Unwritten Rules of Genshin Impact

Unwritten Rules of Genshin Impact


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Ratheil - 11.01.2023 11:20

The real ones roll for Yoimiya anyway.

Anon Akkor
Anon Akkor - 30.08.2023 11:35

still got her and love her playstyle hahaaaaaa

2D_Emerald - 16.08.2023 08:25

this sounds incredible!! have you considered a version without the intro or at least one without Gabe talking? i feel like that'd be nice for a lot of people.

Víctor - 10.08.2023 14:32

yoimiya was literally my first five star after i started playing the game again when inazuma released (i used to play since the release when i was younger but stopped playing it) and yoimiya is pretty good ngl i also love her personality she's just amazing to play with she may not be the best in the meta but she's still pretty good and cmon, every character can clear abyss. If you prefer certain characters just for the "meta" you're lying to yourself cause even a well built amber team can complete that.

zEscOOt - 25.07.2023 10:19

Thankfully I pulled Yoimiya when I didn't know what was good and now she's one of my best characters

newbie - 22.07.2023 22:42

Dude, the even more painful part is, I wanted Yoimiya. But I was super excited for Ayaka and Raiden and even Kazuha... And I play as Free to play ☠️.

But despite these pains, I pulled on her 1st banner and lost the 50/50 (could have gone more but Raiden was also coming). Pulled on Kazuha's banner and lost 50/50 so Instead of going for him, still went for Yoimiya... Couldn't reach pity.

Went for again when she got re-run With Nahida. LOST 50/50 AGAIN.

It was dreadful. But I actually pulled her on her 4th Banner . Soo happy (😭😭😭😭😭😭😭)

Zach Lap
Zach Lap - 20.07.2023 02:26

Dam I got a geo damage bonus with freaking 14 cd 17 cc and em like bruh

Roamer - 19.07.2023 01:44

In 2.0 I got crazy lucky and accidentally got Ayaka in 10 pulls and won the 50/50. Then next half I got Yoimiya on accident with around 5 pulls.

matrx - 28.06.2023 22:56

no i love keqing and she is my main for today but i only have her C1 because i won 50/50 on her banner and lost on yelan

Drowning Suns
Drowning Suns - 20.06.2023 20:46

I rolled on kequing banner and got her, right before hu tao, and no I don't regret it

William Nicolas
William Nicolas - 15.06.2023 23:49

I wanted yoemiya but I really needed yae miko for my dendro team. Why do they hate her

nam - 09.06.2023 23:04

If I had a nickel for each time Yoimiya shared a version with Kazuha I’d have 2 nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice

MyNameIsJeff - 08.06.2023 09:17

They screwered yoimiya over again but i finally got her after losing multiple 50s

Tasos Tsikalakis
Tasos Tsikalakis - 07.06.2023 00:13

yoimiya's banner luck is getting worse by the version 😅😅

mike le
mike le - 30.05.2023 11:58

Now in the 3.7 update poor Yoimiya have banner with Yae Miko and having Kazuha & Alhaitham in the phase 2...

Jewwm Jewwm
Jewwm Jewwm - 29.05.2023 04:26

the desire sensor is so real when albedo had his second rerun I tried nabbing one of the 4 stars but ended up getting albedo at 40 pity (I was saving for nahida….. back to 0pity) also happened with Dehyas banner I was again trying to get a 4 star and then stop pulling so I could save (but noooo Dehya had to come early back to 0 pity again)

Grifiun - 28.05.2023 09:30

Now in 3.7 she get rerun aside Yae Miko, Alhaitham and Kazuha hahaha

Blazey Prime
Blazey Prime - 27.05.2023 18:26

Now she is overshadowed by Kaz whom has a rerun banner very soon...if I did not already have so many main DPS characters she would be an enticing pull. She deserves so much more...

07m - 26.05.2023 18:55

I skipped Ayaka's and Raiden's banners the 1st time around so I could pull Yoimiya guaranteed. Absolutely zero regrets, i would do it again 100 times out of 100. She's the best Inazuma waifu who's not a fox.

Aurora (Magic)
Aurora (Magic) - 26.05.2023 05:23

Unwritten rule: if there is a new anemo five star, he will be short male modeled

Deezekii :3
Deezekii :3 - 25.05.2023 06:58

wait what kind of fucking excuses do you guys have. She is just basically not wanted at all. If y'alll reason is getting paired with a popular character. Bro I swear you guys are lie the most copium people ive seen. Even if yoimiya has a SOLO run itlll end up not selling good AGAIN. Wtf are you guys been drinking? SHE willl NEVER EVER going to be wanted until they buffed her or a new content or ways to pllay the game that benefits her MASSIVELY to even make people want her. CAUSE Im going to say it, she doesn't look good enough to make tons of people pull for her just for the looks. Cause yoimiya is mid at best. Yep get mad yoimiya mains

Time and Space Itself
Time and Space Itself - 20.05.2023 05:12

Albedo banners also suffer from terrible placement. Yoimia and Albedo are both characters I want but there's always something else 🥲

Black Dragons
Black Dragons - 17.05.2023 00:35

Actually I am quite happy that they sabotage yoimiya like that bc this way you know the people who still pulled for yoimiya love her from the bottom of their heart❤😂

a guy online
a guy online - 16.05.2023 21:53

em circlets stay away from me with a 10ft pole

Dark Master
Dark Master - 28.04.2023 17:41

Another rule is that we always must have maguu kenki in abyss

Burning Cloud
Burning Cloud - 27.04.2023 15:05

Hoyo hates Yomiya. (and Amber)

Spider - 26.04.2023 01:12

I rolled for Yoimiya on her first banner anyway and still got Ei at 8 pity

Jayson Cayetano【雪民】
Jayson Cayetano【雪民】 - 22.04.2023 07:44

I got Yoimiya on her release, cuz I didn't understand 50/50 that time yet and lose Ayaka banner and got Keqing

Love Yoimiya tho

Almighty Hera
Almighty Hera - 21.04.2023 11:21

I need Yoi cons I'm so choosing her no matter what. Well unless hydro archon will improve her dramatically. Everything is for Yoi on my account

Valrin7236 - 17.04.2023 08:10

I hate Itto so much.

