Database vs Spreadsheet - Advantages and Disadvantages

Database vs Spreadsheet - Advantages and Disadvantages

365 Data Science

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PHANX0M - 14.07.2023 01:22

Thanx! Except you can have Excel update the data in other places.

Anttjuan Reid
Anttjuan Reid - 18.06.2023 00:49

I think I need a little more convincing. There’s not anything really that o haven’t been able to do with spreadsheets yet. But after all, database is more useful for large amounts of data and so maybe that’s why I find spreadsheets the better for now.

TortoRacoon - 16.05.2023 05:54

You can reference tables or specific cells in Excel so the data will update in other tables as well

Karly Adams
Karly Adams - 09.05.2023 05:56

What about cvs or other formats in excel, which also cannot store formatting and different fonts?

gameplaze - 29.04.2023 12:24

thanks this realy helped me

jossue - 17.03.2023 04:38

like si vienes de edutin

S2F - Spiritual & Financial Freedom.
S2F - Spiritual & Financial Freedom. - 17.08.2022 04:20

thank you so much!!

faruk - 04.08.2022 13:30

Thanks for the video :D

Romeo Whiskey
Romeo Whiskey - 30.07.2022 18:07

"In this LECTURE...."...stop using LECTURE...nobody wants to be LECTURED to.
Also "TAY..BU...LAR" form is called by the rest of us as TAB-U-LAR.
Geez where is this person from? Clearly not America.

Diana Lucía
Diana Lucía - 12.07.2022 22:13

Are there Open Source / Free resources for managing Data Bases?

Cole Phillips
Cole Phillips - 15.10.2021 20:46

Can anyone explain why a database would be better than a spread sheet fro creating a mailing list? Is it just because the columns have information preset?

Thangavelu Raj
Thangavelu Raj - 13.09.2021 21:45

Excellent presentation, thank you very much

GG671 - 24.08.2021 09:22

Great and concise presentation!! Made things much clearer as I am currently a CS major college student who's kinda struggling to get a clear pic of all the content I need to go through lol.

Microsoft Access Expert
Microsoft Access Expert - 13.08.2021 03:16

Data integrity is so overlooked when it comes to databases. So many times I've had to import data from old databases or Excel to a new database, and it was a nightmare because of incorrect date formats. I'd say the #1 reason for data migration failing is for bad data types. One project, I saw cities where states should be, countries where ZIP codes should be, all because there was no checking for data types as you demonstrate with dates in Excel. Great video!

Everlearning - 23.12.2020 16:45

As I agree with all, 1. Spread sheets can be configured with data validation.2 Spread sheets are front facing to the user of any skill, you cannot ask end user to work on databases 3. Well we can always have Databases connected to excel in the back end .. problem solved? look forward but yes useful

Captain Keyboard
Captain Keyboard - 04.12.2020 05:28

Your explanation on the differences between using a spreadsheet and a database program is comprehensible. I am a fan and an avid user of Microsoft Access, but I do use Microsoft Excel only for heavy-duty number crunching.

Juan Pablo Vivas
Juan Pablo Vivas - 24.10.2020 02:14

I've been an excel user for a long time, even I know macros, but knowing this I'll surely try SQL, although I might continue using excel for presentation by far

Sofus Axelsen
Sofus Axelsen - 19.10.2020 20:14

Omg, yeah this is very useful!

kryzon daan
kryzon daan - 30.07.2020 13:06

I was working for a small company whose management of their data was utterly ridiculous. Shortly after I joined, they needed to mailshot their 1000 clients, this turned into a major task because the data was all over the place, I had to get the longest serving employee to go through the client folders to tell me who was a current client and who had left ( but whose folder full of information had not been removed ). I ended up putting all the data on sheets because they wouldn't use access, they were scared of it. I wrote event macros on every sheet to validate and cross reference data. It worked but only because I was there to update/fix. After I left, I can't imagine what happened. You can do anything access can, or anything you would want to do, in Excel with macros obviously but it can be a heck of a lot of work and obviously error prone and not easy to fix if something goes wrong. But so many people are scared of access I think, and don't realise the shortcomings of excel when dealing with data management. It is like walking a tightrope without a wire, the way it is often used

Clawwingo - 23.04.2020 08:23

I caanot believe I have this in class 8

nutella drifter
nutella drifter - 04.03.2020 18:38

This is a very useful and concise explanation. My questions:

1) Is working with databases faster than with spreadsheets because, (since there are no formulas, formattings etc.) the overall CPU and RAM usage is lower?
2) is there any software or data management method that includes best of both worlds? Like one that can handle lots of data with integrity and speed but also has the capability of detailed analysis and visualization?

Hamed Hasan
Hamed Hasan - 25.02.2020 08:29

Thanks. I was thought spreadsheet and database are same in many cases, but they are not.

KENNETH LAPIDEZ - 01.01.2020 01:10


AngryFacer - 06.12.2019 00:38

The ACCESS to this video is EXCELent

Will Moffett
Will Moffett - 18.10.2019 20:17

There is a lot of bogus info in this video. So called "data science" instructors often have no real credentials and they are all over the place spouting misinformation with asserted authority. Ironically, the information age is saddling us with accelerating ignorance.

Monty - 16.10.2019 19:12

Anyone from Mr Mousa’s class?

AKS Benchmarks & Tech
AKS Benchmarks & Tech - 16.10.2019 17:38

Powerpivot solves the 1 million row limitation 🙂

Rangaram C
Rangaram C - 02.10.2019 18:06

Thank You

JB 6000
JB 6000 - 24.06.2019 01:33

I have access and excel although I find Excel is far easier to use for the graphing features and with Access the userface is not very good in the sense that they make the program hard to learn. Fooling with it will eventually get you to learn it though although the chart tools are hard to find and if you set a certain rule it can be difficult to undo it and if you have tables open you cannot run things although thats it

J.Karlos P
J.Karlos P - 17.04.2019 16:49

excel for me is better i feel like I have more control specially if you know the formulas and how excel work

edward panther
edward panther - 27.03.2019 12:56

Excel is perfect for project management if you know how to use it. Database is for operation.

edward panther
edward panther - 27.03.2019 12:54

With excel, one can deal with day to day data needs without the need to convince IT to create the desired output from the current database. I use excel to make database that existing database and query cannot provide. It has help me to handle enterprise accounts that the companies I worked for is unable to provide.

edward panther
edward panther - 27.03.2019 12:50

You can use excel for small database

Mrityunjaya Hiremath
Mrityunjaya Hiremath - 06.03.2019 22:34

I feel that there is something fishy about spreadsheets in the long run. I feel databases are more reliable. Please correct me if I am wrong

Mahougnon Djihouessi
Mahougnon Djihouessi - 26.01.2019 04:42

Easy to understand! Thank you very much

Awesh Bhornya
Awesh Bhornya - 16.09.2018 06:48

I mean where were you guys since so long. I have been looking for such tutorials on clarifying my concepts on databases. Awesome video. Is there any place where I can watch all the videos sequentially so that I move ahead in a sequence

Paul Gauthier
Paul Gauthier - 11.01.2018 08:41

Very informative thank you.

However... "Tabular" is pronounced TAB-ular, short 'a'. Not TAYB-ular, long 'a.' I have to be honest, that mispronunciation was so cringe-worthy it almost caused me to skip the video... I recommend fixing it going forward :)
