Does Consciousness Influence Quantum Mechanics?

Does Consciousness Influence Quantum Mechanics?

PBS Space Time

4 года назад

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Philosophical 2 cents
Philosophical 2 cents - 22.11.2023 08:22

If it travels through both slits doesn’t that prove the multiverse theory out of the principle of causality

Rhumple - 15.11.2023 06:25

Halfway through and its all wrong. The wave form collapsed already on how all that stuff works. We created the doubke slit experiment assuming an outcome but several people were thinking about it so its just falling in line with the available wave collapse options it was presented in the making of the machine to measure it. So. The friend about to see the result first hand is not in a quantum state based on the outcome. The options availabke are wait or do something else that isnt directly waiting. Then when the position is brought up on the screen the wave collape options for them are to contact theor friend and when. If they are going to lie etc.

Sebastian White
Sebastian White - 09.11.2023 01:52

No person, can argue if they are 'honest' with themselves that just observing the double slit experiment changes its behaviour.. we've seen this when a camera is added the photons act differently.
But too many people don't want to acknowledge the implications of this?

Nathaniel Winstanley
Nathaniel Winstanley - 02.11.2023 17:40

Personally, I like to think of reality as a sort of manifold network, where changes propagate in the form of pure information across linking paths at the speed of light, a sort of clock speed. With this model, I posit that we can sort of choose a path through the network, while possesing an unconscious awareness of other choices, giving us some semblance of free will. At any point where there are multiple options, the choices we make and the things we have previously interacted with recursively pare reality down until we are left with the outcome.

VVhat if
VVhat if - 28.10.2023 02:09

I'm sure someone who already understands quantum mechanics would understand this video.

VVhat if
VVhat if - 27.10.2023 21:55

I've seen studies that show otherwise. Even if you have people meditating and imagining that they are observing the slit from half way around the world, it still changes the outcome. So yeah, that study suggests that you are wrong.

WhatIsTruth? - 24.10.2023 00:54

I think there's a happy medium of concluding that the behavior of Quantum mechanics posits that there's more to physics than solely a merely materialist view.

Man Of Culture
Man Of Culture - 04.10.2023 19:10

I reply on science to make a dicision about things I want to believe. But I have some my own experience seen that when you do focus you mind on something where you believe in its attainment so much that you have unshakable faith things tend to happen in your favor. Strangely you will get new opportunities, meet new people out of nowhere. Now if there is some science behind that or it is a coincidence I dont know. But it happened may times and eventually I started to manually keep my focus on thing I wish to manifest and right now everything just works out. I am often always find myself full of gratitude and if I desire something then I dont even wish for it, I just know it is going to come. I dont know if this makes sense nor do I think its anyway related to quantum mechanics may be it is or maybe its not. But from my experience I can definately say that If you have a desire and if you believe it is going to come true it will. You just have to have complete belief. Thats the hard part. We are so used to be skeptic we find it extremely hard to believe in anything like this. A great way to deal with this issue is to focus on small things, small desires, desires that are small yet beyond our access right now and you will realize its easy to believe small desires can come true, so you will not have an issue with believing in it and as soon as that desire is complete your faith will increase and then you can go after next desire.

V. Steen
V. Steen - 30.09.2023 20:37

Dark matter doesn't exist.

Tommy Freudenthal
Tommy Freudenthal - 27.09.2023 21:50

Why do all of the videos always stop when it gets interesting. What does he mean by "it (consciousness) plays a huge roll - but not in a way you think"? Where does this get explained? Hints anyone?

Wolf Wizard
Wolf Wizard - 26.09.2023 16:18

I manifested a mars bar once. I thought really hard about how I wanted a Mars Bar, visualised it in my hands and then to my astonishment I went to the shop and bought one. I love this new age thinking

hana Ezra
hana Ezra - 25.09.2023 17:59

"Consciousness is needed to make physical reality meaningful."

Box Fox
Box Fox - 24.09.2023 20:38

So called A.i. becoming self aware, might answer that' question.. Energy controls energy. Laws of energy, defined.

Gambling Center
Gambling Center - 02.09.2023 11:42

The answer is yes but we can't measure amount of impact or time in the same time, so we can't really say it works but the answer is yes

Oatlord - 02.09.2023 08:32

If you take two entangled particles apart far more than light could travel three distance in an hour or so, sync your clocks, and then perform a measurement at exactly the same time (with relativity taken into account), what would happen? Would the wave functions collapse in one faster than light?

Littlest Big Man
Littlest Big Man - 02.09.2023 08:09

please, explain crypto next video. God bless!

 安藤 流流歌
安藤 流流歌 - 01.09.2023 11:46

This video has aged badly given nobel prize winners have since proven the universe isn't locally real and that the the conscious observer is in fact an essential component in the behavior of particles.

