Jordan Peterson - Men Who Are Nihilistic And Arrogant

Jordan Peterson - Men Who Are Nihilistic And Arrogant

Clash of Ideas

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@PORYGON9001 - 22.06.2023 06:13

How many words do you know?

@PORYGON9001 - 22.06.2023 06:13

Arrogant that's a star wars word

@PORYGON9001 - 22.06.2023 06:11

I was here first lmao

@PORYGON9001 - 22.06.2023 06:10


@PORYGON9001 - 22.06.2023 06:10

I'm thinking on the fly

@PORYGON9001 - 22.06.2023 06:10

The truth is better in myself than God

@PORYGON9001 - 22.06.2023 06:09


@PORYGON9001 - 22.06.2023 06:09

Arrogant he's just a bitch

@PORYGON9001 - 22.06.2023 06:08

Who can say they know themselves if they are holy?

@PORYGON9001 - 22.06.2023 06:08

I am holy you shall be holy

@LeeAdrian777 - 31.08.2022 14:23

In an ideal world Jordan and Alex Jones would be able to converse. It would break the internet and save the world 🌎

@sers499 - 25.08.2022 00:01


@ivan5844 - 10.08.2022 09:32

Man who are not nihilistic are stupid because life is meaningless.

@CR-xr7xp - 05.07.2022 04:51

The thing is, you won't find many people defending nihilism. So it's easy to critique. JP categorizes nihilism in a completely alternative universe to somebody who doesn't believe things have meaning.

This lecture goes all over the place and for many just proves that there really isn't any meaning to why we are here.

Society has been fabricated and produces it's strongest advocates (JP). It also produces the in-between and those who reject it's one sided instructions on how to live.

The interpretations of Dostoevsky's words which JP uses as examples, are open to interpretation. A nihilistic individual does not see his writing as a critique of utopia, but more proof that there isn't any reason why we are here.

There isn't just one way to live a life. You can be a nihilistic and it's honestly ok, where we have failed is listening and acting upon societal standards.

@rickwyant - 02.06.2022 22:55

Your talking negative nihilism. There is a positive aspect to nihilism. For one it's completely , objectively true.

@mennehgambia1962 - 19.05.2022 09:19

Yeah its all mental masturbation here, its about reward pathways, yeah some are more rewarding as the stimulation is higher when there are more neurons involved than before to access the reward, aka when a task is harder or slightly more complicated but the reward is also proportionally larger, it will be more rewarding. Its not rocket science

@gayfrogs4206 - 27.01.2022 14:31

That “dusty evsky” guy sounds intelligent asf

@nattyboop4 - 27.01.2022 00:44

Unfortunately, now we have gender studies and teachers are fired for not meowing at the student who identifies as cat. The best living world yet mental illness on a rise. Pleasure island and the masses are totally too arrogant to care. As Dostoevsky says, it's literally insane to be pursue rationality in this world. But some of the greatest minds are drawn to do so, as it is their purpose.

@Olivia-W - 02.10.2021 16:01

This is beautiful.

@johnink2quill776 - 12.06.2021 13:38

This is a good talk. It's brilliant.

@CSHager - 09.06.2021 17:02

I am a nasty, hateful, disgusting individual personality-wise. I'm not a mean person, I will not mistreat anyone or anything, I love my son dearly but I have no use for other human beings.

@gritlup2089 - 26.03.2021 09:04

We give meaning to things. That doesn't mean life is meaningless neither is there a reason to give meaning to anything. Something completely antecedent to nihilism and religion.

@stephenhogg6154 - 16.02.2021 17:33

Strange title! Why this title? Obviously, the Underground Man is arrogant, but that's hardly that important.

@SonofTheMorningStar666 - 30.10.2020 12:25

Isn't this hack braindead? Good riddance.

@BuenRumbo89 - 13.05.2020 06:16

I listen to Peterson talk about these writers and think, Damn im a dumb fuck...

@ljupcetrninkov4602 - 24.02.2020 15:26


@CharlieJulietSierra - 01.01.2020 05:01

If you actually believe this nonsense you kill yourself. Otherwise you are a fool with nothing to say anyway. Or you can seek truth with all your heart. John 14:6 is a place to start.

To act without clear understanding, to form habits without investigation, to follow a path all one's life without knowing where it really leads; such is the behavior of the multitude.


@ferrariscuderia4290 - 25.07.2019 12:38

Forget happiness! Just make as much money as you can, it will keep you busy and enable you to deal with the misery which life is. Nihilism is the only sane constant!

@OlJimbo - 24.03.2019 12:56

Burn nihilism all you want j. The fact remains that any asshat in the 21st century could have have outwritten any religious text.

