Garuda Linux - In-Depth Install & Overview | Leaving Windows 11 For Garuda Linux

Garuda Linux - In-Depth Install & Overview | Leaving Windows 11 For Garuda Linux

eBuzz Central

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@xavhow - 30.11.2023 17:48

Your vids have really convinced me to ditch Windows for Garuda Linux. Thank you!

@LegionsGoreGaming - 29.11.2023 19:56

Help!!! I have garuda on , amd graphics on my gaming laptop , gog and epic and steam games have a problem running after compatibility say is 100% , some games go in then black screen then goes back out , other games works but lags as hell , what must I do for it to play smooth on windows I played Res 3 remake on high and was smooth on garuda I'm playing smaller games which is suppose to work but doesn't , I really want to stay on garuda I think its a awesome system but if I can't get my games to work I'm going to have to go back to windows but I really don't want to , advice anyone ?

@RaphaelSwinkels - 28.11.2023 10:35

if your crazy, i'm crazy as well, used arch since i know of it.. i like how it looks flashy and different then pop os, mint, ubuntu, those i've tried aswell.. i used windows since 3.11.
So it was kinda a big step from Windows 10 to ubuntu/mint/pop os. everyone on the internet always said that arch is voor elitist (experienced users).
so i was bit scared not understanding any linux distro. since win 11 making it more difficult for older hardware to run it. i'm leaning more to linux as main OS for that PC (i7 6700k & 5700xt)
its runing Garuda since today tried Nobara yesterday it ran fine, but i think Garuda looks nicer. so hope it will run as good as my experience yesterday.

@YoStu242 - 26.11.2023 15:06

Great OS but couple of things, forward/backward buttons of my wireless mouse weren't working. I downloaded mouse configuration app (can't remember what it was called) but it said mouse not supported. So I guess that's a bummer. Also I couldn't figure out how to get Garuda remember size and position of closed apps as they always open in same default size and position.

@retrogames8918 - 22.11.2023 07:56

lol maybe you should some reach b4 making a video and misinforming people cause Garuda linux is arch based

@nerdypappy - 21.11.2023 03:25

Thanks for the video! I just installed Garuda Linux Dragonized Gaming Edition. How do you make you task bar icons bounce when mousing over? Mine stay flat. Thanks!

@JadeSlays - 15.11.2023 07:35

Ive been trying to install it for hours and keep getting errors. Watching your video is my last ditch effort, hopefully it helps

@samo123371 - 13.11.2023 10:58

I am using Ventoy.
It let's you have more than one iso.
My plan is to try Garuda Linux or maybe Ubuntu 23.10

@SerkanBalta - 30.10.2023 01:56

totally agreed

@BigWyrm67 - 24.10.2023 22:13

How do you install drivers for a wireless adapter..... LMAO good luck with that on arch. Dont have a wireless card, then its an instant non starter.

@JohnCrawford1979 - 16.10.2023 22:47

I do want to get setup with Pipewire already installed because trying to install it has led to conflicts that weren't easy to resolve in other distros. It's hard to find audio engineers that switched and are satisfied with their Linux experience. So many give up because they already have 20+ years developed programs in Windows that work, and thus are less frustrating than Linux, which is barely getting to where it can do MIDI and streaming music and performance with minimal latency. Not to mention, Pipewire is said to finally get ASLA and Jack to work together, instead of having to switch between them, which boesn't help if trying to stream audio that only works on ASLA, but goes quiet on Jack, and thus can't be streamed live. Not to mention producing music in modern DAWs that use both MIDI instruments and synths alongside audio and modern VSTs.

Fedora Jam was OK, but it had the ASLA-Jack conflict. Unbutu studio better, and AV as well. But I considered Garuda because I heard it came with pipewire, and Gamer distos tend to be tweaked with high performance in mind. So I'd really like to get it working, and maybe see if it might be a way to graft in Cakewalk, or maybe find a decent Linux based DAW, such as Ardour to get the music work flow going again, as well as play some games and explore Second Life.

@JohnCrawford1979 - 16.10.2023 22:21

The thing is, this was without conflicts. Whe I installed WayFire, it took hours to problem solve conflicting packages, which I hope removing certain packages was the right way to resolve it. also, for whatever reason, I can't download from a browser, and one program I have used fine in other distros after downloading from its git-hub, trying to install it through Garuda's software installer has taken hours and is still not finished. It's also wanting to use 16 Gb, which the initial program is normally closer to 250 Mb.

@OleZone - 06.10.2023 17:15

I tried the install but for some reason It took 2 hours and still wasn't half finished, I was trying to install it onto an additional flash drive so maybe that had something to do with it

@angelorgya - 12.09.2023 21:30

Looking to change from manjaro on old laptop i5 3rd gen , should i choose cachyos or garuda ?

Wanna daily driver for long run and that is stable and fast on old systems !

Thanks if someone can help me choose !

@Punisher1992 - 09.07.2023 22:23

what do i do when i only get the option manual partitioning?

