HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT AS A TEENAGER and Maintain it  (Tips from my 30 POUND Weight Loss)

HOW TO LOSE WEIGHT AS A TEENAGER and Maintain it (Tips from my 30 POUND Weight Loss)

The Daily Student

3 года назад

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@Thedailystudent1 - 24.09.2020 22:30

Hey beautiful friends,
What’s your weight loss journey update?

P.S. my Instagram @Kimberley_longg
My motivational fitness page: @mydailystudent xx

@elizaS16 - 13.07.2023 00:27

I have never tried anything to lose weight but I have always been unhappy with my body. I am now going to try to cut back for 2 weeks and will write an!update once done!

@Yourdadsbaldspot - 10.05.2023 22:09

Age: 16
Height: 5'1
Start weight: 228 lbs
Goal weight: 116

Will update until goal weight so please like so I can remember to update!

@xikeytiny - 12.03.2023 14:19

someone please tell me how to maintain the weight after weightloss!!!

@yourbuddy487 - 13.01.2023 20:48

Trying to lose weight as a teen is so hard when you have no control over what your parents buy for dinner and seeing everyone else eating yummy but unhealthy food

@jessixoxo5333 - 25.09.2022 00:47


@sailorspacejam - 19.08.2022 06:31

i’m a year late to this video, but i do wanna start having a healthier diet/life style. i’m 14, 5’4.5, and about 140 pounds. i think I’m very much overweight for my age, but i’m not fat at all. i do play soccer and that means i do lots of running so i would say i’m fit. but i struggle with exercising and being healthy at home when i’m not at soccer. i try and run on the treadmill at home but i end up only doing it once and not doing it ever again. but like i said i want to start eating healthier to make up for not exercising at home. the problem is there’s so many diets out there that it overwhelms me and i can’t seem to just focus on one. are there any simple memorable diets that i could follow?

@rihannamcd2376 - 29.07.2022 11:15

I'm 13 and I don't feel comfortable in my body so imma try this!

@trrriple1371 - 30.06.2022 15:08

June 30 2022
Age: 13
Weight: 160
Goal: 125

The main problem right now is that I see eating as a source of entertainment, so I eat big meals. I have been gaining lots of weight ever since I started doing this a couple years ago (like 25+ pounds per year). But I've been trying to eat small portions of healthy foods and entertain myself otherwise. Today I installed installed a calorie tracking app 😀.

@amor4crystal338 - 21.06.2022 06:57

I’ll come back after 2 weeks of cutting off soda and sweets!

Weight rn: 148 lbs

@cheminaaisek7589 - 04.06.2022 12:43

i’ll come back in after summer and lyk how it went 🙂🫶

@kika7038 - 02.06.2022 23:55

Starting my journey when school ends! I don't think that I'll lose all this fat that I want to lose only during summer, but ill give it a try!

Right now, I weight 63 pounds.
My goal is to at least get to 55 pounds again! Wish me luck :D

@rockstrbby. - 02.06.2022 17:32

—my journey basically:

june 2nd, 2022
age: 13
weight: 136.6
height: 5’4(?)
goal: 110
• last november, i was about 157 until i lost 20 pounds. i started working out in march with oppserve’s hourglass workouts, i never really recorded my weight during that time because i didn’t have a scale at home till i asked my mom for one. in april, i got one and stepped on the scale and to my surprise i was down to 144 (im not sure if i have been losing weight since november or if i just now lost it because i started to work out). my eating habit wasnt that great though, i would limit myself to two meals a day which is really unhealthy for me. i spoke with my p.e teacher about losing weight and she told me that i should eat about 3-4 meals a day and to balance out my meals. i started working on that and it really helped me, but i would allow myself to have a cheat meal about once or twice a week to keep me from indulging more. two months later (june) i have lost about.. eight more pounds? yeah.
by the end of august i hope i’ll lose about 10 more pounds, so maybe something like 126/120. see yall until then ig 💀💀‼️

august process

@nothingnezz6813 - 26.05.2022 09:02

I’ll start tomorrow, I really hope that this works. Fingers crossed!✨-
Weight: 150 lbs
Age: 12
Yeahhh so see y’all on the other side?✨

@covers2343 - 25.05.2022 13:38

As soon as I got my period, my metabolism was just like "naw I'm dipping "

@diyamogili4649 - 25.05.2022 01:44

Keep in mind that your actual weight doesn't matter as much as you think guys. Muscle takes up half the space as fat. It is more dense. You can look thin and weigh 150 because of muscle and you could have a little extra and also be 150 since you have less muscle and more fat. FAT WEIGHS LESS THAN MUSCLE.

@shizuru1969 - 06.05.2022 16:34

I noticed a lot of teens my age are here sharing their journeys! I'm 15, I weigh about 106-110 lbs or 48-50kg and I think I'm 5'1. My waist is about 26-27 inches. I wonder if anyone here was successful in achieving a waist that's slimmer than mine?

