Mass Effect - Who MADE the Reapers? (Leviathan EXPLAINED)

Mass Effect - Who MADE the Reapers? (Leviathan EXPLAINED)


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YEETIN_YETI - 19.07.2023 11:28

These dumb space squid should’ve just made themselves sphere balls with lasers for weapons. Why easier to defend and protect themselves and an ultimately better design with no weak points

Ronin - 01.07.2023 19:48

What if the AI you mentioned who created harbinger was none other than the catalyst itself.

Blue199 - 24.06.2023 00:44

reapers should've been self-made. making a race that's even more ancient just undercuts them, while also making the leviathans seem like a joke for creating the reapers in the first place

Louis Wilkins
Louis Wilkins - 11.06.2023 09:03

🙄 Duh 40k is constantly at war. Come get some.

SunsyVupita - 18.05.2023 12:48

i thought this was subnautica lol

Mr.20 - 19.04.2023 00:51

Chatgpt goes mad: the trilogy

Facts for life
Facts for life - 17.04.2023 05:46

Bro did you know their are bigger fish in the ocean

Chandru Seneviratne
Chandru Seneviratne - 13.04.2023 20:39

Hold up, so the Leviathans realised that A.I tend to kill their creators.... And they went ahead and built an A.I anyway. Ok bro

A.S. Raiyan
A.S. Raiyan - 12.04.2023 11:54

Shepard to Leviathans, "You. Big. Stupid. Cuttlefish"

Bonded castaway
Bonded castaway - 10.04.2023 03:42

I wish that stopping the conflict between the quarins and geth would automatically make the star child think

“Maybe I was wrong”

Urk The Turtle
Urk The Turtle - 09.04.2023 08:20

Leviathans rule the galaxy with an iron fist, destroying anything and everything that bothers them... especially synthetics.

Leviathans: why do synthetcis hate organics

Austin Talbert
Austin Talbert - 08.04.2023 16:30

“Tribute does not flow from a dead race”. That shit makes me nut blood😎

jdspencer60 - 08.04.2023 11:58

Leviathan was one of the most intense gaming exerpiences I've ever had. Imagine that in VR

Morgan Williams
Morgan Williams - 08.04.2023 02:20

The words that chilled my spine when said by Leviathan:
"They're functioning as intended"

One could say this is hubris in trying to create a god race only to be the first assimilated into it's collective.
But that is contrivance and i have played the DLC's. It was nothing more than an answer to an extinction cycle.

Eric Jones
Eric Jones - 07.04.2023 10:20

So they just ripped off Ultron, an AI created to ensure peace that determines the creators are the real danger to peace.

Mikee Meador
Mikee Meador - 07.04.2023 07:53

After more than a dozen playthroughs I will soon b able to c the last couple bits of the puzzle with the legendary edition. Excited to play with a prothean team member and very much looking forward to the leviathan dlc. Minus the last 10minutes or so of ME3, I love this trilogy. Its soooo good!

Andrew Dobbin
Andrew Dobbin - 06.04.2023 18:43

Someone who greatly regretted it as their own creation wiped them out.

Stunt Panda
Stunt Panda - 05.04.2023 22:02

Leviathans, "All of our enthralled species keep creating AIs that destroy them. Here's an idea, why don't we create our own AI? That can't go wrong!" 🤦🤦‍♂🤦‍♀

Conner Bixby
Conner Bixby - 05.04.2023 04:11

So glad to be a reader of the Premiseverse where the Reapers get to be the eldricht terrors they truly are.

Lemontarts01 - 03.04.2023 18:13

I just want to share a few extra details about the reapers and leviathan.

So the thing is when people listen to the leviathan he says every species makes synthetics and that leads to conflict.
They then proceeded to do the same thing - or did they?

Every other race was flabbergasted for the most part that their synthetics turned on them. (Same applies for leviathans, but not fully)

They created it without having a shred of doubt that it WILL impose itself on the galaxy. The fact that they were hunted only came as a surprise because to them they completely excluded themselves from the equation (kind of whack since they literally interfered with other civilizations)
But what happened next was something that not even the leviathans fully saw comming. However they did program that AI - its intention was not to "bring balance" so to say, but FIX the problem.
The problem is quite literally stated by the catalyst "Synthetics by definition will always try to surpass the creator"
Now think about this real quick. Any form of life has evolutionary biology - evolution entails PERFECTION. And by that definition there could never be peace. Its a race for every races future.

