How I Got The Perfect Start in 12 Days - Stranded: Alien Dawn Lets Play Ep.1

How I Got The Perfect Start in 12 Days - Stranded: Alien Dawn Lets Play Ep.1


1 год назад

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TotalXclipse - 29.10.2022 19:52

What do you think to my perfect start? Are we still doomed come Winter?

dirt hair
dirt hair - 17.05.2023 14:55

Be honest... you choose Jack so you could say "Jack off"

Ryan - 27.04.2023 00:19

Other ep to this series?

Steve Dixon
Steve Dixon - 18.01.2023 06:01

Good as Carter is, he does have a health drawback, dementia (starts mild, gets worst over time), so rescue him when the chance comes. I had him for my final survivor and he had -75% consciousness due to this, meaning if he gets injured he dies.

Antonio Minervino
Antonio Minervino - 09.01.2023 02:29

The game objective is to get people out? It´s only this? this is ridiculous. I have 6 survivors and the rescue pod arrived, I was hoping that it will return with more people or more mission. This is BS. So, to win the game, before the first rescue pod, you take all the survivors but one, unarmed, and fight animals, they all die and the last survivor is rescued. This makes no sense to me..

Winchester NL
Winchester NL - 27.12.2022 07:09

Shame there never came a second episode

Dragonlord - 22.12.2022 14:33

Best start. Emelin - Likes to cook, decent at farming, bonus is no matter what she cooks its an exquisite meal when eaten, giving a HUGE happiness bonus. Ken - Double material on salvage and scrapping, has a high combat skill for hunting and gains happiness from killing and death. Daniel - Can't do combat, but has a high intellect and his bonus is to get research insights randomly while researching, which can finish up a HUGE chunk of whatever the current research is, boosting your research curve astronomically. Can also do crafting, as well as other tasks. Rakha - 3x bonus speed on constructing buildings and devices, has a high construction score. First thing when landing, set Emelin as the cook, and the only cook, as well as planting and harvesting. Set Ken to hunt and salvage as main priorities. Set Rakha to construction, and Daniel to observe and research. Observe graincob, buttermelon and clothblossom first, and plant immediately. You'll need the cloth for clothes pretty early, and bandages very soon if RNG is bad on salvaged FAKs. Use your camp shelter for storage and wokbenches, and a table, and make a building that starts off housing a set of rooms that are 3x4 for each person, while observing skinbark, and harvesting skinbark, then making a skinbark bed in each of those rooms. You should be able to accomplish all this before winter starts on a slow start. The rooms will act as better insulators for winter, prevent hypothermia, a 3x4 room gives the best sleeping room bonus there is, the bed gives comfortable bed bonus. Since Emelin is your cook all food gives exquisite meal bonus. The graincob allows porridge meals, coupled with the buttermelon, you can make the tasty meal buttermelon pie on the oven, as well as the meat soup and veggie soup, from either hunting or harvesting random dead creatures, and the buttermelon you grow/harvest. Having a variety of food choices gives your people the food variety bonus, and if they eat the buttermelon pie, a tasty meal bonus as well, along with the ate at table bonus. This will significantly boost your happiness levels at the start of each day, helping to prevent breakdowns etc, and all of these can be done extremely early in the game, usually before the end of summer if you focus on managing your people for each task.

jo jo
jo jo - 16.12.2022 02:07

Nice content fun but not enough views so no more.?

Tom-Servo - 16.12.2022 00:39

I don't like how you can only choose from a pool of set people. Unless I haven't seen it yet there doesn't seem to be a way to randomize the people like in rimworld. And I know this isn't rimworld but it's a copy and paste if I've ever seen one. The portraits and animation of the people remind me of This War of Mine, I hate that game lol and it reminds me too much of it. Still there's potential here hoping it improves a lot during EA

Razvan Peles
Razvan Peles - 04.12.2022 22:02

I used the seed DRAGON-TURTLE and I swear it's the same map ..

Jimmy Bowles
Jimmy Bowles - 01.12.2022 09:07

"We'll send Jack off". Best unintentional thing I have heard in a while.

razorback0z - 27.11.2022 13:39

Observation = Research.

Thomas Schreiber
Thomas Schreiber - 18.11.2022 13:08

i always run to the edge of a map so i only get the creps from on side :)

James Copeland
James Copeland - 17.11.2022 06:51

So the grey beard is good at combat, and the dark skinned chick is good at farming.

