Discussing Trickster Buffs

Discussing Trickster Buffs

Scott Jund

3 года назад

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@lazarusbooth8898 - 09.04.2021 11:52

They should allow the daggers to stay so you can 99 them kind of like ghostface or michael except..ya know it's one health state

@serioustable8659 - 09.04.2021 11:56

Main Event is more like a sideshow

@enzime - 09.04.2021 12:21

Great idea with the laceration giving you some map control 👍

@deadbeat9482 - 09.04.2021 12:24

Devs are shit, unsurprisingly they made minimal effort to make him even decent. Still gonna feel like a trash huntress. Still gonna rarely ever see a trickster ever again a week after this buff. Pretty good job so far

@Sammy_Scratch - 09.04.2021 12:25

Sorry, repeat please? I was looking at the cat

@dankymcmeme3036 - 09.04.2021 12:30

What is the reason that main event is only usable in a small window? Like is there an actual reason it doesn't work like Myers or Onis power where you hold can onto it?

@MyCrazySideYT - 09.04.2021 13:18

I'm pretty sure this are just band-aid changes to make the killer not feel worthless until they work on something more thoughtful, maybe even including removing knife-removing animations, which is something can't can't just slap-in a small patch

@ForestGrandpa - 09.04.2021 13:28

The charges need to decay or else you risk having old legion in a ranged form.

Please no adding another mend mechanic to compensate for that. >:[

@Thatitchyguy - 09.04.2021 13:49

As long as he is actually fun to play and no longer simply frustrating I'm happy. I don't care if a killer is top tier or "viable", honestly Spirit is the most boring killer outside of hag imo.

@SirButterlegs - 09.04.2021 14:40

Main event should be saved for when you actually wanna use it

@irontarkus6515 - 09.04.2021 14:52

Me: sees changes
Also me: cat

@the1bigbadwolf - 09.04.2021 15:24

So trickster went from depipster to blackpipster lol

@norricommander - 09.04.2021 15:58

I think the best way to address main event is leaving it as is, but making hits trigger it sooner, like half as many shots needed

@bedopskepop7936 - 09.04.2021 16:10

Everyone is complaining how bad he is, and yes thats true. But i believe the devs will take him in the right direction as they are listening to the positive feedback more. And hes still a ton of fun to play and all these changes are both quality of life and buffs except for the increased swap time back. I think trickster without spread and recoil will get much greater results in matches then people realized.

@yourfavmaganda - 09.04.2021 16:14

i knew he was getting buff glad bought him.

@canu7429 - 09.04.2021 16:35

i love your cat

@glipglop1412 - 09.04.2021 17:21

I have no clue how one of the coolest killers marketing-wise came with one of the worst updates possible, especially considering that the pallet-stun perk came with the glitch that makes pallets worthless.

@hamishtate14 - 09.04.2021 17:28

Kitty just vibing 😼

@bweoopee - 09.04.2021 18:19

I think a change that would make him very strong and more distinct would be for survivors NOT lose the laceration meter if they are hit by a basic attack. Might even make him TOO strong maybe

@D1SRUPT0R_AUD1T10N - 09.04.2021 18:33

They should make it so when he injures survivors they don't have that mini sprint burst after getting hit, and are progressively slowed down with the more knives you hit them with. What do you guys think about this? I think that would make him more distinct from huntress.

@geezy12310 - 09.04.2021 20:10

I think you're supposed to use main event before an ambush. Like pre-chase. Maybe slug one guy, spot his partner but run the opposite way. Pop main event then fly back

@SageKennWasHere - 09.04.2021 20:31

They literally didn't change the most important part, his superpower bruh. Nobody uses it, make it so you can use it whenever and so you run faster

@forever_nocturne4146 - 09.04.2021 21:17

I am almost sure that Huntress is about to get the Billy treatment. They are going to nerf her to make Trickster more appealing, same way Billy got nerfed to make Blight more appealing.

@Ziebba97 - 09.04.2021 21:29

mend on knives would absolutely make him unfun to go against. not EVERY killer released needs to be twins tier of boring to play against. I've enjoyed playing him considering 3 of the last 4 released killers were twins, PH and deathslinger, all of which are boring as all hell to play against for varying reasons. ranged legion is not what this killer should be lmao.

@vladspellbinder - 09.04.2021 21:50

The one change I really wanted was for Main Event to not be "use-it-or-lose-it". You basically have to just stop using knives altogether when your power is about to proc because I've never had it actually come up at a useful time unless I do so because the amount of knives you can land on someone is so inconsistent based on where you find them. If you catch them in a dead zone you'll probably land your eight knives easily but if thy are near any tall enough obstacle and they play well enough it might take ten or more knives to injure someone. I feel that his super powered version of his Power actively punishes me for using said Power. Maybe the speed buff for while in Main Event will be enough but as long as it is "use-it-of-lose-it" it needs to be scary for when it procs.
One suggestion I saw said make Trickster move at 120% speed while in Main Event, and if they insist on keeping the "use-it-of-lose-it" aspect then I could see being really fast in it as a good alternative.

