived. another idea from the same people - hey lets cover the ocean with dirt to grow more food,

LocoMexican - 31.08.2023 11:18

Watching a group of migrating birds fly over or through that would be amazing