Asdion - 14.04.2023 19:14

Ito is obnoxious, and his events are some of the worst like the extremely dumb beetle battle event

takaharu oogami
takaharu oogami - 13.04.2023 12:51

why there is no unwritten rule about zhongli demo?
everytime a new character trailer came out i always watch zhongli again

David Weaver
David Weaver - 13.04.2023 06:09

Got Yoimiya first time around. Never got around to really building her up, but I do use her fairly regularly.

Stufflifeart - 11.04.2023 17:09

She was my first fivestar on the event banner on her first banner that she was released on, she’s one of my main dps and I love herrrr

Nohtbad - 10.04.2023 15:08

I mean.. at this point Yoimiya is a premium character. I'll just focus on getting her to c6 for fun since I'm almost halfway there

Name4200 _
Name4200 _ - 10.04.2023 02:53

I'm telling you i go for broke everytime Yoimiya banner came, sadly skiped Ayaka and got Yoimiya on her first banner 100+ rolls.

I literally pulled on every one of her weapon banner and still can't get that damn bow even to this day.. plz send help💀

necrodon88 - 03.04.2023 21:54

I didn’t roll for Keqing on her banner and have since been PUNISHED for it. My last 4 losses to 50/50 have ALL been to KEQING! She’s my only 5 star at C3 and its a major bummer. I keep her at level 8 out of spite.

Emmirby Evo Nuestro
Emmirby Evo Nuestro - 02.04.2023 16:15

Ngl when i first saw yoimiya i knew i wanted her she is so cute and underrated

Dan Calderon
Dan Calderon - 02.04.2023 04:22

Hey, desire sensor is legit. But this sensor worked in my favor, too.

I was either a Geo lover or a catalyst user. What did they do? Only one copy of Widsith, only two catalyst billets my entire career (Mappa Mare and Proto Amber both R1) while I have AT LEAST 5 billets for other weapon types. I can R5 Whiteblind and Amenoma npnp
It also took me a full year before C6-ing my Ningguang and Noelle, of course with the help of Starglitter, and lose 50/50 for catalyst characters (Wanderer, Klee, Nahida which I have to spend to get her guarantee).

But on the flip side, I won R10 Sac Swords, my standard banner luck is good, got great 5* weapons (PJWS, Amos, SH - no catalysts of course) before losing to Keqing on my 4th SB roundabout when Dendro is in full swing already, and some 50/50 wins on them non-catalysts meta picks (Kazuha, Venti, Yelan), along with PJC (before guaranteeing Kagura), Freedom-Sworn (while wishing for Lost Prayers), EL and recently Mistsplitter.

I'd say you can cheat them out of it. Ensure guarantee on characters you really do like so no desire sensor into play, then while it is risky, you can also build pity on characters they know you don't necessarily love - but make sure you pull for the meta/value one for better efficiency; or at least for weapon banners, make sure that you need both weapons before pulling on it.

myeon - 01.04.2023 07:55

co op rules:

it'sAme - 29.03.2023 19:22

Hu Tao likely doesn't show up because her voice actress for her is very expensive, which is another reason she is very popular.

It's kinda similar situation Raiden shogun

Oni blink
Oni blink - 27.03.2023 06:04

Wait, yelan had a rerun?… fuck why did i have to go on a genshin break right after tighnaris banner? I only came back like 8 days before the shenhe/ayaka banners and let me tell you, i have enough dionas to make a fucking grandma worried about how many cats i have.

Bru - 27.03.2023 05:06

Making every character that isn’t completely pale bad

Alexandre Géhin
Alexandre Géhin - 26.03.2023 13:52

I think the reason why farming artifact feels less bad for you IS because you have more resin to spend there. Doing 4 domains/day instead of farming other stuff takes so much time. Finished my itto artifacts 3 months after I got him of daily artifact farming

Giovanni Ferreira
Giovanni Ferreira - 25.03.2023 15:24

Not only Itto, but every event that Albedo takes part of is also one of the best!

scythe - 25.03.2023 02:56

I feel bad for her personally because I accidentally got her C1 and yet I never use her.

Streamstress - 23.03.2023 07:19

i feel like the same thing with Itto happens with Albedo. every event since his release that he's even shown his face in for two seconds has absolutely s l a p p e d .
as for Yoimiya, thank god i got her on her initial run. i originally got her cause i needed a dps aside from Razor, i kin her in so many ways, and she released on my birthday, but damn with how much they keep shafting her it's more than a good thing i was still in my lucky stage of wishing and got her with enough to spare for C2 Albedo on his rerun

Tooth - 22.03.2023 16:44

the funny thing was I wanted Klee somewhat and casually rolled for her after I got Kazuha and failed to get her didn't even lose 50/50, nothing really showed up lol. then idk what pity but it was early Yoimiya just showed up. best Pyro DPS I have atm lmao.
