WotLK Classic TIER LIST for Solo PvP | Every Class RANKED in Duels/BGs/World PvP

WotLK Classic TIER LIST for Solo PvP | Every Class RANKED in Duels/BGs/World PvP

Skill Capped WoW PvP Guides

1 год назад

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Leonardo Cobiella Quesada
Leonardo Cobiella Quesada - 21.10.2023 20:30

Sorry, but the paladin is the best class for BG in WoTLK, I play paladin repression and I am always among the top three in the BG without hardly dying

Вася Ворон
Вася Ворон - 20.09.2023 01:35

Autor have low 1v1 expirience, thats why: clear unh dk is easy target for ret/preg pala, feral, rogue, hunter and even good warrior on open space without pillars.
Correct 1v1 tier list on arena:
1. Feral druid (insane mobility, much of healing, much control, damage and dodges against melee). If u playing well — u have no counters.
2. Destruction warlock. Can have problems only vs pve rogue/hunter.
3. DK hybrid (blood/unh). Countered by preg/ret pala and feral, can have problems vs strong priest, who able to good kite near pillar.
4. SP/preg/ret. SP playstyle in 1v1 is running around pillar and giving full dots after fear/silence.
Pala is strongest class in melee zone, but very hard to beat casters.
5. Frost mage/sub or combat rogue/MM. Mage and hunters is very strong on open space but on arena with pillars a lot of classes can beat him.
Best way for rogues to 1v1 is low resilence and much pve. Can annihilate target, but when cds is wasted its just a mob.

Dave - 16.09.2023 16:40

Kind of confused about the Warrior ratings. Wrath Arms Warrior is one of the most unbelievably powerful pvp specs in the history of WoW. I've never seen a spec kill more players by themselves than a Wrath Arms Warrior. To think they can't duel well when they can obliterate multiple people at once is crazy. Most unreal burst I've ever seen in arena by far was a Wrath Arms Warrior as well. Tremendous amounts of burst/pressure.

NoOne - 06.09.2023 21:29

Thats right.. Blizzard killed the Warrior

Dreamonology - 04.09.2023 03:04

Beastmastery is pretty competitive if you drop the exotic pet and opt for readiness, same double reset as mm, doesn't need high end arp pve gear like mm and beats most classes with the exception of UH dk that focuses pet with death strikes. capable of high rating in arena, lot of 3k rated bm hunter teams in season 8 on warmane.

just have to play readiness ofc.

Domuii - 20.08.2023 10:57

Fuck man, thanks for this video su much!

Matthew MistWeaver
Matthew MistWeaver - 11.08.2023 13:45

I knew I'd pick Warrior, but I wanna play Retribution and level it up, make some heirlooms to make it quick.

borisxbg - 02.08.2023 15:47

Was considering buying your course, but then I saw this video and how you rated warriors in bg and wpvp and I totally changed my mind :) Thx for saving me some money!

Timbo Slice
Timbo Slice - 25.07.2023 18:29

No resto druid? I top healing charts in every BG... tossing hots on melee classes as they charge into battle, wild regrowth, and kiting skills to keep you at the edge of battle. Not so good in arenas and in world pvp is just fun to frustrate opponents and run away when you get bored.

Mike Hill
Mike Hill - 22.07.2023 19:11

Just starting the video but i remember on warmane wow (private server) i absolutely killed it in warzone pvp and dungeons with an enhancement shaman. Its an absolutely op class when played right.

dustypan83 - 11.07.2023 04:37

I was still they took away rdf. Subbed the first month left.

Jovan Radakovic
Jovan Radakovic - 17.05.2023 17:10

You havent been kited by a good ele in front of orgrimar around a rock and it shows hahahaha

Windwalker - 12.05.2023 08:30

this isnt a tier list

Jale Far
Jale Far - 21.01.2023 10:47

Rogue is not good for bgs... tbh playing melee sucks in battlegrounds as they are just cannon fodders for casters unless they have some pocket healer. As sp I always focus rogues. Dot them and they just have to cloak very early. Disarm their dance while they are trying to kill your healer and it's most useless class in bg.

Boduo Xu
Boduo Xu - 12.01.2023 19:17

I totally disagree with warrior, arms warrior will have the mobility issue but not for prot warrior at all. prot warrior 2 chase and 1 to ally are very mobile, combined with many cc abilities can really chase and control most classes. I can successfully chase down frost mage with a prot warrior but rare succeed in arms warrior.

Brad - 23.12.2022 21:13

Rogue is hugely overrated in this video, there are many classes that you won't be able to burst down and they will rip you a new one, Shamans, really good Druids, Hunters, Mages, Warriors

corruptsolja - 23.12.2022 15:55

def wrong about world with enc sham

Cpayne - 07.12.2022 10:20

My main is Balance. I made a dot n hot reliant build. With stealth and instant casts, ambushing in WPvP is basically like a ranged rogue so it's cancer. And when you put in Engi and items with flight form it basically makes me never lose a fight in Northrend.

James Over
James Over - 27.11.2022 08:42

Fantastic content

Imbawim - 13.11.2022 10:07

Fire Mage > Frost