This game isn't stereotypical at all 🤣🤣

Franz Hachmeister
Franz Hachmeister - 10.11.2022 16:39

Believe it or not - i really puchased the game, cause you made a Video Not about satisfactory 😅 great Start. Some hint: Do smaller fields. So you can Better control, when to harvest them.

Shandrakor - 10.11.2022 11:08

Ah Rimworld 3d, I'll be watching for a steam sale for you, thanks for the video.

Rauminen - 09.11.2022 17:34

Yeah, I'm not sure about splitting up the working hours, at all, but especially not separating them - they can't interact (that might be a double-edged think but hey).
Reason being walking to and from tasks is what takes the most amount of time - it might take more time to get back to wind down than the time you gave them to do it, then they go straight back out wasting twice as much of the day.

It doesn't matter what priorities you've set in a given column, they don't check eachothers' stuff - it only matters left to right. The guy with p5 will do the job instead of a guy with p2 if he has something with p1 and the first guy doesn't have anything else.
Everybody should be healing at 1 and probably handling too at a low priority - it's flipping switches and refuelling/setting up production, generally quick tasks.

Hattie Stewart
Hattie Stewart - 07.11.2022 20:03

Love Carter, he learns twice as fast as everyone else, it's a special trait of his

Izuela - 03.11.2022 02:24

I like the ones with the run speed boosts. Laara, Simon and Talas ( think). I usually pick at least 2 of them. Makes combat so much safer and easier. Don't even worry about their starting combat skill. It goes up quickly enough. That run speed buff is forever! Katina is good as a healer/farmer. I also made her do construction. Her skill was 0 but again it goes up quickly enough.

Mr Venum
Mr Venum - 31.10.2022 10:10

I don't seem to do as well as any of these alien dawn videos i have seen.

Swift Liwpe
Swift Liwpe - 31.10.2022 04:38

Ooooo new sieries?

Zhong Xina
Zhong Xina - 30.10.2022 16:43

I watched your visit and went and bought the game, and damn this game is so damn addictive , totally worth the money and still early access can’t wait for fully released and with mods

Emesh - 30.10.2022 15:48

"Hopefully we don't land near stone... " lands. "There is almost no stone (sad voice)

Talliy Boltair
Talliy Boltair - 30.10.2022 14:17

This looks good, but it also looks like they just copy pasted Rimworld to the point where they might get sued.

Rando Game
Rando Game - 30.10.2022 06:01

Well, maybe I'm dense but I don't think this video explains HOW you got the perfect start in 12 days. You actually skipped over quite a few important steps I think. Just IMHO :)

Remulos - 30.10.2022 05:17

Is this game just 3D rimworld?

Steen Eugen Poulsen
Steen Eugen Poulsen - 30.10.2022 04:10

Jack is chronic sick, so no he is not a good choice.

Connor, Jack and some others all have chronic problems and the game makes them worse over time.

Trees grow, you are cutting down fresh trees that hasn't grown yet so they give less amount of wood. Next problem is you cut down Evergreens that max at 20 wood, where the other trees max at 30 wood. The first period you have to click each tree and see if they are fully grown (around 1 in 10 is fully grown at game start) and only cut those, so you get a better effort vs reward ratio.

When you went into priority you said Ven was first and Jack second, the priority system doesn't work that way, there is no priority between jack and Vinnie, the priority is only on each survivor. Putting delivery as 1 and everything else as 5, would make delivery the first job they try to perform, all the five jobs follow the left to right order of the list. Though some jobs has enforced pickup jobs, so cutting trees result in a transport job on the cut wood.

David Struve
David Struve - 29.10.2022 21:34

The only off-putting thing about this entire game is how it really doesn't feel or look like an alien planet at all. It looks more like a group of humans are re-discovering Earth again, perhaps after a long period of time away from the homeworld (perhaps it's location was lost over time? Or humans left to let the ecosystem recover without our damaging influence?). There's a tiny amount of more alien-like flora and fauna around, but hardly any to really say "this is not Earth, this is an alien planet". Honestly, it feels like either a) the developers were just being lazy and didn't want to create completely alien flora and fauna and just stuck with the game engine's "basic map builder" features with just the bare minimum effort of creating one or two "alien-like" models and said "yeah that'll do, it's alien enough" or b) there's a hidden story within the game about the planet that just nobody has unlocked yet through their playthroughs?? I'm hoping it's the latter, but I suspect it's the former, sadly.

Wolfger Silberbaer
Wolfger Silberbaer - 29.10.2022 20:13

Haha! I read the title and my brain translated it to "Perfect Start in 7 Days". Wow, when did TotalXclipse start playing 7 Days to Die? LOL
