Creating Events in Google Analytics 4 Properties

Creating Events in Google Analytics 4 Properties

Google Analytics

3 года назад

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@user-tk2kk3yc2e - 22.11.2023 15:01

Well whatever I do, I cannot get my event to show in my event panel!

@DomiSiki - 01.11.2023 14:45

this doesn't make sense to me. How does Google know which URL a visitor needs to visit in order to fire it as a conversion?

@Guyverfrancis - 01.08.2023 10:55


@YourAddressCoffee - 23.07.2023 16:37

IT is confusing!

@richardjames123 - 23.04.2023 03:12

Google don’t care about users or businesses that have to rely on their products because they’ve monopolised the market. They’ll release a product like GA4 that is not production ready and they will not respond to any queries. Their attitude is everything that is wrong with digital these days.

@jonhth - 22.01.2023 18:25

I created my custom event for monitoring sign ups for my newsletter. I did it in the exact same way as is described in this video. But it does not show up in the events list. Does it take time to populate ?

@EuroParty-np2kz - 16.12.2022 12:51

Google GA4 is the worst downgrade ever!

@topgopnik - 09.12.2022 09:26

This UI is already outdated. GA sucks nowadays.

@EpicGeopolitics - 28.10.2022 15:37

Hi and many thanks for creating this video. I was wondering - when should you use '_' and when should you use '-' in this section?

@kemnaautocenterlivecam1411 - 27.10.2022 16:20

why only 30 conversions pr property?

@exwe - 20.10.2022 13:11

Will that also work with link_classes as parameter?

@jorgemantilla4249 - 29.09.2022 15:21

You insert de ga4 code in all OF your html pages or only 1 time

@websanityseo - 19.09.2022 13:01

Personally I think that either Google have lost their minds on GA4 or this it is a deliberate move to obfuscate data to drive more people into the arms of Google Ads: part of a "give less but take more" strategy from Google.

@akshaymodak6724 - 12.09.2022 11:59

Thank you for this, quite useful! Had a question, how can we do the tracking for clicks? The video only includes for the 'page view' use case. Can someone please help me? Thank you!!

@davisberzins9786 - 10.08.2022 22:07

Can matching conditions be named by custom name? In your video you have "Event_name", but can be named "category" because this name I have in UA?

@WiLDeveD - 24.07.2022 15:22

very useful. Thanks

@KittyHelpDesk - 22.07.2022 00:04

Well, I can't get my created event to show up on my list of events after I create it. I've tried all sorts of changes and it never shows up. I followed the instructions here precisely but it doesn't work.

@HellixEnglish - 17.07.2022 12:42

You say it's easy, but it's not. Please provide details about all the strings that have to be inserted for the event to be configured properly. Note: we have not developed the platform, so we don't have any way of knowing these strings.

@allisonkessler17 - 01.07.2022 06:00

A great intro video. Unfortunately, my page views are not showing in the Real-Time conversion stats. Not sure what to do now.

@zombygunslinger - 17.06.2022 20:45

That worked for me thank you, some comments. I was surprised that the custom event didn't show up in events, you have to remember the name and type it exactly to add it as a conversion. Why not have a dropdown of custom events, or an option to select a custom event and mark it as a conversion. Seems to enter more potential user errors if you're depending on people to remember the exact name of the event and type it. If you could do a videofor a click event for GA4 that would be great also. Many conversion events don't have a destination page.

@alexl9781 - 19.05.2022 10:57

this was the the best explanation. What everyone is missing is the concept of creating an event into the event. Thansk!

@cossouq - 06.05.2022 14:41

how to track ecommerce order tracking page success page in google analytics 4?

@HarmonyWheelerCommunications - 13.04.2022 23:37

We don't have a landing page for our conversions because everything is through an embedded form. How can we track submissions of the form?

@HarmonyWheelerCommunications - 13.04.2022 23:36

So you have to have created an event in order to create an event?

@RavinderSingh-vt2rr - 09.04.2022 14:12

Thank you so much matt for explaining it.

