If you don’t know anything about Excel but want to MASTER it fast, this training method is for you!
The very successful professionals’ at Excel At Work, attribute a great part of their accomplishment to their knowledge of the most useful concepts and tools of Microsoft Excel.
We are aware of what is really needed in the workplace and know the road blocks that Excel users face. Our experience of more than a decade in developing methods to teach Excel, has led to us creating the most effective learning courses in the market.
We are pleased to introduce to you, the only simple yet effective pathway to learning and mastering Microsoft Excel. This pathway is composed of 3 courses that will transform you from an Excel novice guiding you all the way through to becoming an Excel guru in no time!
Learn Excel Fast! teaches the basics of Excel. You will learn step by step how to build and print out a sales report by making use of tables, formulas, graphs and much more!
More importantly, this course will give you a rock solid foundation by helping you MASTER critical Excel concepts that are lightly explained everywhere else. Learning the critical concepts of Excel will prepare you to continue learning other complicated Excel tools by yourself.
Excel: how-to is a library of videos that explain in detail more than 100 essential features of Excel. It is aimed at people who already know the basics of Excel and need to learn additional features of it.
Build a takeoff-estimate-proposal template in Excel is aimed at people who know how to use Excel but are unable to put the most important Excel tools together to create powerful automated Excel templates.
It teaches you step by step, the thought process and method to build a real-world, powerful, automated Excel template for a painting subcontractor by making use of the Excel tools you actually need. Materials quantities and prices, labor hours and rates along with the client’s proposal are put together in a synchronized and fully automated Excel file.
We are all pressed for time and face stiff competition. That is why Excel At Work developed videos that go directly to the point and addresses what you really need for everyday use in the workplace. These videos are short, simple yet thorough and available to you in any version of Excel, anywhere, anytime and from any device. So, by saving time, you actually accelerate your learning!
Don’t delay and sign up today. Get ahead of your competition and attain that promotion you desire along with the admiration of your colleagues. Take a chance and enjoy your journey to a better life!
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