JAMSLIPS Custom Deluxe Fullslip Bluray Box & Extras For A 80's Sci-fi Classic * UNBOXING*

JAMSLIPS Custom Deluxe Fullslip Bluray Box & Extras For A 80's Sci-fi Classic * UNBOXING*


55 лет назад

337 Просмотров

Unboxing and checking over my most recent order from James at Jamslips over in Glasgow.
This is my third order and our most ambitious build yet.
A fullslip Deluxe style hard box, O-Ring and a stack of printed extras to make a 1 off Custom Deluxe Boxset for an 80's Sc--fi Classic and it's sequel.

You can check out my previous customs from James in this video here:

Also you can check out some cases James made for my mate John over at @MondoChelloveckMovies here: https://youtu.be/GIH_AxcPWEY
( and please subscribe to John's channel while you're there, He's a total legend!)

Find JAMSLIPS On Instagram here : https://www.instagram.com/jamyjamslips/
On Etsy Here : https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/JamSlips

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