Rimworld Caster Psy Levelling : Tutorial Nuggets

Rimworld Caster Psy Levelling : Tutorial Nuggets

Francis John

3 года назад

85,119 Просмотров

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Brenden Lott
Brenden Lott - 08.07.2023 04:31

What if you tear down the tree on accident?

Koffee - 05.06.2023 08:05

Was the room locked? How do you lock them in?

Darko Shadowfury
Darko Shadowfury - 30.01.2023 15:16

you botched praetor pronunciation.

Thanquol Die Ratte
Thanquol Die Ratte - 23.12.2022 02:17

if one could implant and harvest normal eyes the ideology route would probably be the fastest in the style of this one woman from elden ring. but since that needs mods and bionic eyes are expensive, the tree is the fastest. also if do this animal insanity trick if you manage to rescue some of them afterwards you have a good chance to end up with more reputation than when you startet.

Jerry Andersson
Jerry Andersson - 13.11.2022 13:04

I am just revisiting this for a refresher, I never did much with psy stuff. But my current save/colony I am thinking of trying it out some before restarting with a 1.4 dlc one.

Jerry Andersson
Jerry Andersson - 13.11.2022 12:04

Great video, did they nerf the psy link farming bit tho? I think I recall something about that.

De Paula Caldeira Lucas
De Paula Caldeira Lucas - 25.09.2022 04:59

I started to play rimworld 2 weeks ago, first colony, no mods yet, the guys come to the make the title cerimony.... But one of his own guards just shooted the noble right in the middle of my base (still don't know why), and the guarda flew away, i took the neuro thing and his elex staff and burried the poor betrayed guy.... i'm addicted to this game now.

Lolly - 24.05.2022 12:45

Ah stink my title holder for my last run had a bad trait, but he held harpsichord recitals at his throne room constantly.

123 321
123 321 - 28.02.2022 06:07

By the way in case you dont like a certain mechanic the modding community has got you covered!

Tiered of nobles being a dead weight?
Mods can fix that so they can finally clean their thronerooms and bedrooms!

Tiered of anima trees taking half the map to be optimal?
No worries you can put it in a 5 by 5 cube now with 0 side effects!

(In my defence i like playing with small amout of colonists 3 to 5 and in such case having 20% to 33% of my colony being useless is frustrating also iam playing on small maps cause my pc aint as beefy (this one also contributes to why i play with 3 to 5 colonists too) so i cant afford the anima tree to takeup the entire map when playing tribal)

Bro Sef
Bro Sef - 12.01.2022 21:29

Nice tips. I was always trying to shrine max in the outdoors.

Aperture science guy
Aperture science guy - 31.12.2021 07:00

You can also just use a nutrient paste dispenser to avoid pawns carrying meals and eating them without tables, instead of dealing with the building a table out in the open by the tree

bugrilyus - 12.12.2021 02:16

so does this trap still work with the last update?

Acesahn - 24.10.2021 02:46

What is the relation between psychic sensitivity and psionics? Apparently it helps with heat buildup but I'm not certain.

__ - 21.10.2021 03:13

Wow, I didn't know about dignified focus.
There is also another way to get a high-level psycaster by the end of the first year. The scared noble quest. It spawns around 50th day if empire is not hostile; the noble can be captured, enslaved, forced to renounce title, imprisoned again and then recruited. This noble always has Wimp and 4-6 levels of psylink.

Gond-R - 29.09.2021 15:22

Quick important note
As of update 1.3.3117 giving the bestower a heatstroke has been patched
"- Empire will now properly respond to player giving the bestower serious heatstroke or hypothermia or allowing it to happen"

Natlee - 28.09.2021 23:18

Hmm I don’t think the trick works anymore. My bestower always leave due to dangerous temperature. I get a notification of Quest failing and relationship diminishing

Keyser The Red Beard
Keyser The Red Beard - 16.09.2021 12:39

brilliant upload Francis John. I killed the thumbs up on your video. Always keep up the wonderful work.

Barg B
Barg B - 08.09.2021 23:31

Bruh I've never seen a animus stone >:0

Mike - 02.09.2021 05:38

LOL the comments would be bombarded

Heckin Memes
Heckin Memes - 08.08.2021 19:34

"We lose so many bestowers at "Cannibal Holocaust Ice Shelf". I wonder why?"

"No idea, send the next shuttle."

remliqa - 08.08.2021 11:49

Wouldn't the Bestower dying from heatstroke damage the relationship with the Empire?

