After Effects : Quick Music Visualizer Tutorial

After Effects : Quick Music Visualizer Tutorial

Adobe in a Minute

4 года назад

128,925 Просмотров

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Wasono Hadi
Wasono Hadi - 19.09.2023 21:17

thanks dude

slade_burz - 12.09.2023 22:07

i really like the background image that you used in the visualizer, where can i find images similar to that?

Potato Productions
Potato Productions - 09.09.2023 15:22

Im French and I can’t fin de the French traduction to « slider » can anyone help ?

KingofGamingAndTrains456 - 18.08.2023 04:19

Thank you so much!
I've been using this visualizer on my mashup channel!

My Mentor Computer Academy
My Mentor Computer Academy - 16.08.2023 14:01

a mistake here the ''s'' of song in the code is must in small latter's

SD Consulting
SD Consulting - 31.07.2023 06:35

New composition
Name it main - ok
Add song and background to project
Right click in composition
go new solid.
Name it audio spectrum
Make sure it is black
Go to effects and choose audio spectrum
Drag in on the audio spectrum layer
Under audio spectrum on left change the layer to the song.
Set Start point to 0
Set End point to 960
End Freq 125
Freq Band 500
Max H 1250
Audio Duration 180
Audio offset -20
Thickness 7
Side option B
Go to effects and search for Polar Coords
Drag to spectrum layer
On left set type to Rect to polar and interpolation to 100
Go to effects search for mirror and drag on spectrum layer
Set reflection centre to 960
Top menu select effect, generate, 4-color gradient
Choose your colors
Drag logo in the middle of spectrum.
Next top menu, composition, new composition
Name it song, click ok.
Drag the same music and drop it on new composition
Right click the song, go to keyframe assistant, then convert audio to keyframes
Under audio amplitude, click effects and delete the left and right channels
Go back to main, make sure your background image is last in the list.
Holding Shift, select the top 3 items
Right click, select precompose
Make sure move all attributes is selected
Go to effects and search for magnify
Drag it on precomposition
In the setting above change magnification to 100
Then size to 1100
Set blend mode to none
Hold ALT key click the stop watch beside Magnification
In the bottom paste the following exression
value + (comp("Song").layer("Audio Amplitude").effect("Both Channels")("Slider")) / 4

Ether Keither
Ether Keither - 24.06.2023 16:04


mh - 20.04.2023 16:27

Why do you talk like that?

DinoPlaysGames - 03.04.2023 23:28

Lifesaver, coming in clutch every time, thank you :)

shahriar rakib
shahriar rakib - 17.03.2023 21:51

mine is not working, it says "this project contains expression errors error 1 of 1"... can anyone help...

Sticky Fusion
Sticky Fusion - 17.03.2023 14:55

I actually had an additional question, how easy is it and what is the process of swapping out the mp3 and processing another one and another one, etc etc? I am trying to improve the workflow to do many of these. What steps are absolutely required to accomplish this?

Sticky Fusion
Sticky Fusion - 13.03.2023 17:21

I have been looking for something like this for a very long time but for my DJ mix sets that are 1 hour or longer. I realize that a lot of the very intricate visualizers aren't designed for sets that long as it makes the export time extremely long and the file size very large in some cases. I have been able to successfully export this visualizer in about 4-5 hours for a 1 hour long mix set at 720p with a file size of around 4.5 GB which isn't terrible. If there is any way to make it smaller, export faster and still look good, anyone please let me know.

Sticky Fusion
Sticky Fusion - 06.03.2023 20:06

I played with it and expanded the composition to 1 hour and the background and the visualizer to 1 hour as well. The only thing that seems to have stopped working is the magnify distort effect and I can't figure how where to put that back or modify it.

Sticky Fusion
Sticky Fusion - 06.03.2023 18:09

I love this tutorial but I have an issue. I am doing this for an hour long mix set and the problem I am having is the logo and the visualizer disappear after about 30 seconds.

Thomas King
Thomas King - 17.02.2023 08:37

Very awesome, extremally helpful, really appreciate it :D The tutorial still fits with the latest versions in 2023.

GSTN - 23.01.2023 05:47

It only works for 30 seconds, (the movement of the logo) then stays still, anyone have a fix to this for more than that?