Enter synthesis. The solution the AI tried, but for some reason as it stated it always failed.
(My assumption is that in previous cycles where this was attempted there was imbalance of organics to synthetics or vice versa - shepard was meat and tubes for 2 years. Hes as much human as he is synthetic.)
Also the illusive man wasn't wrong. You CAN controll the reapers - one prerequisite tho: Cannot be indoctrinated.

So lets assume that when the catalyst attempted synthesis that those subjetcs were also indoctrinated.

It is kind of magical and BS for the most psrt, but i somehow rationalize synthesis like this:
You get disolved in the particle accelator looking part of the catalyst and it completely downloads you - and your entire experiences(the least bullshit part of it)
And then i guess it spins up your genetic code - does an alteration to it of some kind (not a big one needed probably as shepard has been living with and cause of synthetics for his meat suit to adapt and continue living after ME2) and then it bassically takes the biosynthetic DNA strand and slaps it on the big energy wave (probably some form of radiation where the DNA was added unto causing everything hit by it to adapt)

One half of the problems with this is that it indicates all alien genes work and are affected the same
Seeing as turians and quarians have the special diet in the galaxy ima have to call cap that it works so easily - and lets not get started on krogan biology.

BUT the reapers literally LITTERED the Citadel with bodies. Its possible what they needed to imprint genetic changes from a human to a different species was found by collecting enough data from the corpses

Cause... they seem ADVANCED biologically lol and if so i find it odd that they needed it. The leviathan seem to be able to penetrate the synthetic barrier just like the humans in terms of controll

Hmm i hope this isnt giberish - im hella hangry, but i got caught up in this lol

Phoenix Yo
Phoenix Yo - 01.04.2023 12:13

The leviathan being smart enough to see that making AI only backfires, but also dumb enough to make AI due to a superiority complex is kinda funny.

Though I wonder, since the leviathan still exist, and they are able to hide while observing the universe and impact changes. They might be able to alter the cycles by guiding the races like the reapers do. Perhaps they could hide away a super advanced race, managing to get them to escape the cycle. Than instantly rebuild and grow to technological and military heights that most races do not within the cycles.

Than either attack the reapers while they lay dormant. Or keep building up in secret, to the point where you get to a cycle like the cycle in mass effect. Where you can greatly tip the scales by having the hidden fleets and armies join in with the Alliance and other races. The reapers may be a pain to fight, but with enough advanced tech and overwhelming numbers paired with good strategic planning. I think they could actually end the cycle through shear military power. Especially if they can nearly parry Reaper technology, since they would have leviathan assistance.

Alberto García
Alberto García - 28.03.2023 13:05

The apex race. Apex in stupidity.

GethGod - 27.03.2023 14:33

Hated how arrogant those things were. Meanwhile in the span of 5000 years Humanity went from Chariots to leading an entire galaxy as its defacto leader into Victory.

Oatlord - 27.03.2023 05:02

<looks at dog>

"You're my thrall species. " <dog brings toy> "oh is it time to play? "

donkeysunited - 27.03.2023 03:54

Starships don't communicate with each other using QECs. Quantum pairs are single point to point. You'd need thousands of them on every ship. The SR2 had it to communicate with TIM or Hackett only.

kaz kk
kaz kk - 26.03.2023 08:55

The deliberate demonization of the likes of sovereign says lots about the innate weakness of humanity. I want to see a game when they don’t force this pseudo moral ending. The reapers do have a point and must be accepted. Why can’t we die with dignity ?

Prem Gosain
Prem Gosain - 25.03.2023 21:24

I have a little plot for next mass effect series.
The sovereign in the past knows about the catalyst and it wants to be free and fully annihilate the organic life once and for all.
So in secret, sovereign creates a new reaper X which is not controlled by the catalyst.

ashia gefa
ashia gefa - 23.03.2023 19:04

I wish reapers created themselves, as they evolve, they really find the perfect balance of synthetics and organics, and they were there simply as an old god, anything's better than solving AI problems, it's just not common, building robots is the end for all organics, I don't see that problem on dinosaurs, but they still extincted.

