My Realistic Full Day of Coding & Designing - Frontend Software Engineer

My Realistic Full Day of Coding & Designing - Frontend Software Engineer

Gyasi Linje

2 года назад

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Millionaire Mojo
Millionaire Mojo - 01.08.2023 00:44

Man bro that’s awesome, it’s not too many of us in this field. Awesome video bro 🙌🏼

Raging - 04.07.2023 16:55

This is so unbelievable for someone who knows nothing but construction working since school.
Im currently trying to study to front end development but i always ask myself: when does the actual "working" start?
And by the looks of it...this is prety much it. Talking to the customer, collegues and then code for 4 hours.

OJoao - 19.06.2023 19:23

Does anyone know how the UI/UX designer and front-end job market is in Italy?

Hakan Yavuz
Hakan Yavuz - 26.05.2023 23:29

Hey Gyasi, do you may have an email that i can contact you?

Joshua Wade
Joshua Wade - 06.05.2023 21:04

This was a wonderful video. I am in the process of taking a bootcamp style course. I've been trying to decide if I want to do something with web dev/graphic design/ux design as a career... Or if I want to go informatics/data analytics/gis and remote sensing. It was nice to see some of the structure you follow in working on a project and I could potentially see myself doing similar creative development work at some point. Much like you I think the design of something is just as important as the functionality. I want to be able to bring both design skills and coding together! Anyway, nice stuff! I will definately sub your channel!

Selene Juliàn
Selene Juliàn - 02.05.2023 06:13

This was so good

Swine Fat
Swine Fat - 08.01.2023 07:24

Talk is cheap, show me the code

Tenebrae - 29.11.2022 15:36


Ahmad - 25.11.2022 22:54

For a second I almost forgot this was a frontend day of a life and thought I watching a tech gadget review

Kamran Abbasov
Kamran Abbasov - 05.11.2022 18:03

anyone has his live wallpaper link?

Thomas James
Thomas James - 04.11.2022 00:25

Everyone does the coffee b-roll in every day in the life video I notice.

Tah J Alex
Tah J Alex - 16.10.2022 04:18

Finally a day in the life video that actually shows you what is happening, what you’re coding!!!

Marcus Walker
Marcus Walker - 06.10.2022 23:47

Good stuff thanks for this!

Justabagel - 03.10.2022 02:16

I took a ux Ui bootcamp, now I’m debating doing a full stack bootcamp. I know it’s going to be difficult. I think I’m going to do it though.

RAD aimzGT
RAD aimzGT - 15.09.2022 08:00

What app do you use to get the position of where you want your txt or border to be, I need the help for a project

Bria D.
Bria D. - 07.09.2022 22:16

How are you able to code on one computer and see the result on the other?

krisvsworld - 11.07.2022 06:00

thank you so much for this video!!!! I am a beginner coder, brand new. I've been working on a free code camp javascript lesson and plan to do as much I can there. There is a huge mystique about coding and a lot of the "day in the life of a coder" videos don't do much to pull the veil back. I really appreciate how you broke down your day in detail, and described what you were actually doing. It is massively helpful for someone knew. Subscribed!

Joseph Torres
Joseph Torres - 15.06.2022 23:41

Hi Gyasi, love your video man, I find myself getting stuck in the design phase waaaay to long and then I forget about the logic that I need to use for the project. Have you encountered that and if so what did you do to go around that? Better yet, I get so stuck on the perfect font, color, font size, border-radius, icons... you know what I mean. Its hard to get past that point because Im a perfectionist and its not always a virtue.

VJ - 24.05.2022 07:38

Hello brother, I'm from India can you tell me STEM exam is required to get admission in web development associate degree(2 years degree)? I don't know that much about STEM Exam can you please tell me ?

Ultimaq - 04.05.2022 00:46

Dude...I feel so attacked...
TUIs are beautiful in their own right my dude 😢

Adam Hamwandi
Adam Hamwandi - 21.03.2022 21:05

This is so helpful :) thanks a lot :) I was thinking about something to ask you , what is different between front end engineer & developer ?
Also how to go from developer to engineer in the front end path ? :-)
Keep up the good work and respect to you

BTno - 31.01.2022 08:46

hour work 45 minutes break broken up! Like clockin in to a 8hour 9 to 5... KewL!!

Chuck Tilly
Chuck Tilly - 16.12.2021 07:25

Did you just snub terminal UI’s? Bro!

S M - 13.12.2021 20:11

Glad I came across this while considering a career change and also glad to see the classic Mclaren F1 art on the wall!