@workinalday4351 - 18.06.2023 20:47

Love the "GA-Gnome"! lmao

@esko738 - 16.06.2023 04:15

Every time I try and update it says failed to commit transaction

@hiddenspirit9180 - 14.06.2023 15:29

Garuda kde lite is awesome

@jeffseely86 - 27.05.2023 06:51

Thanks, man, for the tutorial and demo of my favorite distro, bar-none. What the heck is there more to ask? Its foundation starts on a Linux Zen series kernel which offers some real performance enhancements but is still very stable. Then the Calamares installer guides the user through a very infallible installation. Seriously, if you can't get through this installation process then you'd probably not be able to get through Windows installation either. Then the rolling distribution process is just about bug-free and painless. I still have yet to break this distro by updating it but just in case, you can easily "roll back" your system by using Timeshift. KDE Plasma is so sweet. KDE has probably the biggest learning curve on this Garuda but if you take a little time to open up some reading or this tutorial you can learn how to configure and shape the desktops, attributes, and characteristics to your personal preference and personality. Adding apps is ridiculously simple, setting up hardware is ridiculously simple, it is beautiful and clean, and all of this is for free. I've had this distro dual booting alongside and I am almost always in the Garuda. In fact, I only run my Windows if I need to interface a piece of instrumentation or external hardware that requires third-party software that necessitates Windows. Linux is just about the most advanced OS there ever was and Garuda is the best of the best. And one of the biggest offerings is that it has a community support system that is just too good.

@louisfifteen - 10.04.2023 13:41

I recently insdtalled the gaming version and after all the updating and settings things were done, I tried to connect to my external monitor exclusively, but it was not possible. I could either share the 2 screens or duplicate them, but when I tried to use the external monitor exclusively, both screens blacked out. I set my samsung gaming monitor as active and the laptop screen not active and thus the samsung should light up, but no no no, all black. Yes, I went with the Nvidia boot solution and the Nvidia drivers were installed. I tried all possible solutions and lastly I installed windows 11, where I have no issues at all.

@RayNewmanPMP - 01.04.2023 18:41

Audio works in Manjaro - Audio doesn't work in Garuda. Reverting to Manjaro.

@darwinthomas3361 - 01.04.2023 12:05

is this tutorial for dual boot

@ForesterSOF - 15.03.2023 20:18

Everyone uses what works best for them. With Linux you have the choice of what you want. Not what others think you should have.

@titosteinsgaming9340 - 14.03.2023 18:51

Bill Gates will case against you 🤣🤣🤣

@eviloz9905 - 04.03.2023 10:20

The iso image file i downloaded is isoHybrid. It is not compatible with Rufus. Where can i get normal Iso file?

@svan71 - 22.02.2023 23:29

I would love to try it but my paid VPN (SurfShark) is not available for Garuda :(

@wiz3905 - 02.02.2023 02:17

Loving this Garuda Gnome I'm running with now thank you🕊️ Great video calls for a subscribe👍

@peterschmidt9942 - 01.02.2023 15:04

I finally got around to installing this. I was having a few issues with Manjaro anyway and then updated windows 10 on this dual boot and Windows being so "Linux Friendly" decided to stuff the grub loader 🤬. So instead of trying to fix it, I thought I'd give Garuda a go.

Well, I'm not too impressed. Even with the garish theming I thought I could fix that. Install time was quick (like any Linux install), however I ended up installing it twice since I thought there was an issue when I installed it first go round. Nope, there's some dodgey stuff happening. So quick install and stuffing around with it for hours afterwards.

When you actually install it on hardware, these are the issues I found with it:
- After install, it asks to do an update (fine). Then does a partial update after failing errors. After doing a second update, it stuffs the KDE wallpaper selector (and god knows what else). That's one of the reasons for using KDE is the customisation and if you can't do it, whats the point?
- Playing around with the latte dock is sketchy at best. I tried adding some widgets and the whole dock disappeared with no menus. I ended up just adding a default KDE panel to get me going again until I reinstalled
- Their Firedragon browsers is garbage now. The Garudasearx doesn't work anymore for duckduckgo or google as there's an overload or their account is disabled due to high volume searches.
- The decorations aren't consistent if you change them to something other than dragonized. You'll get half whatever you picked and half dragonized.
- Installing Firefox on here doesn't bring up your add ons by default when you sync. You have to manually add them to the menu

I'm not going to go any further with it. There's some great features, but it's too dodgey ATM

Yeah I'll give it a miss 👎

@reru_personal - 11.01.2023 22:25

I installed the KDE lite version of the distro so I don't have all the aplications you do by default... What is the "System monitor" that is installed on your install?

@SarcasmForDummies - 08.01.2023 19:56

I've been using linux since 2006 or so. Reason being even back then with Windows XP I thought that it was ridiculous for a computer to become e-waste just because an OS stops being supported. Started with Ubuntu and have distro-hopped over the years. I always wanted to set up an Arch system but found it a bit too technical. I've been using MX-Linux the past few years and it is incredibly stable. I recently became aware of Garuda and gave it a try. Excellent distro. Have only been using a week as my primary OS, and I do have a copy of MX on a USB ready to install if I feel that I'm in over my head but I intend to stick with Garuda unless that happens.

