UN climate report: Scientists release ‘survival guide’ to avert climate disaster - BBC News

UN climate report: Scientists release ‘survival guide’ to avert climate disaster - BBC News

BBC News

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SirGregg - 24.09.2023 16:19

They own the science. Safe and effective.

Marina Clara Sanchez Suarez
Marina Clara Sanchez Suarez - 12.09.2023 23:23

WE WANT Quantum vacuum Energy NOW⭐⭐⭐⭐

spitfirekid1 - 09.09.2023 04:39

Does anyone believe that China and India actually give a shit about climate change and are willing to trade economic prosperity for lower missions?

Brittany Kastrati
Brittany Kastrati - 04.09.2023 16:32

Hoax hoax hoax

tony king
tony king - 03.09.2023 15:55


Stirl - 01.09.2023 22:00

F$$k UN!

Stirl - 01.09.2023 21:55

Climate change is a hoax. Climate is the only thing on our planet which keeps on changing since the world came into existence. There’s no evidence that humans can cause climate changes. Now co2 is good mankind’s survival. I’m not buying this BS from people who can’t tell what a woman is.

Np - 31.08.2023 11:45

Fake news

Crypto Saffa
Crypto Saffa - 26.08.2023 06:57

Listen carefully to "The Unsustainable Green Transition" by Simon Michaux

Crypto Saffa
Crypto Saffa - 18.08.2023 08:36

Is the UN a globalist, terrorist organisation that we should all turn our backs on?

"The "green" transition is about MASSIVELY depopulating the planet by crashing the economy" - True or False?

Lou Stojanov
Lou Stojanov - 10.08.2023 03:08

This UN man is corrupt and evil........... and doing all this for $$$$$$$

earthfirst10 - 05.08.2023 03:18

Lies, lies, and more lies

Sam Lair
Sam Lair - 01.08.2023 21:55

If all greenhouse gases, less than 0.04% (0.0004) of the atmosphere were removed, the planet would be a barren frozen wasteland because nitrogen, oxygen and argon have no ability to retain heat. In other words, an atmosphere without greenhouse gases would let all of the heat from the surface of the planet radiate freely out into space. This is an indicator of how powerful greenhouse gases are and why our emitting carbon dioxide and such has such a powerful influence on the climate.

Brad Walton
Brad Walton - 27.07.2023 19:45

I can't believe that most people here seem to believe this b.s. What a mass of ignornant suckers.

LW1zFog - 27.07.2023 13:52

Bullsh_t Mr Han Man

L - 21.07.2023 22:19

I'm just a layperson, but it feels like to me some people may feel they maybe, possibly able to adapt to the situation or possibly get creative, or possibly move to a different location, or possibly some kind of technology will possibly maybe able to stop the situation. I feel it's possibly important to get co2 levels down and rebuild our ecosystems, there are possibly no easy solution.

DG youtube
DG youtube - 17.07.2023 12:55

L. M. F. A. O. Give them the Bible that would help them more. Calm their fears nothing to fear God is in control.

Uddhaba Meher
Uddhaba Meher - 06.07.2023 18:18

Put off fire soon

Uddhaba Meher
Uddhaba Meher - 06.07.2023 18:18

Said to tree plantation all over world

Uddhaba Meher
Uddhaba Meher - 06.07.2023 18:16

All known by me

Uddhaba Meher
Uddhaba Meher - 06.07.2023 18:16

Show my world climate change and control of climate change project and emplement soon all over world

Emo - 27.06.2023 09:10

1.5 degree in 2024 not 2030

Donnie dogood!
Donnie dogood! - 25.06.2023 23:24

This is complete nonsense this man is insane? Climate Activities have know real evidence and their predictions have been lies in the past nothing bad as happened we are all being lied too. The out come if these insane people get their way is control over you and your way of life. It's a scam.

T m
T m - 22.06.2023 00:34

There was a time i feared for the future of my children,and grandchildren,due to climate change caused by humans.
Now i fear for the future of my children, and grandchildren,due to the measures taken to fight an imaginary climate crisis.
Climate change is not about climate.

lewis1544 - 20.06.2023 21:46

I'd like to take this opportunity to say goodbye to everybody. Five years ago Greta quoted a top climate scientist that if we didn't stop using fossil fuels then we would be dead in five years. Well, that's up tomorrow. Might have a drink tonight.

umkc73 - 14.06.2023 15:03

Vote out EVERY Republican in America.

umkc73 - 14.06.2023 15:03

What happened to 2030? We are toast.

Tim Lewis
Tim Lewis - 20.05.2023 13:28

The UN is a group of people who can not live in their own country for various reasons and are now trying to force their ideas onto the rest of the world. Maybe it was good when it was set up but it is now a gabfest by a bunch if idiots. Their grab on climate change is so out of touch with reality that it would be laughable if it wasn't so wrong!!! look at the science of the Ice cores, The data gained from Peat bogs.
The UN is trying to scare the world into creating one leadership, the UN!!!!! Crap and bullshit.

Al Hassan Mahmood
Al Hassan Mahmood - 17.05.2023 13:30

Scientists have said the world population is extremely high but politicians are too corrupt
Unbelievable politicians are selfish with voters and messing up the world

Jingle Val
Jingle Val - 11.05.2023 12:19

some ppl say this is the reason for climate change.
Causes of Climate Change
Generating power. Generating electricity and heat by burning fossil fuels causes a large chunk of global emissions. ...
Manufacturing goods. ...
Cutting down forests. ...
Using transportation. ...
Producing food. ...
Powering buildings. ...
Consuming too much.

