Getting Started with Module Federation

Getting Started with Module Federation

Jack Herrington

4 года назад

5,653 Просмотров

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@benjaminahunanya7851 - 12.12.2022 09:48

I have watched most of your MFE tutorials and I keep watching out for one which you would actually deploy these MFEs to different servers and see them couple together
but I have not seen, we are trying out MFE and deployment of this has become a choker.

@rucklerful - 15.03.2022 23:13

hello Jack, in our app right now we are using CRA, i wanted to ask if you think its possibile to use module federation with CRA also

@sonalipurwar9855 - 08.10.2021 00:54

This is really helpful. Clarified all my doubts.

@darksxd - 19.07.2020 22:56

this is super cool!!! thanks Jack