I exercise everyday at least 30 minutes (not much high impact or high intensity), I don't eat much of junk foods or fast foods, I try to eat vegetables everyday at least once in a meal (I don't achieve it everyday, sometimes I don't eat any at all because I'm still dependent on the meals my family make) and I drink at least 2L everyday.

Some may say that my weight is already good and I should be satisfied, but I just want to achieve a slimmer waist. It's not like I hate my physic, I actually don't hate it, I'm rather thankful that I'm at a healthy BMI range. I just want to lose a bit more fat all over my body to achieve my dream body.

Back to the question, was anyone able to achieve being fit or toned? I would really like to know. Thank you if you've read this far. I'm rooting for everyone who's trying to lose weight! Let's do our best!

@enamiiss3320 - 06.05.2022 09:10

I’m 14 and weight 163lbs with the height of 5’5. I want to get to 120. I don’t take my medicine. I don’t go to bed early. I don’t eat healthy. I don’t eat slowly. I don’t drink water. I dont go out. I don’t do anything I should be at the age of 14. I sit in bed all day and stay on my phone. I’m going to change my habits and work on myself. I’ll give an update ❤️

@sleepy6753 - 09.04.2022 21:08

Her British accent is everything thoo

@themidnightpack2764 - 24.03.2022 21:43

Also a tip if you still want to have some sugar daily have no more than 60g of dark chocolate. It is high in nutrients but any more than 60g and it is too much sugar and callories.

@sandeepchoudhary2387 - 24.03.2022 20:09

I'm about to start my weight loss journey. I'm being optimistic about this, all because of the rest of the comments. Wish me luck. Here are my current details:

Age: 13 years
Weight: 163 lbs / 74 kg
Goal Weight: 103 lbs / 47 kg
See you in about a year!

@samuraimemegod9259 - 24.03.2022 18:08

Bro i have been working out 6 times a week 2 hours a day for 6 months . I feel how strong and hard my abs are but i still have a few layers of fat around my abs its frustrating 😐(15 btw)(6ft1)

@macyproffer4959 - 20.03.2022 22:24

Thank you so much darling! You are wise beyond your years :) I’ll see you guys in 2 weeks

@me.myself.and.of.course.i5038 - 16.03.2022 05:57

I'm 14 it's Tuesday March 15th 2022 I weigh 200 pounds my goal is 170 because that is the healthy weight for me. I am going to start working out as I can (but I currently have problems with my legs so I can't do any running kr intense weight bearing ect) I will update you in a month. I really hope this goes good.

@kristina-gz2sv - 08.03.2022 21:01

im 12 years old, and 167 pounds. i want to lose weight and dont know how, can someone please give tips because i really want to lose weight

@floralhedgehog4691 - 03.03.2022 01:10

AHHHHHH I cannot thank you enough!! I saw this video a few months ago and became motivated to start my weight loss journey! I have lost 13 lbs (its not much but for me its a lot) and now I feel so happy! I've been eating healthy and exercising regularly and I feel so much better!!

@harryshouse303 - 22.02.2022 05:28

i haven’t drank a soda in over a year and a half. honestly once you just get through the 1st month you barely crave it. sometimes when i’m tired i crave it but i never give in

@roxy9497 - 14.02.2022 02:49

i’m 13, 5’6 173 pounds (c36 breasts)
my goal is 130, by the end of june.
If anyone wants to go on this journey with me, i’ll give my snapchat!

@faarea_r1 - 10.02.2022 19:38

I’m tired of myself. I feel so lazy all the time, I’ve been going to the gym for 2 years now but I don’t have the energy to put effort & I hate myself for it. I despise my body, & I’m always envious of others around me with perfect bodies. But watching this video made me realize that I should do this for myself, I feel motivated & I really want to try. I’ll keep editing this comment hoping for positive results in my routine :))

@samanthatell7196 - 02.02.2022 22:07

You ought to put go’ogle to use anytime you want to read the easiest, least bothersome way to lose weight. It's simply about adding a specially formulated powder to your morning coffee that would make it impossible for you not to melt off those pounds. It’s called Jenessa Venspurke’s Stuff Your Face if I remember correctly.

