How We Found Pride Being Trans

How We Found Pride Being Trans


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Chrissy Stewart
Chrissy Stewart - 20.03.2023 01:11

Hello, Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening, Good night whatever time zone you all in Ladies & Gentlemen show love & respect the Queen herself Ms. Jazzmun Nichala Crayton 👏 👏 👏

Sean McLeod
Sean McLeod - 20.12.2022 22:59

Buncha pansy Nancies. Man the eff up and get on with your life. You too, women.

Julio Jones
Julio Jones - 21.05.2022 21:03

Dude so glad I finally claimed poly Tran (used to be a 6’2” 225 dude absolutely cranked on test and Tren Ace) now I walk around and get to do and say whatever I want to anyone and get away Scott free!! Love it! Thanks for accepting me they/thems!!

The friendly raccoon
The friendly raccoon - 19.05.2022 00:10

I have a trans friend and. Non-bindery friend

Ana Maria
Ana Maria - 07.03.2019 21:19

they look so fabulous
I'm proud of every single trans person who found themself, is still figuring out, who's out in accepting or unaccepting community, who's still in the closet, etc. I'm proud of every single one of you, keep going, love yourself and don't lose faith in yourself 💙❤❣❤💙

void. null.
void. null. - 23.08.2018 01:53

This video grabbed my heart and wrenched it hard. I've been struggling recently, because there have been some unanticipated challenges since I started living authentically about a year ago. I've felt the need to hide that I'm trans in attempt to not be categorized as any gender that I am not (although I am binary, many people categorize trans people as "other" automatically). As I've been dealing with this, it was difficult for me to come to terms with the fact that I can't be seen as who I am quite so effortlessly as most cis people can, and, in all honesty, I've been having trouble finding the positives. This video has answered a question deep within my soul. I was born trans to make a difference, and to help those who come after me. Thank you.

Ashley P
Ashley P - 06.08.2018 22:02

There is nothing but pride in being transgender, BuzzFeed! 💞

Charnique Morgan
Charnique Morgan - 02.06.2018 19:21

Beautiful men and woman.

Agust D 나 너 많이 사랑해
Agust D 나 너 많이 사랑해 - 20.04.2018 22:45

The life is short i'm 16 transguy bit i'm going tó try live As a female until 20yrs old cause i'm not sure about being trans I"M 60% sure :/

지우다 - 09.11.2017 08:56

Do a video on straights

Kyle906 Q8
Kyle906 Q8 - 18.10.2017 01:29

Love is love wether you fall in love with a women or a man. Its about caring and loving to be around someone that makes you feel comfortable and makes u feel loved by someone. Though this whole trans bs is just a joke that people with an IQ of a hamster buy into. Sorry its the solid truth

Billy Bossatron
Billy Bossatron - 21.09.2017 06:20

There are only 2 genders boy or girl and ur born with it

SleepingSunflower Ana
SleepingSunflower Ana - 01.09.2017 20:25

Still haven't found any ftm trans teens in my school and everything sucks but hey 5 years and I can get a binder or anything trans related done

Joseph Powell
Joseph Powell - 12.08.2017 20:20

A few questions: 1. What was life like for you pre-transition? 2. What was your medical transition like? Like, how are your hormone levels these days? 3. Your pronouns are too confusing. Is there a standard pronoun I can use to address all of you? 4. Why do you dress so funny? 5. Is it wrong if a straight man is not attracted to a Transgender woman and a straight woman is not attracted to Transgender man? Just curious.

Nate Da Great
Nate Da Great - 10.07.2017 14:11

Can't their be a "proud to be how I was created" video buzz feed?

Jax - 21.05.2017 17:32

I work at a restaurant! So these old people came in and kept calling me by she so I kindly corrected them and said I was a he. One of the old men responded "yeah I think not." That's where I lost my pride.

Anna Hinch
Anna Hinch - 14.09.2016 21:57

I am a trans man, and struggle greatly to find pride or acceptance at all in who I am. I think it would be so much easier for everyone if I was a straight, cis woman, but what I do know is there is no point trying to change who I am. I have tried and failed so many times. The one thing I want people to believe is that no matter their gender or sexuality, they are not a burden to others. They should be proud of who they are for things like personality, strengths and weaknesses as well as sexuality and gender, no matter what that is

Claude Clemmer
Claude Clemmer - 08.09.2016 01:00

There was a point in time in history that people like this would have been thrown in camps.

Chrisgirl867 - 11.08.2016 14:20

I read the title and thought it meant how it is being at pride festivals when you're trans... OOPS! Still a good video though

Kyle - 22.06.2016 05:43

X or Y till the day you die.

Harry Hindu
Harry Hindu - 07.06.2016 03:13

When someone claims that their outside doesn't match their inside, how
do they know that the problem isn't on the inside, rather than the
outside? It's a valid question, and if you're offended by it then that
just reinforces the idea that this is a delusion, or more specifically a
somatic delusion, which is the false belief is that the body is somehow diseased, abnormal or changed. Delusional people can function normally in most cases except when their delusion is challenged and reality conflicts with the delusion, they become incorrigible.