David Kiarie
David Kiarie - 06.12.2021 00:25

nice video, but too long sponsor product reviews

Jessy - 03.12.2021 01:14

I really relate to not remembering what axis justify & align work on. I swear I google it for every project lol

Opas Onucheyo
Opas Onucheyo - 30.11.2021 20:24

parttttttttttt 2!!!

Justanotherbrittamy - 29.11.2021 06:19

I’m interested in getting into this career field but I’m not sure it fits my personality type.

enjay86 - 27.11.2021 02:43

When you have super wide screen, but the whole VS Code is spread to max width and you constantly look to the left :D

NAKULOW - 26.11.2021 19:09

What laptop you used?

Jacoby - 24.11.2021 09:51

i like to support, but lose me with the Ipad, and Longitech

Belladonius Monk
Belladonius Monk - 19.11.2021 21:57

I'm not impressed with your fancy coffee.

Vukosi Nsamba
Vukosi Nsamba - 17.11.2021 10:59

What languages are you coding in?

Argzon Haziraj
Argzon Haziraj - 11.11.2021 16:33

Now, being a fullstack UI Designer and fullstack developer seeing you looking constantly at the keyboard and having default vscode theme thats a definite no 🤣🤣
Keep up the good work man, just joking

lopezfam - 11.11.2021 12:18

Dios te bendiga y Dios bendiga a Todos los que estan leyendo esto! Deseo que tengan un hermoso dia! Buscad a Dios mientras pueda ser hallado! Jesus es el camino y el unico camino y regresa pronto! Recuerda cuando te sientas que no eres amado... el mayor sacrificio se hizo por amor! EL SUICIDIO NUNCA ES LA RESPUESTA!

Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna.
S. Juan 3:16 RVR1960

La paga del pecado es muerte (infierno) pero Cristo pagó nuestra deuda en la cruz para nuestra salvacion! Debemos volvernos a Dios y apartarnos de nuestros caminos pecaminosos, confesar que Jesús es el Señor y creer con nuestro corazón que fue resucitado de entre los muertos por Dios, y  debemos de ser bautizados en el nombre del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo y vivir por Su palabra y mandamientos! Confia que Dios ayudara con el resto!

Busca a Dios, antes de que sea muy tarde! Hoy podria ser tu ultimo dia en la tierra!

Que tengas un hermoso dia!


lopezfam - 11.11.2021 12:18

God bless you and God bless anyone reading this! Hope you have an awesome day!  Seek him while you can! Jesus is the way  and the only way and he is returning soon! Whenever you think you aren't loved... Remember the ultimate sacrifice was for love! ENDING YOUR LIFE IS NEVER THE ANSWER!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16 KJV

The wages of sin is death (hell) but Jesus paid our debt on the cross, for our salvation! We must turn to God and away from our sinful ways, Confess Jesus is Lord and believe with our hearts that he was risen from the dead by God, and we must be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit and live by His word and Commandments! Trust that God will help with the rest!

Seek God today before it's too late! Today could be your last day on earth!
Have a blessed day!

Antonella Preuss
Antonella Preuss - 10.11.2021 02:19

I love that you went to CSS tricks to remember that, I feel good knowing that you can have a job and still need to check some things. I would love a part 2!

Tech Tips
Tech Tips - 08.11.2021 17:21

Are you on LinkedIn??

Pat Kie
Pat Kie - 08.11.2021 10:24

Full day of... Logitech Logitech logitech

Rage In The Nation
Rage In The Nation - 31.10.2021 08:05

Is it best to go to college for learning all this?

Ahmed Tartour - أحمد طرطور
Ahmed Tartour - أحمد طرطور - 29.10.2021 01:31

I wana make podcast on my chanal by zome meeting

OrincyWhyteDesigns - 24.10.2021 05:00

Haven’t learnt javascript yet so that least bit was alien to me. This project sounds fun and i would def want to see the final thing

fabrice lubin
fabrice lubin - 23.10.2021 07:27

aamzing video

Miragha Roohani Network
Miragha Roohani Network - 22.10.2021 04:45

Great job

Raytech7 - 22.10.2021 04:27

What Camara Lens did you used in this video bro? Great video by the way the tips are great!

AL RaiderNation
AL RaiderNation - 19.10.2021 06:03

Maybe you can answer my question, since no else can. Are boot camps worth it? It’s for software developer.

Rey Ban YAHUAH - 08.10.2021 19:23

Always remember to repent of your sins (sin is transgression of YAHUAH The Father In Heaven’s LAW: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, & Deuteronomy) And Have Belief On Yahusha The Messiah. HE Died and Rose three days later so that you can be forgiven of your sins!

HE Loves you! Come to HIM🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
