banned from arelith,  sadface

banned from arelith, sadface


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@banimegaming8038 - 26.06.2018 14:05

I know the feeling, i got banned after only 2 weeks on the server for killing a DMs friend for ingame calling me" Low life scum" lol

@thegray305 - 27.06.2018 00:14

Pretty poor RP by a lot of those players. Makes me not really want to join the server now.

@thegray305 - 27.06.2018 00:18

Slaughtering people in public over some benches and everyone is cool with it. Ridiculous.

@Alcochaser - 02.07.2018 19:19

you are a damn greifer.

@MrLazyeyedhobo - 04.07.2018 23:18

I like how she just stands there and waits 30 seconds before typing anything

@coach_byerly - 14.08.2018 10:02

Good riddance

@niekandervette5470 - 28.08.2018 00:12

Wow. Yeh i remember skal. The hostility ther was insane. Sorry just reading trough the forum and saw this comming up. Its sad to see it is still the same on the server. I am sad to see this realy. Been on the server for more then 12 years. And this still happends

@feartheway5111 - 09.09.2018 10:36

OK, i managed to get unbanned which is cool. There was no malicious intent. On reflection the moment i died I should have RP dying the trouble is it didnt let me stay down easily it just kept popping up. I was not equiped as an RP player noob to be able to just die and log out and have other characters mourn the death.

@DukeofBlasphemy - 07.03.2019 21:05

Were you banned for having a sense of humour? Surprised killing you literally 100 times or so isn't a more bannable offense.

@TheInstinctWithinV2 - 13.02.2020 05:33

You had it coming. You didn't just take one chair, you took 3. You are only allowed to steal/pick up one once per real life day. You then picked one up another time before Titania got to you.

When you pick up fixtures you get a clear warning text, and that action is taken very seriously. Each item has an ID bound to the creator, and they can literally see it in a server log when you do. You should have gone for anything but fixtures. If you did not get punished for this, no items would be left alone, and it would ruin everything for people. That's why they didn't just let you off with a warning, you had several. People were hitting you over and over because you kept running away in a no death zone.

For people saying to craft new stools, it's a principle thing. If you can't place items added for immersion because some asshat comes along to sabotage, there's no point putting in the effort into items.

I have been playing on this server for 10+, and let me tell you, the DM team is really lax and laid back these days, they used to issue bans for very minor offenses or things they personally disagreed with. People only get banned when they have made a real headache now.

@Larpushka - 05.05.2020 11:55

Playing a thief so it'd be enjoyable to others is a nearly impossible task... the thing is when people play good guys that are unrealistic is not noticeable, if you play a bad guy that's unrealistic, that gets a lot of attention fast. I think playing evil/bad characters is quite a lot harder because of this.

@31397slayer - 08.02.2021 14:18

It's seriously pathetic how dedicated people are to a rpg. Players should have the freedom to do what they want and you didn't do anything malicious. You put the stuff back, they could have asked if you could before attacking you, and they banned you for chairs while on a high horse as if they didn't kill you 40 times. Give me a break

@loadnlock357 - 13.04.2021 21:29

You can't pvp plain and simple. People get butthurt that you embarrassed their beloved alter ego.

@aramathis - 20.07.2021 11:06

Arelith is an extensive world that the DMs are really just admins unless you are in the elite few that know them and contribute heavily. They will tell you that money has nothing to do with it but it is not true. I played Arelith for six months and rose to power to rule their newest city Guldorand. It was a real upset to have an outsider come in and win the popular vote after playing for such a short time really. What happened after that is I started to shake up the place with some dark uncertainty in the RP as I ruled a city with the support of both good people and many evil characters being careful my politics were liberal enough to embrace both. My downfall as a player was I clearly pissed off some of the ancient favored players and the DMs who barely knew I existed up until that time went through every private Tell I ever made to my character's significant other. They found three obscure references to a make-believe love life and then banned me for life for cybering. They didn't barely know or care that my character existed or anything about my story until I upset their money players and then they searched for a quick justification to throw me out of the game forever. Arelith is about numbers as the elite would get bored if all the rank and file that in truth they don't care about stopped playing and that is the real truth. I know people on the inside and I can tell you that is the way it is ..... rock the money boat and you're gone.

As to the game itself, the content is replayed over and over with the same dungeons and gets boring at top level fast. The PVP almost doesn't exist because the longer-term money players own most of the surface property and do a major beat down on any of the evil characters that really try to do much of anything. The game mechanics are so massively broken that you have to use the jacked-up builds that most do to have a prayer in PVP.

So if you join and suck up to the right people and tag along with them the DMs for brief moments may care you exist. Rock the boat in any way and they will make up reasons to kick you and don't care you just spent months getting to where you are. Their no cyber policy is the excuse they use to ban you for private tells that make reference to your make-believe love life. Oh, and one of their long-term players I knew in the game named Theodore actually gave me published books talking about children born and affairs he had and that was ok but three tells that no one saw referencing my make-believe love life was a ban for life. The servers are about the owner making money ... and he needs your numbers or his elite will fade away and that is all.

@randalstilskin5266 - 01.02.2022 10:59

Bah this is why I started to stay away from Private servers, I cant name the number of times on a UO shard I got crap for killing some guys girlfriend on a pvp server or some other like situation. Still though this place looks ripe for passive aggressive antics.

@deezydeuce - 13.04.2022 22:54

Worst inventory screen I've ever seen.

@soulfullmusik3486 - 14.05.2022 22:08

sad a$$ server. Areltih is a very bi-es server. You seriously got to be a Suck Boy to the DM's or youll be treated like a hooker. I feel for all these comments,

@DerexWolfheart - 02.07.2022 18:49

i lost braincells watching this jesus christ... you dont understand the rules and you suck at rping. no wonder the dms are always so fed up when dealing people....

@pmc3003 - 24.07.2022 17:26

I know this is years old but does stuff like this still happen on Arelith? I only started playing there yesterday and not very experienced with rp'n, I just noticed people talking about the server on the games Steam community board and figured I'd give it a go. From this, no one looks friendly.

@maclegend9169 - 14.09.2022 13:34

This is just annoying to watch. After the 1st time you're punched to the ground you should have RP'd being knocked out and having the chairs that would obviously be scattered on the floor in front of you taken back. Why keep screaming for help and that you're innocent... You've stolen chairs, if you were RPing properly basic logic would indicate you can't hide a stolen chairs from several onlookers/witnesses. Just give it back and stop being annoying.

@deacon5090 - 06.02.2023 01:37

i really feel like most DM's in this game are on a massive ego trip. i don't see the problem this guy is playing a character on a rp server.

@evolgenius1150 - 16.04.2023 21:01

ahAHAHAHAHA You totally broke the rules and what's funny is al of this went down in character though. I think you missed the part where yo ucan only steal one thing from one person per 24 hour period but in your defence it's what Onest Jo would have done xD. You should have sent a tell salying you were in character or soemething maybe there would have been some leneincey

omg onest jo is so funny. he's like the comical releif anime rogue

@user-ob4kn3rp3j - 06.09.2023 09:02

Typical hivemind Arelith players.
