The History of Strider - Arcade console documentary

The History of Strider - Arcade console documentary

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@xBrabus76 - 06.11.2023 03:30

When are you gonna do the review for The Arcade DJ BOY?

@AloanMoreira1 - 24.10.2023 04:43

although a masterpiece, I wonder how much more incredible it would look and feel had it been originally made for the NEO GEO!

@bumpdat01 - 18.10.2023 07:57

I appreciate all your vids!

@doomslayerdave - 13.10.2023 07:27

Tiertex.... US Gold's favorite dumpster developer

@jaydub7386 - 06.09.2023 05:35

I loved the NES version. What it lacked in the graphics department it made up in the story.

@strafer8764 - 31.07.2023 21:59

This was game was stylish. I first saw it at The Continent in Columbus Ohio back when it was first released. Everything about it was cool even the design of the logo stood out

@jasonlaible4655 - 29.06.2023 00:52

Lord Alfred Hayes!!!

@pferreira1983 - 04.06.2023 02:54

I always felt Strider II got an exaggerated amount of flak. The major problem with it is the fact the level design doesn't work for the game. Apart from that I don't see any issues.

Be aware also you mentioned that the DOS version ran very choppy but you show footage of the game running at a good speed.

@judsongaiden9878 - 01.06.2023 01:41

The NES one has the best soundtrack. It was the first Strider game I ever played.

@LordsXO - 19.05.2023 05:33

One thing that was left off of this video and everyone might want to know, is there was a an error with the original arcade board where the same music would play over and over again once you get halfway through the game. Game. Was corrected with a revision of the roms. But you would still hear the same music replay over and over again on ports as they thought when they made the ports that this was correct.

@Kygira - 26.03.2023 14:09

Strider 2014 was also released on Xbox one,and Xbox 360,at the same time as the PlayStation versions.

@TinyMaths - 22.03.2023 23:28

A very enjoyable summary of the history; thank you!
Although I was already a bit of an arcade game addict when Strider came out, I didn't really have access to a lot of variety, or I just didn't know where to go to find new games where I lived (London UK), so I knew nothing about the game. It didn't appear in my circles until a friend of mine got the game for the sega Megadrive.

It quickly became my favourite game, AND favourite game OST. Hats off to the composer of the tracks; for me the soundtrack is on par with the Streets of Rage soundtracks, but Strider is the winner out of the two for me. Played the thing to death back then, and still watch gameplay from time to time nowadays.

@chamchamtrigger - 04.03.2023 17:26

I can't believe I remember when this game came out. I was 6 and obsessed with it.

I also remember there being different revisions of the game with added music...or missing music was properly placed in later versions of the arcade. I really should just look it up.

@theriffwriter2194 - 23.02.2023 00:49

What the hell is the Amstrad?!

@trmblingblustar - 09.02.2023 22:24

I saved up for the Genesis version, but didn't know it was an arcade game at all until years later! Out of all of the home versions, the Genesis seems to be the most faithful, despite the removal of animation frames and sprite flicker. I remember actually feeling a falling sensation when making a massive jump with the beautiful mountainous backdrop!

@kmully8873 - 09.02.2023 14:13

For me, personaly CAPCOM (closely followed by SEGA/KONAMI/TAITO) made the best acade games of the 1980's. Ghosts N' Goblins changed my life. The great escape that I felt obtaining the 10 penny pieces (ten pences) and running down to the shop, then later gipsy fairs/ amusement arcades to escape from my crap life for 2 minutes, soon to be 20 minutes as I got better and learnt how to play. The enveloping experience of playing and leading those who could crane their necks to see the master at work.

@R.P.Pyotrsovich - 26.01.2023 05:31

I'll bet Alma-Ata is the 2014's version of the Kazakh Federation's capital & Kazakh city is St. Petesberg!

@Carlos.Rodriguez - 01.01.2023 11:32

I knew Strider until 1991, some friends from across the block had it, I borrowed for the weekend and oh man, loved it, one of my favorite games at that time, then I got the Genesis version and can't stop playing it. What a great days, childhood at its best, thank you for this 🙏

@TheVioletBunny - 31.12.2022 03:23

I loved playing strider returns on my game gear as a kid

@myflyisopen.8732 - 27.11.2022 03:56

Check out Osman by Mitchell Corp. It's the spiritual successor/unofficial sequel to Strider. Many Ex-CapCom staff worked on it. It looks much nicer, but it came out eight years later.

@goldenage - 26.10.2022 03:17

Loved Strider 2. Also enjoyed the NES version

@billcashman5900 - 25.10.2022 04:24

One of the greatest arcade games.