LazyLizard - 03.01.2023 07:00

To save EVERYONE time, when you create your new composition, make sure that the clip length isnt set to 30 seconds. There is no way to change it after.

Jacob Wiencek
Jacob Wiencek - 11.12.2022 19:42

How do I make the "Magnify" effect last longer than 30 seconds? The video duration is correct in all comps and all other effects work properly but this one

EG13Music - 26.11.2022 13:06

whenever I use the magnify, it only lasts for like 2 minutes, then my logo stops moving, is there a way to fix that?

Patrick Duquesne
Patrick Duquesne - 12.11.2022 11:27

I followed every step to a T and its not working at all.... Whats going on??

Griffin McGlynn
Griffin McGlynn - 08.11.2022 06:51

iTs noT a Minute

superplant 1000
superplant 1000 - 24.10.2022 05:13

followed all your steps, still looks nothing like this

Kamel Kadri
Kamel Kadri - 19.09.2022 19:46

step by step completely different results ughh This is why i hate tutorials

YOKIE - 04.09.2022 19:15

How to make it flat tho? (sorry, this is my first time)

Render Engine
Render Engine - 21.08.2022 06:10

exactly what I was looking for. Do you know how to add the particles?

NotValkTCG - 04.07.2022 04:38

Wonderful tutorial thank you! Question. After following all the steps I can only get 30 seconds of video and audio. how do I get to view the whole song?

AstricX - 30.06.2022 09:53

For a smoother reaction, I would highly recommend Trap Code Sound Keys, by RedGiant

Anbura - 26.06.2022 20:53

how do i make it bumb more

MrCrew - 28.05.2022 22:21

I did this and I did not have to mirror it (I dont think so anyway)

Too Live Films Co.
Too Live Films Co. - 25.05.2022 03:41

You just helped me save so much time. This was amazing. Thank you so much for this channel. You're literally helping me change my life around with these skills you're breaking down for us. Much love from Las Vegas!!!

JKub - 02.05.2022 19:16

now to export....

JKub - 02.05.2022 19:12

Bro didn't put it in the description ...fak. Still amazing tutorial

Lightspeed Tutorials
Lightspeed Tutorials - 04.04.2022 11:52

Now this is how tutorial is supposed to be made! not some 30min garbage with ummms an eeeeems.

Michał Niewiarowski
Michał Niewiarowski - 14.03.2022 22:37

Super useful! Thanks!!

GamerKittyEuphoric - 13.03.2022 16:23

wow this is crazy hard lol but you make it seem so easy.

Kenneth Masters
Kenneth Masters - 02.03.2022 08:57

Your the Man, SubfuckingScribed !

Dubious Degenerate
Dubious Degenerate - 27.02.2022 02:33

How do I make After Effects render my entire song with the audio spectrum instead of just 30 seconds?

Todler Boi
Todler Boi - 11.02.2022 04:51

this guys voice love it

TheZoNE - 04.01.2022 22:22

Great Tutorial
My question now is can you save this as a preset and use it for multiple audio?

Ranivus Ch
Ranivus Ch - 07.11.2021 19:16

Its funny how a formal after effects class would turn this into a week long lesson.

ZNW SDT - 28.10.2021 15:49

Wow!!! U R THE BEST!💥 Could you please tell us 1100px is the size of what? You specify it in Magnify

GhostRyder0101 - 04.10.2021 17:29

Hey, bro, before i start I just wanna say thanks for all of your videos. Super good and straight to the point.
Ok, now here's my question...
How do I make the audio spectrum more sensitve? Or do I just make the music louder?

Dwenster Dixon
Dwenster Dixon - 15.09.2021 06:08

after I go to change it to 960 I does not let me go over to effect

Jean-Baptiste Galud
Jean-Baptiste Galud - 14.08.2021 19:19

Thank you mate :)

Danesh Kathavarayan
Danesh Kathavarayan - 29.06.2021 19:27

After doing this i can render it out right or I have to do something else before rendering it?

JC Dragon
JC Dragon - 29.06.2021 00:41

Is there a way to link it to your audio out instead of a specific song? That way it can be set as a wallpaper to play with all of your music?

Parker Bierer
Parker Bierer - 21.06.2021 08:15

Whenever i do this my song gets really slow any help? the farther you go the slower it gets is it supposed to be like this

ChilledRam - 14.06.2021 20:21

can i save it as a template?
