new Kali Linux GUI on Windows 10 (WSL 2) // 2020.3 Release

new Kali Linux GUI on Windows 10 (WSL 2) // 2020.3 Release


3 года назад

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Deepin2u - 24.10.2023 11:30

For complete NEWBS like me, far too often this sweet tutorials are ALWAYS STILL assuming you've done a previous set of steps and fail to realize this command would work without prior doing so - yet fail to mention those previous step(s).

Windows 10 Pro
UEFI WSL installed and updated. Kali Linux from Windows Store installed successfully: loads in CLI

Watched this video but the code: sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt install win-kex -y
doesn't work without first entering this code: sudo apt update

once done THEN this cmd will work: sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt install win-kex -y.

Rajeev Nayan
Rajeev Nayan - 19.09.2023 10:58

i have installed kali linux in windows system but wifi is not working network manager also not working and kernel headers

Dash - 01.09.2023 02:38

Chuck I need help my Kali close right after I open it on my windows. Have uninstalled and installed it several times but some please help me out

Anindya Baruah
Anindya Baruah - 18.08.2023 22:32

Found this video when I searched for "kali" on google images. Wanted to see whether most depictions of "Kali" were indeed ones where she can be seen wearing a garland made out of beheaded heads and a skirt made out of dismembered arms. That indeed appears to be the case. But since I saw thumbnails of two of your videos about Kali Linux in the results, I just had to come here and comment with the following.

"It's G.I. Joe against COBRA the enemy,
fighting to save the day!

He never gives up, he's always there
Fighting for freedom over land and air!

G.I. Joe
[A real American hero]
G.I. Joe is there!"


Crypto Hopperbot
Crypto Hopperbot - 06.08.2023 16:29

i keep getting this error: please help

Win-KeX server (Win) is stopped

Error connecting to the Win-KeX server (Win)
Please try "/usr/bin/kex start" to start the service
If the server fails to start, please try "/usr/bin/kex kill" or restart your WSL 2 session and try again

Burning Shot
Burning Shot - 14.07.2023 18:44

During apt install kali-win-kex-y crashes at progress of 21%

dominick253 - 01.07.2023 16:28

Wow this is exactly what I was looking for!!! Full gui and all of the tools! and for some reason i really need apt and not pacman. IDK why but I think pacman is a stupid name.

Theron Hatfield
Theron Hatfield - 08.06.2023 00:10

I found this a few days ago and have been tinkering with it. One thing I'm finding annoying is the default behavior for more. Instead of just displaying the contents of the file and dropping back to a command prompt when done, it runs full screen in the terminal and forces you to exit the command. Haven't figured out why it's doing that or how to fix it yet.

Cindy - 28.05.2023 08:40

how to fix "Please install lspci from your distro's package manager." error when trying to run air-mon ng to enable monitor mode?

Intro Maker
Intro Maker - 22.05.2023 09:53

Can I remove the desktop and keep only the taskbar? How?

Selebogo Leeuw
Selebogo Leeuw - 05.05.2023 22:00

Hello again. Tried the kex installation and get this error:

Extracting templates from packages: 100%
Preconfiguring packages ...
Setting up libc6:amd64 (2.36-9) ...
sleep: cannot read realtime clock: Invalid argument
dpkg: error processing package libc6:amd64 (--configure):
installed libc6:amd64 package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

After running: sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt install kali-win-kex -y

Joel Stolarski
Joel Stolarski - 13.02.2023 23:10

Thank you for your work on these tutorials.

sandeep prabhakula
sandeep prabhakula - 12.02.2023 18:32

Hi Chuck your videos are so informative, and I appreciate your work.
But I can't able to enable to NetworkManager it's showing "NetworkManager is not running..."
please help me to fix this out.
Thanks in advance

Nebulad - 22.01.2023 13:18

this shit is just so cool

AffiliatePowerSource - 11.01.2023 00:05

Kex isn't connecting to the socket. How do we fix it?

Sachin Dev
Sachin Dev - 09.01.2023 09:59

i am not able to start kali GUI. it is showing error connecting to the kex server. i have tried vncserver -localhost no which shows me vncserver: /usr/bin/Xtigervnc exited with status 1, please look into '/home/kali/.vnc/LAPTOP-ND1UFSBF.:1.log' to determine the reason! -2

T. K.
T. K. - 08.01.2023 04:35

I get an error and apparently my Kali refuses to connect. Is there something I missed? Is there a way to disable or delete this entire thing and start the process all over from scratch?

sherifatu zekeri
sherifatu zekeri - 23.12.2022 10:47

i am having problems installing (WSl 2) on windows 10 because "Errors were encountered while processing:
could you help me

AffiliatePowerSource - 17.11.2022 02:44

Dude I followed your original video on how to install Linux in 5 minutes to the letter. I don't have the gui anywhere. Could I still install the kex command to get the gui menu? if not how do I get it?