@timelessperspective - 21.03.2019 09:11

Really incredible lecture clip

@lilwinged5291 - 17.03.2019 16:39

One of the most popular chapters in the bible is 1 Corinthians 13 .. do not be arrogant, proud , boastful, rude , ect .. then Jesus gives a way out of that insanity by taking on His very likeness through the power of His spirit. Although the flesh is quite comfortable in that state of negative behavior, they are the most loneliest of souls . Through sufferings is where man / woman is humbled to want to take on a new character, However it takes often many different kinds of sufferings to humble the arrogance in a human because they are not only arrogant but without mercy although they're shown it daily by the fact they are still alive and breathing. But God in His great love doesn't give up on the arrogance.. He always gives a way out for HE IS THEE WAY OUT .. behavior modification only goes for so long until it the reappears with a vengeance of more intensity. I pray the arrogance in man / woman be healed. , delivered and that they can harness it , and pull it's reigns to a better character in thyself . Yeah I also didn't see the help in understanding mans arrogance in this mans speaking. Interesting but no help . I did however glean from the comments .😁

@MsDebbiepolak - 01.01.2019 16:27

People cannot handle living by truth and living a meaningful positive life!

@JohnBradleyOsborne - 13.12.2018 05:31

I am so ignorant. Tell me more.

@wanderingwatcher3981 - 11.12.2018 16:49

I don´t think Utiopia is impossible. A lot of people are content with their lives.

@AdolfStalin - 08.12.2018 17:32

Nihilism and Arrogance are ubermensch.

@diemanner7164 - 08.12.2018 15:07

Schopenhauer was the most influential person on Neitzche but you don't ever mention him, do you?

@thedolphin5428 - 27.11.2018 14:02

The thing, Jordan, is that present day capitalist consumerism preaches an equally false path to utopian happiness. It's only a post-war, modernist, rightwing, economic rationalist mirror of the old communist manifesto. Both are false promises to keep man enslaved.

@kevinclary828 - 26.11.2018 21:10

It's a shame to see someone try to monetize his complex and nuanced message by selling "Gender Blender" t shirts. Really cheap and poorly done merch at that.

@parkerjeans5777 - 24.11.2018 13:54

People on their phones and the people on their computer with tabs open disgust me

@rainraihan9681 - 13.11.2018 14:09

I generally would agree with the soundness of this video, however, it makes the assumption, from my observation, that all men respond "lazily"/non-adaptably in the face of the insanity out of their own, controlled free will.

(imho) if there is a desire for a man to hunt, holding his prothetic arms out of reach (systematically) and expecting he will adapt to the agenda of survivability "somehow" by believing the need to hold a weapon is "not a need" and he just needs to leap unpreparedly into the chaos/insanity you've presented before him - he will likely go from being a potential, useful ally to an enemy, allied with one who is willing to understand him on a precise, individual level.

Feeling the need to have calm to survive =/= needing to be prepared/equipped to survive as the latter allows for real growth of the cow/cattle, imho.

@unidorsalicosahedron7416 - 01.11.2018 00:45

WHOSE conception of rationality? The rationality of what ruleset? The human one? Gödel poked a hole in that one dead quick.

@VicSaidThat - 26.10.2018 19:07

What is the name of the book Peterson talks about in the beginning?

@emiliofedez4960 - 24.10.2018 23:30

JP is a warhammer40k charachter.

@dias3244 - 24.10.2018 22:25

"Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world where none suffered, where everyone would be happy? It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed that we lacked the programming language to describe your "perfect world". But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through misery and suffering. So the perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from."
―Agent Smith

@fasjher - 13.10.2018 07:27

A few years ago i thought Peterson spoke with wisdom, today i just think he has a talent to play with words. Nothing more.

@neilhunter2960 - 05.10.2018 00:03

I really bet there is some good content here but Peterson’s squawky broken delivery makes it impossible to hear , any chance of a transcript instead ?!

@Mehmehx - 02.10.2018 15:59

It's funny, you can draw a life from Dostoevskys analysis to the Matrix, when Neo meets the Architect and he explain the utopian matrix, which men did resist.

@JOSHINGEORGD123 - 29.09.2018 17:11

I hate it when someone try to counter nitzche...Because you can't it.....

@johino6331 - 25.09.2018 17:34

Thank You. I became a "nihilist" but I think it wasn't a philosophical CHOICE more than bad relationship choices. GIRL GONE= NIHILISM.

@jokerwayne6358 - 21.09.2018 17:48

why keep talking about a book cant you just create ur own example thats the reason the critics says that you are rambling about nothing