The Krampus, el banano que vive en carcosa
The Krampus, el banano que vive en carcosa - 02.08.2021 21:38

I think this no longer works

Mcdoman Mcdoman
Mcdoman Mcdoman - 02.08.2021 01:39

Not working anymore :( and they drop only 2

will langdale
will langdale - 29.07.2021 00:55

Is this outdated or did you totally forget that art worship has the highest psyfocus possible

Kevin - 11.07.2021 07:18

I found that art is an amazing meditation focus, I did a quest that gave me a legendary marble large sculpture and got my 2 best large sculptures in a room, my caster has a gain rate of 79% phy/day. It’s insane

Moses Buddha Jesus
Moses Buddha Jesus - 02.06.2021 11:10

Oh man, I made very elaborate ways to kill the bestower, without watching the video :P
My favorite one, is befriending one of the enemies, getting them to send a trade caravan, then getting the bestower shuttle near them (can be done with the landing pads). Once they see each other, they start shooting and killing each other. Benefits: 1 bestower dies or downed, so you take the psylinks. 2. Others are downed, so you can rescue them, get medical experience, AND you get faction likeness if they leave the map healthy. 3. There is a chance that the caravan will die, so all the loot will drop and you can grab it. You do NOT get -likeness from the factions if they kill each other, you only get the -likeness if they die because of you somehow. Try it out, its fun! I have about 300 Psylinks laying around, and they are 2k each to trade lol. I have infinite money.

acheron16 - 19.05.2021 00:35

I think the psylink neuroformer bestower farming strat has been nerfed.
I did the same and they turned hostile to me instead.

BubbleShy - 03.05.2021 18:01

Tynan: Gets mad that everyone keeps calling the psycasters wizards.

Also Tynan: Makes the preferred clothing of the psycasters robes and cloaks. Makes the preferred weapons of the psycasters staffs. Makes all the psycasting abilities effects that alter someone's thinking or unnaturally moves something. Makes it so that you have to let your wizards meditate in order to use their abilities.

John - 21.04.2021 19:20

you missed the part about how to have everyone with enough psyfocus AND also have a normal base running

Jonsse - 19.04.2021 21:14

Man I gotta stop using useful pawns as my wizards. Meditation takes such a long chunk out of their day. They stop doing their work.

Darth Bader
Darth Bader - 03.04.2021 22:58

Very handy guide, thank you! <3

mithral07 - 25.03.2021 09:48

You can boost the tree with up to a total of 4 anima stones or nature shrines. Stones are +2% each and shrines are +1%. That is an extra 4-8%

Anthony Cooper
Anthony Cooper - 22.03.2021 19:37

Great video eh

phenring - 21.03.2021 14:27

you can buy up honor, do the ceremony, renounce your title, keep your psylink

Volk Stärke
Volk Stärke - 19.03.2021 17:27

I added only the mods you mentioned in your video on mods for Rimworld. now I can not right click on a trader to trade. Seems I have no way to trade or do tribute collectors. Not sure which mod is causing this.

Bruges Manioracci
Bruges Manioracci - 19.03.2021 00:26

All this time and o didn't know about anima Stone... Thanks for that.

Gambit - 18.03.2021 23:42

You have great material, but you speak too fast.

Norm - 18.03.2021 18:52

Would you mind doing a normal playthrough no challenge Exept 200+ difficulty and blood n dust or losing is fun? I love watching rimworld man

Jonathan Northcutt
Jonathan Northcutt - 18.03.2021 16:40

If you micro manage it each honour is 26 gold last I checked[it has been a while so may have been increased] but you can keep selling and going back to save a few gold

MrJuiceFreeze - 18.03.2021 16:21


Pendant Blade
Pendant Blade - 18.03.2021 14:30

Francis continues to make RimWorld tutorials to get away from the madness that is the murder munchkins.

Arthur Herbst
Arthur Herbst - 18.03.2021 12:15

Does someone know if psylink levels on your pawn are taken into consideration when the strenght of raids is calculated?

Grand Fremdling
Grand Fremdling - 18.03.2021 10:07

Good and helpful

Rahmat Hanif
Rahmat Hanif - 18.03.2021 05:56

you can add animus stone and that-artificial-shrine-you-build around the anima tree to increase the meditation speed, or is it insignificant?

Alex H
Alex H - 18.03.2021 05:14

Why is Thumb armed with a penis?
If you have not seen it before, and can’t “un-see” it now, sorry not sorry 😂

DSlyde - 18.03.2021 04:40

I think playing with only tribals has Francis forgetting about Artistic focus which almost all non-tribals have by default and is the most powerful in meditation

Nommy - 18.03.2021 04:23

Thanks Francis, I always enjoy watching these and learning a few tips! The quality, relevance, comprehensiveness and density of information like you consistently put in these is extremely rare - the work you put in testing and editing show, cheers man!

JaRyCu - 18.03.2021 04:20

All I could think during this: "OMG look at the little Murder Munchkins, way back before they were stone cold killers and survivors of Randy's ultimate rage!"

William Haines
William Haines - 18.03.2021 03:37

real ones recognize Gordiana on the job