@sistaffers1044 - 24.03.2022 21:08

This was not just possible in UA, but easier and more intuitive.. Where is the 'extra granularity' ?? Give the forthcoming sunsetting of UA I have no choice but to start adopting GA4, but overall it feels like a big step backwards :(

@AttilaCsabaSzabo - 04.03.2022 18:44

Absolute crap, completely NOT TRUE, the interface you guys made the clip from looks NOTHING like the interface us, mere mortals see, the conversions part is completely in a different place, the events are set up correctly, but the conversion doesn't fire.
I understand this is a relatively new product, but seriously, this is not the way to go people, it takes us more time to figure out what the hell can be wrong, and which field in the events configuration screen means what, and what the hell is the difference between "create event", "modify event", which both show another "create event" button, and even though there are several events created already under BOTH of those damn parts, both screens still show NO EVENTS.
I mean come' on... .is this the level at which Google programmers stand these days....
Complete, utter, useless crap so far. UA was waaaaay better, simpler, more straight-forward

@mickprendergast5933 - 26.02.2022 21:21

Didn't work. There is NOTHING that tied to the two together. JANKY ! ! !

@thegrowtheffect - 05.02.2022 00:29

The menu doesn't look like this anymore. 

And there's "extra steps" that are not in this video (such as choose a data stream..?). And for me personally, the event doesn't show after I create it. But if I go all the way back through the setup again, click "create new event", choosing a data stream, I then see the things I've already created. Why doesn't it show anywhere else?? Additionally, there's a character limit on "new conversion event" so I can't even name it the same thing, like he did in this video.

Overall, google analytics is very confusing, and not very intuitive (eg poor UI & UX). It's even crazier trying to find answers and figure out how to get things to work. This video doesn't seem to be relevant anymore.

@sabrinajiang3358 - 03.08.2021 03:04

We have many custom events in current GA. If we launch GA4, do we need to install all of our custom events again ?

@alexgoiea8661 - 23.07.2021 23:14

it hasn't got a year passed and this video is no longer relevant :-(

@zaaax - 04.05.2021 06:04

I did follow all the steps in the video to create a conversion tag/page/marker. Yet when I go to see if it's working through Real Time, I see no conversions for that new event at all. I have screenshots if needed, but where do I show those for you to check out?

@zakaz-direct_ru - 12.04.2021 11:38

Now everyone will create "thank you" pages because creating an event for submitting a form is 3 hours of haemorrhoids.

@ngoctantran4453 - 12.04.2021 00:21

Google Analytics now for people in a Mars ! So terrible when create Goal and conversion for a normal people !

@CarlosJimenez-oh9gm - 27.03.2021 21:14

Cool video, one question.. In order for the conversion to be tracked and seen on GA, Does it have to have the same name as the event? I mean. you created the event "available_homes" and set it up on the "events" tap.. then for creating the conversion, you just hit create conversion and type the same name. Thanks!

@aliabdelaal2505 - 20.02.2021 02:21

can U Explain How To take this Conversion to Call To Action Or call Us Now For Example this call Option on all of Page site not in Specific Page as u said sir !!!!
Can u Explain That or Replying on me here???

@Guilopes99 - 29.01.2021 05:31

If I manually set events for UA and have GA4 set up as well (automatically tracking the same e event) will it duplicate the event count?

@diegofernandosanchezmelo484 - 08.01.2021 22:09

Thanks for sharing! One question, what's the difference between creating events within GA4 and Tag Manager (GA4 event)? I mean, when is better to use one or the another way. Thanks

@David-go4ot - 08.01.2021 21:39

I personally think this is a downgrade and even more confusing. I prefer the way Universal Analytics allows you to setup goals. It was a lot more user friendly.

@OronM - 08.01.2021 13:49

Does this impact the big query export data as well?

@SA-ro4yl - 07.01.2021 22:18

Hi Can we track the keywords which are searched by the users and complete the conversion ?