Old Scientist
Old Scientist - 08.05.2023 17:26

Scientists do not essentially write the final version of the IPCC report. It is reverse engineered. The Summary for Policymakers is thrashed out by a very large group of politicos at the UN. Line by line. Remember, these are not scientists, but government lackies. Then they go back to information the scientists gave them and change it. The scientific statements must conform to the political ones, not the other way around. This is policy based evidence making, not evidence based policy making. It's atrocious.
The IPCC was set up to find man-made global warming and when you look for something you find it, and indeed they have on the face of it, but when you look deeper you find a dearth of real evidence.
Take AR5, that says all observed warming (0.66°C) since 1950 is due to combined anthropogenic forcing (Fig. 10.5, IPCC core writing team, page 6). This relies upon modelling, or rather multi-modelling. In fact when you lift the curtain it relies on 15 models (Fig. 10.4, page 882). These models are all over the place. The models' results are not consistent with the assumption that there is a clear connection between GHGs and warming. GISS-EH-2 is particularly 'not well constrained' as the terminology goes. "Scaling factors" then have to be applied so things fit with the HadCRUT dataset. Some of the scaling factors are even negative! So many scientists/politicians may have reached a consensus, but the science on which that has been built shows no such agreement.

David Wood
David Wood - 07.05.2023 16:41

1.5C by 2030-2035? It was .8C in 2009, 1C by 2019, and in 2023 we are at 1.2C likely nearer 1.3C. We will blow past 1.5C in the next 3-4 years. Simple math tells us it's accelerating and we are now entering the feedback era. Stop this nonsense about 2030. We'll be lucky if we slow this down s most countries are exceeding their promises and business as usual is driving us to extinction.

official tea
official tea - 07.05.2023 15:45

i think the un needs to summarise it's findings better for public 'consumption', no?

Hodd Toward
Hodd Toward - 02.05.2023 21:55

More taxes will sort it!

Chris M
Chris M - 26.04.2023 21:34

Can’t wait for global warming to finally kick in. I’m fed up with the winter lasting till the end of April 🙃

truth be held
truth be held - 25.04.2023 12:02

All they do is talk about it😂 they won't ever do anything about it

Burnout minion
Burnout minion - 24.04.2023 03:21

We need to build a massive starship to carry the richest people in the world, politicians and cargos of their assets and artworks that define mankind to Mars.

wolf fiow
wolf fiow - 21.04.2023 14:41

you can't avoid it it's too late die-off monkey

Keith Locke
Keith Locke - 20.04.2023 21:09

A challenge to the BBC....

Have an investigative reporter look into, and discuss with "climate scientists", what evidence they have that the interconnected, and synchronised, natural systems within the world's environment isn't causing a rise in the release, rather than capture, of the carbon that makes up 0.004% of the atmosphere.
For example, plant life relies on carbon in both the soil, and atmosphere. At current CO2 levels, plant life is starting to struggle because for it, the higher the level the healthier, stronger, and larger it grows.
With low CO2 levels the plants have to use more water resources, thus causing dryer soil and climate.
Sea temps are rising, which releases more stored carbon and water vapour, as its the largest store of it.
Do scientists have any evidence that the perfectly designed natural world and its ecosystems, which work in synchronicity, is not responding to the incredibly low CO2 levels with which it's plant life, and soils, are struggling to thrive in?

Either, they do have evidence that the world's ecosystems do not work in a sycronistic, interconnected relationship that ensures its survival. In which case man destroying, or eradicating one particular type of ecosystem would have no effect on any other ecosystem.
They cannot prove that the rise of CO2 in the atmosphere is not a natural phenomenon, and that their "science" is correct to say that it is man made.

They fall over themselves in their attempts to convince the public that climate change is man made. But they have NEVER shown one shred of evidence to prove it is not a result of the ecosystems of the natural world working in synchronicity to survive.

Denton Fender
Denton Fender - 20.04.2023 18:08

Considering that animal life on Earth has declined 69% just since 1970, including flying insect life that pollinates our most nutritious food products, its probably too late. Climate change tipping points will probably accelerate animal life decline substantially decreasing the quality of life on Earth. Greedy humans will alter life on planet Earth, and there is little that will be done to change that. We might squeak by, by the skin of our teeth, and avert mass starvation, but the Earth will never be as beautiful as it is today, or especially before 1970.

Samuel Alonso
Samuel Alonso - 19.04.2023 16:33

Climate change . Big business = big dollars

Noido Dev
Noido Dev - 19.04.2023 06:19

Letting the UN handle this topic and the well being of the biosphere in general turned out to be a big success. Future negotiations... tackle the problem ... LOL 😂

S D - 15.04.2023 18:21

More CO2
More food.
Simple as that. Do your own research.

S D - 15.04.2023 18:19

Utter nonsense
Utter bullish
Simply lies

Frank MacDonell
Frank MacDonell - 15.04.2023 06:10

The weather hasn't changed for as long as we have records

Shawn Sanders
Shawn Sanders - 13.04.2023 18:56

Lol what a joke, no it Can't . Your all full of crap.