@abhishekkharwar - 07.12.2022 09:44

Does Wayfire not work with Nvidia RTX3050 and AMD Ryzen 7 5800h?

@MasterH2005 - 05.12.2022 04:48

What if you’re trying to add the OS to a multi-boot USB?

@mytiamos - 27.11.2022 17:44

Bro be using Dolphin for emulation and file management

@iamllux - 17.11.2022 13:44

This looks really nice. I can't wait to take it for a spin.

@oldtechie6834 - 01.11.2022 09:03

I think your Linux saves the time setting to the real time clock chip in Universal Time whereas Windows saves the time setting to the chip in local time. This is why the time is messed up when you boot between the OSes.

@Jordansklar0698 - 20.10.2022 03:22

first i used ubuntu than i tried linux mint than i tried manjaro and than i found this and its by far the coolest lol i love it

@057Spy - 18.10.2022 00:54

Thank you for giving me the confidence to finally switch to Linux. I use a high end Dac and amp, everyone always saying that Windows mixer gets in the way of streaming "bit perfect" music is the main reason I did it. The difference in sound quality is very noticeable, like a veil has been lifted. Factor in all the other benefits of leaving windows, making my machine faster etc and I am beyond happy that I finally had the courage to do it. I am a complete Linux beginner and Garuda took all the pain out of the process.

@SenorRossi70 - 14.10.2022 13:58

I like Garuda, but not the KDE-version - I don`t like the "Bonbon-Look"...

@andreanastro6189 - 12.10.2022 13:34

Would you recommend Garuda for a noteboom with celeron N5100? I am in doubt between pop OS and Garuda as I know that Garuda is all about performance and don’t care about battery life… Am i right? What distro for a me as a beginner would you recommend? (I am planning to study a bit about Linux)

@garth1967 - 08.10.2022 02:39

Here is the problem it's based on Arch and silly people with no idea will break it cry and go back to Winblows.. Anything Ubuntu based would be better than this for the novice.. Anything Arch or Gentoo based is for the experienced.. This is not a new persons distro, so please do not post this as a distro for a complete beginner.. Mint just let them use Mint.. It's obvious you have not a clue about Linux.. You've come on here and made a video without any knowledge.. Please just go away and stop because you really are an idiot..Also all of you lot below ignore this person this is nonsense!!

@tyisafk - 18.09.2022 02:22

I think a better way to get into UEFI for this tutorial is to open powershell as admin and put in without quotes "shutdown /r /t 0 /fw" The fw flag will automatically take you straight to your UEFI menu without mashing keys. It's always good to know your motherboard's bound key to get in, but if your PC is working just fine, a command imo is the way to go! The Linux equivalent in the terminal is (Again without quotes) "sudo systemctl reboot --firmware-setup". It's also a good way to familiarize people wanting to get into Linux to use the terminal to do specific things. Here's the hard truth. Whether you like it or not, there WILL be a time you use the terminal. You're not gonna get around that, but it's nowhere near as scary as people make it out to be and you'll quickly learn how to use it, and in fact, you'll also learn it's a great way to get stuff done in general. For example, updating your system is way better this way because you can read everything that's gonna happen before you consent to the update. I dunno about Garuda but in EndeavourOS, all you have to type is "yay" and it'll update everything you've installed with pacman AND the AUR.

@univera1111 - 16.09.2022 01:33

You should do More exposure to these distros. How can I use Linux to trade the forex currency.

@davidwayne9982 - 16.09.2022 00:52

I havne't recommended MINT or POP OS in a lONG time... they were good when I started-- but not now-- too boring. :) This is interesting. I just dont know if I'm ready for ARCH.. with the constant updates and breaking every so often...

@davidwayne9982 - 16.09.2022 00:47

2 gig or less OUT of 16--- BIG WHOOP!!! People worry too much over that crap.. ONE or the other core willl run warmer.. as one will handle more than the rest.. I've noticed it too- and oufnd out this is farily normal.

@davidwayne9982 - 16.09.2022 00:43

I don't know why anyone would find that boring--- I enjoy seeing this--- as it actuallly happens-- that way NO doubts it is what's coming!!!! I prefer the realistic stuff like this.. and am considering this.. Although i did get my MX set up perfectly the way I want and can make it look like whatever I want. NOthing wrong with the voice over on my end..

@davidwayne9982 - 16.09.2022 00:23

I always set my computers up with a double drive deal-- one SSD for Distro. and a LARGE disc for STORAGE which is all my data photos, music, and so much more... that way if the system dies- I still have all my stuff..

@ryann6919 - 15.09.2022 23:56

Such a beautiful distro!! Personally I use FerenOS but themed it to look just like Garuda

@reyrodpow - 11.09.2022 08:23

That was awesome. Might jump off Manjaro and try. Love the indepth start to finish scenario
