Best Starter Themes for WordPress Developers

Best Starter Themes for WordPress Developers


2 года назад

17,099 Просмотров

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Manish Agarwal
Manish Agarwal - 13.09.2023 17:32

is sage theme are compliance with USWDS pattern.

Jeremy Horne
Jeremy Horne - 14.12.2022 23:40

Where are you? No content for eight months.

Kerim Tim.
Kerim Tim. - 30.11.2022 22:52

Amazing video. I'm actually using GeneratePress for my client

Avos King
Avos King - 03.10.2022 00:11

Thanks a lot for this. The point of starting from scratch feels more comfortable for me.

Felix Bertil
Felix Bertil - 21.08.2022 14:03

Isn't _s abandoned? That about FSE in relation to Trellis and Bedrock?

Roberto Corraro
Roberto Corraro - 24.07.2022 20:08

Im in love with your channel

Jason M
Jason M - 30.03.2022 12:54

Struggled listening to this with all the "like" dis-placement, sorry. Other than that, great video, thanks.

Saydur Rahman
Saydur Rahman - 24.03.2022 22:15

Amazing video as always.

Can you please do a video on removing blade from sage theme?

Aykun Cetinkaya
Aykun Cetinkaya - 16.03.2022 10:06

_s with wp_gulp is really good

Wim Andréa
Wim Andréa - 08.03.2022 23:22

Quit the “Like” sickness. It distracts from the content. Lots of Americans are raping their own language with this usage of the L-word. Please don’t be one of them.

Jaiden Kiersten
Jaiden Kiersten - 08.03.2022 09:26

😠 Promo_SM.

Fahim Saqib
Fahim Saqib - 24.02.2022 21:05

great video , i have query i tried vairous web hosting to host my wordpress blogs , but after few months , anonymous post and link append to my blog , how do i secure my wordpress theme from such attacks

nicklas bryntesson
nicklas bryntesson - 24.02.2022 14:41

I used wp-rig a couple of times, and i really like the dev experience with that starter theme.
It takes a while to get into it, since the arcitecture is structured a bit differently than the other starter themes i tried.

Russell Azim
Russell Azim - 23.02.2022 11:53

how i use webpack in my wp theme.

Anton Davydov
Anton Davydov - 23.02.2022 11:34

Thanks for video! Alex, can you make a video about wpdeveloping with vscode? Themes, plugins etc..?

Hardik Dangar
Hardik Dangar - 23.02.2022 09:28

I use sage and its really awesome :)

AVsync LIVE - 23.02.2022 02:52

I believe in a previous video you said you have a fork of Elementor that doesn’t have as many unnecessary div wrappers. Is that public?

Kevin Schmidt
Kevin Schmidt - 23.02.2022 01:46

The only themes worth using now are "Full Site Editing." Currently, there are 52 free FSE themes listed on WP.
Gutenberg is the future here today. Create your website with blocks. Learn and adapt, or go Dodo.

Luke D Harrison
Luke D Harrison - 22.02.2022 22:20

Another great video! Really helpful, thank you sir!

Rob Ruiz
Rob Ruiz - 22.02.2022 21:53

What are your opinions on WP Rig? I think it's awesome.

Mark Adkins
Mark Adkins - 22.02.2022 21:06

This was helpful. I would love to see an extensive review like this.

Ciprian Tepes
Ciprian Tepes - 22.02.2022 19:03

Thanks. Are you still using page builders? I know you were using Elementor but I don't know what's the current trend.

Sabin Magar
Sabin Magar - 22.02.2022 18:56

please upload WooCommerce Theme Development

Adarsh Soni
Adarsh Soni - 22.02.2022 18:55

Hello can you make theme development tutorials for theme like astra, ocean wp how to make such theme