@wonumy - 31.01.2022 17:02

I'm fat I'm 5'7 and 60kg

@kaitlynbideos4559 - 23.01.2022 04:22

I was 170lbs and I’m 153 now I still have a big belly and I’m really trying to make that go away by working out and eating lest (portion control)

@6adm4n64 - 23.01.2022 04:20

Starting tomorrow. I am 198 pounds ;-; (that number is scary when it comes to weight for me..) I was 170-178 pounds before hand so this is definitely scary for me but I will be very mindful with my intake and how many calories I will be putting out. I will be going on 30 minute walks, as well as drinking water(lemon water when available) and I will come back every 2 weeks to update. Wish me luck kiddies 😈💪:) (forgot to put this but I’ll also be targeting certain areas when I work out and will be jumping on my trampoline Bc it’s fun and will definitely get me moving a bit more 👍)

@-sylviasamiec-8667 - 20.01.2022 23:24

Weight loss is a world full of "fantasy" that you want to overcome.
Weight doesn't define YOU, people change and so do their bodies.
Step by STEP, go at your own paste and find things to make you happy.
Got this bae <3

@jancamp4835 - 20.01.2022 05:20

Age: 15
Weight: 130 (I’m really short so this is a lot for my height!)
Goal weight: 110

I’ll post results every 2 weeks or whenever I remember this lol

@sophlrk - 17.01.2022 21:25

the thing is i dance 4 times a week netball 1s a week then i workout on either saturday or sunday and i havent seen any differences in my weight i have also tried to eat healthier and eat lots of fruit and veg i only ever drink water but i dont know whats stopping myself from loosing weight its annoying but i want to know

@star_girl888 - 15.01.2022 20:29

Hello! I’m 15yrs old I’ve been fat/chubby ever since I can remember probably since 5th grade and I’ve never been happy with my self I’m always buying larger size clothing and sometimes it dosent even fit me I haven’t even wore short skirts or swimsuits since I was 8 years old I haven’t swam at the beach or pool since I was 10 and everyday I cry seeing my siblings having fun seeing my friends wearing what they like im the only really chubby girl in my whole class and sometimes I try to forget about my weight to feel better about myself but eventually it comes back to haunt me I really want to be skinny my problem is mostly sweets and food I see people around me eating and sometimes I over eat these days I stop eating in the morning throughout school I don’t even eat a snack or anything but when I come home it all goes to waste because I eat way more than anything so I’m not sure how I can stop that and then I get scared or embarrassed to go to the gym when I want to because I feel like people would stare at me for being young and overweight but these videos give me hope for seeing my self for first time to be who I want to be and finally be happy with myself my goal is to lose 20 pounds in a month I mostly have issues with thigh fat

@user-ss7rn9uq8d - 15.01.2022 04:11

out of all my friend group in my years i always was the chubby one, im 12 and i weight 91 my goal is 55-60 i hope this works

@sophiamurphy1925 - 11.01.2022 19:51

i just asked my friend to start going on runs with me SOOOO WOOO cause im really socially anxious running around people cause i think there all judging me but if i have someone there ill be fineee

@unfortunate_lesbian6002 - 11.01.2022 08:53

Thank you so much. I started being bulimic this week and I’ve been fasting for 3 days straight every week since December. I became obsessed with food and now I’m gaining weight. This helps me a lot, I’m going to help myself in healthy ways <3

@-_brwne_-340 - 09.01.2022 21:50

Me: watching while drinking 1l of Sprite

@Justlulzzz - 05.01.2022 23:21

Im 13 in 2 months
last month i was 145 pounds (66kg)
now im 136 pounds (62kg)
I dont like my body at all and i want to loose 18kg 38 pounds wish me luck

@islaxx5299 - 04.01.2022 21:29

I’m a teenager and it’s hard for me to stick to diets as my family cooks the majority of my food.

@liliamelenchuk6880 - 04.01.2022 05:17

I am starting to give my self one candy after working out so I would wanna go towards that prize like a tootsie roll

@izzwizzrizz - 01.01.2022 20:24

i am 13 years old and i weigh 119 pounds (53kg or 8.5stone) and today (january 1st 2022) i am going to be walking my dog every day for 45-60 mins and mainly drinking only water for a year. I will give monthly updates and some random updates that will be in the replies.
Maybe 80% of my year group + my younger sister is thinner than me and it makes me feel so insecure when all the girls can wear leggings and look good in pe but when i wear leggings i look just odd- some people (including my girlfriend) have even commented on my body and it really upsets me and because of this I used to want to loose weight to ‘look prettier’ and loosing weight so i can fit and unrealistic standard but I have changed to wanting to get healthier for myself and to become more confident in myself.

Also whenever i am sad or anxious i stress eat which i am trying to not do now and instead i will paint when i am upset.

I hope everyone who is doing this is successful. Remember everyone is beautiful though and you should only be doing this for yourself. 💗💗

@peachy69420 - 27.12.2021 00:17

Is a Gatorade considered sugary drinks


After she said about not buying products to lose weight, an ad for it appeared.

@melissafuerst6051 - 26.12.2021 01:45

I'm 15 and I weigh 97 pounds and I want to get to at least 90 (I'm short so that's why the number is so low) but the absolute max I am able to lose is 2 pounds right before gaining it back the next time I eat

@princesscaturay487 - 23.12.2021 12:28

<3333 thankyou
