Kubernetes With Java - Push Docker Images To Docker Repository, Advanced Docker Commands

Kubernetes With Java - Push Docker Images To Docker Repository, Advanced Docker Commands

Tech Hub

1 год назад

16 Просмотров

This video explains how to create Docker image, push it to a Docker repository. In addition various other Docker commands are discussed.

The content is prepared from concepts from book Kubernetes in Action and from Kubernetes.io. The examples are completely new and written by me in Java on Spring boot framework. I have permission from Manning.com (publisher of Kubernetes in Action ) to post my videos on YouTube.

A sample Spring boot application is used to describe and demo the concepts. The application is at https://github.com/skhurana333/tips_java . Please feel free to checkout. It also has all yaml files explained in all the videos.
Another project used in one of the videos is https://github.com/skhurana333/geocoding .
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