Laceration should not auto-decay, at any speed. There needs to be a Mend like actions to remove it, preferably in part but maybe in whole if they had to. One and a half seconds per-knife to make your meter drop by one each time sounds reasonable.

On the Photocard; it shouldn't be able to go from Healthy to Injured, as the whole point of the thing is to make them go from Healthy to Dying. If it was set up so you can go from Injured to Dying that would be fine but from the wording of the update, and because I have no faith in the devs to make smart decisions, I don't think that will be the case and you'll be able to accidentally hit that extra knife so it'll be even more useless. With the "Keep up" changes it should be easy enough to stay within M1 range to not need the Photocard change.

@danarito1837 - 09.04.2021 21:50

I’ve never gone up against a trickster who used main event

@nevinvu2134 - 09.04.2021 21:50

They devs are too scared to make him good lmao. He’s gonna still be shit unless they buff him better than this. It would be fun to remove the knifes, but no it’s too strong for the noobies

@RetryAgainAgain - 09.04.2021 22:10

Anything less than ricochet base kit means that they can't be finished with him, as far as I'm concerned.

@nyukjustacommenter857 - 09.04.2021 22:14

Still pretty sad that Laceration decay is a thing, emphasising ending individual chases quickly

It's not that this isn't going to make him strong, it's that it's not going to make him any more interesting than the other killers. He's still fun, I'm gonna say, but he's not quite going to be so Unique

@krtar4199 - 09.04.2021 23:48

I got the adept on Azarovs Resting Place, I thre 2 knives, but just to see if you could throw through a gap, it wasn’t in chase. I played scummy as shit with no obsession, and it was 45 minute match

@eutrophication845 - 10.04.2021 01:51

Wait what if the survivors do have to take out the blades from their body. Instead of it automatically get removed. That makes so much sense to me rn

@rickygonzalez9040 - 10.04.2021 02:05

Cool changes & all but holy crap fix the pallet stun for the survivors I be hitting them when I shouldn’t lol.

@guybrushthreepwood8174 - 10.04.2021 08:42

Still trying to find a reason why anyone would want to use him instead of one of the other ranged killers.

@tugacralho2453 - 10.04.2021 11:18

I still haven’t understood something and idk if I ever will, why did they add a killer that throws projectiles to inure survivors when we already have, like, 3. The only difference between this hunters and him is his main event, which isnt even strong. The other projectile-based hunters after the huntress had something very unique, which separated them from her, and the Trickster has an ability that activates 90% percent of the time where is doesn’t matter

@Jason-rs2zq - 10.04.2021 15:04

Imagine an animation when survivors pulls the knives out from their bodies one by one.
And as they pull it they scream , revealing their location

@EleanorH216 - 10.04.2021 17:59

scott idk why you're talking when there's a cat in the background, we all know who the real star of the video is

@SAR500 - 10.04.2021 18:15

This is whats wrong with Game Community’s People Be Happy With Devs feeding them shit Which Makes them continue doing shitty shit Yes glad they are making changes but they Make Pitty changed and shitty ones And never hear the real changes the community wants Cause they dont wanna Submit that we Know about their game Much more than they do They wanna Have some sort of alpha Dog Thing going on cause in reality If we Put Monto , Scott , Tru3Talent , Otz In balancing the game would be Much better

@user-fq6tu1dg1h - 10.04.2021 18:32

I read the title as “Disgusting Trickster Buffs” ...

@mytinask1703 - 10.04.2021 18:34

does anyone know some trick to decrease ping

@wanderingmiqote9606 - 10.04.2021 20:06

I've been annihilating everyone with him and they are buffing him? Dope

@mapptann6254 - 10.04.2021 22:54

scott i think you didn't understand why he had recoil, have you tried shooting multitude of knives at a rapid pace from your elbow, it would be tiring. that being said this is entity's realm

@WiiAndii - 11.04.2021 14:31

Laceration decay might be his most confusing aspect to me. Compare this to Ghost Face for example. You can stalk a survivor to 99% from rather far away, and then just do something else without needing to worry about losing that progress. Then, at the right opportunity, you can sneak up, finish the stalking, and instantly down them. Meanwhile, you have to be quick to complete the laceration meter, and all it gives you is a single health state.

@Zjivarra - 11.04.2021 19:19

It’s disgusting to play against now in purple ranks.

@storm1995 - 11.04.2021 21:53

Glad hes getting buffed but it's still 16 knifes to fully down a survivor

@verxizy - 12.04.2021 06:19

They need to fix pallet stun bug and getting hit once the pallet is down-

@leadaj6639 - 12.04.2021 19:00

Couldve done like a cool animation of the survivor pulling knives out of themselves

@ImCroozy - 13.04.2021 19:24

Why can't we just hold onto Main Event ffs

@tgm4650 - 30.04.2021 06:19

Congratulations! You took him off from F tier, and put him directly on E tier! 😃