@deceiver9063 - 20.10.2022 14:52

Capcom was ruling hard back then... Ghouls and Ghosts, Forgotten World, Strider... all these games were visually and musically stunning and showcased so much character and creativity.

@davess61 - 13.10.2022 20:44

The megadrive/genesis conversion was mind blowing at the time

@johnhearn7329 - 10.10.2022 00:09

I remember playing Strider for the first time at my local 7 Eleven back in 1990 when I was 10 yrs old! When he came off of the hang glider and started swinging his sword I knew I had an instinct classic on hands! Had it for the Sega Genesis too! One of all time favs!

@gilavalos2400 - 07.10.2022 13:18

I was expecting a shout out for the arcade game Osman which some call a spiritual successor to the original arcade system considering the game designer was Kouichi Yotsui who was involved in both games and the two games have very similar mechanics.

@fordxbgtfalcon - 25.09.2022 23:42

I remember being blown away by how good the graphics were on the Genesis / Mega Drive version. It’s almost arcade perfect, which was rare at the time. I enjoyed your video my friend. 👍

@mariobrito427 - 21.09.2022 02:01

The Kazakh general looks suspiciously like Gorbachev:)

@sinistar99 - 14.09.2022 23:14

I got you!

@baditude41 - 11.09.2022 19:17

I LOVED this game and went broke many times at the arcade because of this one. I also had the NES version and beat it. Never beat the arcade, but was excited when someone else did. A really Happy Little Game!!

@tomstorm255 - 22.08.2022 22:03

Worth mentioning that reboot is on 360 and XB1 as well!

@thedddemon - 10.08.2022 19:41

I've been binge-watching your documentaries. All excellent, Well done and many thanks for the entertainment!

@mark6302 - 05.08.2022 00:23

strider is awesome. all forms. except strider 2. gross.

@cozyflyer3 - 01.06.2022 16:56

If you have Strider 2 digital on PS3/PSN, you can "virtually" flip the "disk" and play the arcade Strider. Start Strider 2, hold the PS button, (note the Switch Disk: disc 2 option is disabled) select Reset Game, select Start Disc Strider arcade version!

@NorthSpider - 20.05.2022 16:42

Looks like it was a foreseeing of the fight against the red army from russia! I used to play this on the Amiga 500.

@wcoleman5555 - 19.05.2022 07:22

The genesis version was amazing. Never saw the arcade original but I have the ps2 version… my son is currently playing it and likes it.

@r3troid - 09.05.2022 21:14

Great Game
I played lot of genesis games when i was a kid but never played this before
I know it only from arcade colletion from xbox

@Eastsid3 - 09.05.2022 04:38

Great history of Strider from Arcade to Home computers. Slight edit though - Strider 2014 is on Xbox One digitally along with the others mentioned as I have it. It's a great game.

@sdhubbard - 08.05.2022 17:10

It's a weird cycle. Elements of Strider were inspired by Star Wars, which in turn were inspired by Japanese films.

@meh78336 - 07.05.2022 23:27

I originally played it on the Spectrum, then the Megadrive, and then on my mates Master System. I always thought that the Master System version played like it was in slow mode, but after seeing the C64 version, I should have been glad that it was that level of "speed" as it could clearly have been worse and be based in a world where the air was replaced with thick syrup.

@PhilipWilley - 03.05.2022 19:47

Great channel, I'm hooked

@jameshakola3603 - 02.05.2022 00:06

Great video! As always, very thorough! I really love the very original character concept and the designs of the levels.
Now, if you want to max out100% for pronunciation on his name (it definitely is a tricky one), the easy way is to think of it phonetically as 'Hid-E-You"
Happy gaming, and keep up the great work!

@K0ntakt5 - 01.05.2022 20:52

i was never a really big strider fan. seeing it in still pictures in trade journals it did look incredible. when i saw the actual game in motion, i saw very good looking backrounds, but the character sprites were animated rather poorly with only a few frames of animation (the player character seems to have only one or two frames of animation when swinging the sword- all it does is just flash on and off at high speed, but doesn't look like he actually swings the sword), and tended to have lots of flicker. finally, the characters had few sound effects other than repeated tinny noises

@AmigaDog - 01.05.2022 20:21

The music in Strider is magical. Really Iconic for me.

@BlackArroToons - 01.05.2022 03:24

Thanks. Strider is a very unique game, with that overpowering sword slash trademark, and the unique grappling abilities of the hero, as well as the often intentionally very bizarre enemies, like the seated Members turning into a Centipede. Strange but good game. Thanks.

@darkayn7924 - 01.05.2022 00:30

The latest Strider game looks very similar to Shadow Complex, gotta try it someday

@TyTye - 30.04.2022 17:35

Strider had the first human centipede - the boss at the end of the first level