Gender is not a social construct. It is an evolutionary construct. Two genders evolved from one because mixing genes produces a more varied gene pool which allows a species to adapt to changing environments more quickly as opposed to making genetic copies of yourself.

Women are already victims of sexual assault far more than any other gender, and the offenders are far more often heterosexual males. This is why society isn't worried about sending their boys to the mens bathroom or their girls to the ladies bathroom, because the risk of being sexually assaulted by a homosexual is very low compared to the risk of being sexually assaulted by a heterosexual male. Allowing men into the ladies bathroom will make the risks to women even greater.

People are blinded by political correctness and their political agendas. We need to start applying logic and reason to these issues, not emotions and irrationality.

Miguel Parrilla
Miguel Parrilla - 06.06.2016 19:05

gender is a physical thing your feelings don't effect your biology, and there are only two genders

OctoClown - 01.06.2016 22:01

But buzzfeed quit making transgender peeps look like they're doing it to be special and edgy Jesus Christ

OctoClown - 01.06.2016 22:00

These comments make me want to kms

Iris Nosek
Iris Nosek - 01.06.2016 04:25

right on, being trans is absoloutely a gift. I'm constantly learning about myself and im so thankful for the experiences and emotions, challenges included, that my gender identity has given me. being trans has opened my eyes to a beautiful world.

Chris Hansen
Chris Hansen - 18.05.2016 04:02

WOW! Brought a tear to my eye! So inspirational :)

Vexy - 27.04.2016 18:12

I am proud of my girlfriend for coming out and being so open about her situation. I am overjoyed by the fact that she is getting HRT very soon, and that she is getting make-overs and styling tips from a professional stylist that her mother knew. Everyone is being so supportive of her, including myself. She is finally getting what she wants, and I am so happy I can be a part of it.

pickapon - 20.03.2016 17:42

Personally, I can't find any pride in the fact I'm transgender. I feel disgusted about myself, I just want to be recognised as the man I truly and get on with life rather than be called "miss" and have people ask about my genitals and my gender. Let me be me and don't call me female

NightshadeVA - 12.03.2016 02:10

GIFT she says. hardy har har.

Cecilsol - 11.03.2016 14:38

these people are so beautiful

Dante Rodriguez
Dante Rodriguez - 02.03.2016 23:19

i regret reading these comments

0claver - 14.02.2016 07:24

Can I just hug them all...pleaseeee?

pleistoscene - 07.02.2016 18:43

Wow. I am so overwhelmed by the courage, strength and groundedness of all the people in this video. You are all truly inspiring. Thank you for sharing your insights and experiences

J3SNS - 03.02.2016 08:13

How can you be proud of your gender? It's not an achievement in life idiots. Especially one that you made up for yourself.

ssnader a
ssnader a - 03.02.2016 07:29

im trans too, but nothing to be proud of, sure u accept yourself, but then u spend yrs trying to get yo family to accept u,then you try yrs trying to find an employer who will accept u and hire u, then u spend yrs trying to save money to transition, then u spend yrs looking like both genders or neither while u transition which causes many social difficulties, its a very hard existance on top of all the regular stuff like doing college, paying for a mortgage,etc would had prefered to be born cisgendered, tried to make myself cisgendered,doesnt work its a hard life where u spend the majority of your yrs where almost everyday from the time u wake up to the time u sleep u keep thinking about your gender which in my opinion is a pretty miserable way to live.its something u accept, not be proud of cause it sure does make the majority of ur life very hard.

anas al badri
anas al badri - 21.01.2016 02:49


Just Saying
Just Saying - 18.01.2016 08:23

Guy in the cap is HOT and gives me Liam Payne vibes! :') <3

juno - 16.01.2016 05:34

this makes me so happy as a gender fluid person

Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson
Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson - 30.12.2015 16:52

But being proud to be white is still bad apparently.

Victoria - 30.12.2015 03:40

am not trans still thinking why I click this vid

spongeslav trackpants
spongeslav trackpants - 17.12.2015 05:53

"Transgender undocumented community" know we're screwed when that is a thing. Like game over man

Nicolle Guzman
Nicolle Guzman - 10.12.2015 14:57

"mi existir es resistir" so deep

Mandyyy_ _Lopez
Mandyyy_ _Lopez - 11.11.2015 21:34

my boyfriend is trans and I love him <3 thanks for the video! sending this to him right now. <3

Josh Hansen
Josh Hansen - 31.10.2015 23:46

The first thing I said after the first lady said "Being trans is an amazing gift" I just said, "Oh God".

Leslie Forlinsta
Leslie Forlinsta - 23.10.2015 10:30

So what about the people who are born and think that they are actually a wolf trapped in a human body? Or a horse trapped in a human body? Or an alien? Does that make them so?

Deplorable Me
Deplorable Me - 15.10.2015 09:31

"Being trans is an amazing" -NOPE YOU LOST ME!

Andreas SN
Andreas SN - 12.10.2015 16:46

Oliver is so beautiful! I have a bit of a crush on him. Shame he's not on any social medias. :-/

Dedpol - 11.10.2015 21:08

if you're against gay and trans people you shouldn't have even clicked on this video. if you're just here to post hate comments you are a loser of the highest degree. I feel sad for your miserable life.