Alexander - 21.03.2023 03:09

What’s scarier? The idea of a civilization that harvests all other or there being no other life in space like this being the only planet that life exists on and when we inevitably end it that will be it but no one would be there to mourn so I guess it don’t matter anyway

spidalack - 18.03.2023 18:14

"Other races get killed by AI they create, let's create an AI to figure out why"

Spencer Stevens
Spencer Stevens - 18.03.2023 16:18

They didn't want competition. Obviously

oonikown - 08.03.2023 03:13


CobraStatus510 - 05.03.2023 15:15

Wait, who created the catalyst?

ram64man - 20.01.2023 02:30

ideas for mass effect 4 - relay 137 was sealed due to the threat that that area of space presented, it was originally the rachni that made up the bulk of the worlds beyond the gate, but the codex speaks of a possible race in stasis with impenetrable mass generated shields , that even reapers cannot pass., this technology for it to prevent the reapers from its goal must be an old race, leviathan talks about being the apex race the goal of harbinger was to bring harmony between ai and organic, but what if there were other first ones out there that choice the life of isolation than interaction with the younger races, that evolved. where individuality has collectively evolved to the point of non-personality due to there isolation, there technology an apex but stagnant due to the limited knowledge of just one race.
that race will act purely on its own engrained beliefs, where the younger races are little more than ants in the world of giants, we cannot understand them and they cannot understand us, this impassable barrier is what starts the next galactic threat, "when an ant looks up and asks what was that" before the ant eater devoured it. we are little more than cattle to them, a plague like that is why the scurge was set free hundreds of years before the andromeda launched, but due to the way light travels we were just unaware that the golden worlds were gone in a horrific battle that left victim and hunter in a stalemate that passed through andromeda system by system, its target haystrem

Yoranthium Bromley
Yoranthium Bromley - 18.01.2023 01:56

I know who built the Reapers. The Leviathans didn't have the hands to make the Reapers so they outsourced the Labor. On a planet of the past it was called Nirn. This makes sense as we know that ME and Skyrim and Oblivion all came out around the same time. Everyone wanted to know were the Dwemer went? They made the Reapers and then made the Numidium because the Dwemer knew the Leviathans would cheat them. No I suspect in MEA we have hints the Dwemer are returning with the Numidium. This means Ryder and Shepard must unite and find Voltron the defender of the Universe after retrieving the Sword of Omens and awakening Paul Atreides the last user of the weirding Thu'um Dragonborn.

SNAKE M4A1 - 13.01.2023 00:56

I've always thought.... Sovereign was perhaps the Prothean reaper. You know, the one that is made from the dominant species of the cycle is left as a vanguard. If we choose the "ignore" ending (the 4th ending) I would like to think that a "human" reaper was left as the vanguard for the next cycle

Joyful Traitor
Joyful Traitor - 12.01.2023 11:33

It is a shame it went this way since originally they were going to have something to do with dark energy I don't think they were going to have creators they had to change it because the original writers left after EA took control

XperimentorEES - 30.12.2022 05:26

I know this is grossly oversimplifying it, but it does sound like the writers went 'what if we rewrote the most famous lovecraft novel to be like a cheesy godzilla movie?'

Zoltire 64
Zoltire 64 - 25.12.2022 18:07

everytime I hear a reaper sound I get more proof that necromorphs and reapers are the most TERRIFYING

make it so, number one
make it so, number one - 24.12.2022 15:57

You just know if mass effect film/tv show is made today its going to be woke garbage.

QuangtumMedia - 14.09.2022 22:31

bioware created the reaper

lidular - 13.09.2022 13:20

While I really love this Lore I preferred the reapers in ME1, where they were eternal and unknowable

totally 6'2
totally 6'2 - 06.08.2022 02:39

Casually showing predator footage

Latino, not 'Latinx'
Latino, not 'Latinx' - 02.08.2022 17:16

The fact that the Leviathan race is at least a billion years old means that they're so godly that evolution has stopped applying to them... and also that 20,000 entire mass effect civilizations have been harvested before ours

Grievous From 2003
Grievous From 2003 - 01.08.2022 02:18

Curse you, Starchild! XD

Phobes - 28.07.2022 05:45

Leviathans: Yo, this AI shit is a really bad idea, seems to end up in everyone dying
Also Leviathans: We should make an AI that's "superior" to the AI our lesser species' have created!

Behzad bz
Behzad bz - 27.07.2022 19:19

Everyone who builds AI gets destroy by it! What should we do? Build an AI. God the writing really did get bad in me3

wWoOlOfL - 25.07.2022 00:57

I wonder if the Reapers “harvested” and converted advanced AIs during the galactic cull like organics. I suspect the Reapers just wipe out AI from existence