I get why a lot of people are uncomfortable with this, it muddies a lot of waters that the scientific method itself was designed to keep clear. But like it or not, there has been a potentially a lethal blow to the materialist worldview.

AlienWatch420 - 31.08.2023 21:44

There is a case to be made for both but materialism is the weaker argument. Materialism simply hand waves away the existence of consciousness altogether by unfalsifisble claims of emergent neural networks. The entire premise is illogical because conscious experience is what we have for certain before theorizing. It’s much more probable that spacetime is non local and the Copenhagen interpretation is accurate and consciousness is fundamental as opposed to matter.

By the way using the term solipsism instead of idealism to get your point across was very disingenuous

pranav - 28.08.2023 15:50

When someone wakes me up for school i am both getting ready and sleeping in the same time until i wake up

MarloTheBlueberry - 26.08.2023 00:47

after death, people experience rebutment predikants bulwarked chinooks b
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Khaled Kimboo
Khaled Kimboo - 25.08.2023 04:48

If consciousness collapse quantum entanglement, so particles didn't collapse for the majority of the universe history until humans appeared like 2 days ago, and they don't collapse only on earth, so physics had laws linked to something that didn't even exist until recently "consciousness "
Also the entire entanglement collapse behavior didn't happened even once from the birth of the universe until we came
But we "evolved " according to scientists meaning we are a product of luck, which means the quantum physics had hidden laws "prepared" for a "maybe" phenomenon to appear billions of years later

Bala Mani
Bala Mani - 23.08.2023 12:03

Consciousness is order of function in everything and everywhere. It is a wave function that arises from our life-force in genetic center (mooladhara chakra in our body).. Mind is one of the transformation of Life-force just like magnetism is the transformation of pressure force. . Life-force is the source of our energy for our body. Its like a battery which supplies the energy. when the life-force exit the body, we become unconscious and dead permanently.. What does it imply ? Force and Consciousness cannot be separated.. They are two sides of the same coin. Who proposed this idea ? It was Vethathiri Maharishi who researched about life-force for more than 10 years and documents how body, life-force, consciousness, genetic center, organs, work together. Do search for Vethathiriyam Genetic center

That is not hair
That is not hair - 11.08.2023 11:20

Faulty epistemi subliminal is exactly how pseuns starts with

Patrick Stars
Patrick Stars - 08.08.2023 03:56

So we influence everything around us - to a point- now mass thinking could be different with different results- we can stretch the fabric of reality as an individual, within our destiny The Might Of GOD ALMIGHTY - WORLDS WITHOUT END!

Richupachu - 06.08.2023 03:55

Total b-SHIT, information doesnt work like that, Matt you dissapoint me

Roner Rodrigues
Roner Rodrigues - 02.08.2023 15:19

Hi PBS, I have a question, please: In this case, it's said that the particle "collapses", meaning it abandons its wave-like nature and starts to behave like a particle. However, the uncertainty principle guarantees us a certain indeterminacy in the physical properties of this particle. Therefore, couldn't I say that this "collapse into a particle state" is actually a decrease in the degrees of freedom of this particle/wave to the point where it's just convenient to treat it as a particle? My point is: This particle still essentially has wave-like behavior, right?

Dan S Hove
Dan S Hove - 02.08.2023 02:08

Imagine a galaxy far far away that when viewed billions of light years away turns and looks back. ;)

Peter B
Peter B - 27.07.2023 16:08

Pharell would be proud

thenovicenovelist - 20.07.2023 06:29

As someone who is spiritual but still relatively grounded in reality, I'm glad you made this video. I tend to eye roll whenever people in spiritual communities try to use scientific terms they know nothing about in order to sound smart while they push views such as victim blaming, pseudoscience, and ignoring injustices in order to make money or feel better about themselves.

Jason Allen
Jason Allen - 18.07.2023 15:10

Where does the wave function collapse is a pointless question. The entire concept of wave function has to be upended.
It makes no sense or these massive contradictions wouldn’t be evidence of mistaken beliefs.
Forget the apparatus that sets those atoms apart from the rest of the universe.
That is the unusual setup. That’s where consciousness comes in. In making the experiment that creates the separation and introduces nonsensical phenomena.
This seems so obvious, something quantum mechanics as is can’t claim even on a Planck scale.
Consider all quantum questions as all particles in question are part of the macro world and not in an experimental apparatus.
Probably harder to study but things should at least make sense.

Electro Man
Electro Man - 11.07.2023 14:10

How did physics degrade into this nonsense?

Uncertainty just means the result has not been revealed or can't be definitively predicted.

A cat is not both alive and dead until it's condition is observed.

Thinking there is a separate universe that manifests every possible variation seems very wasteful.

I postulate the following law called "conservation of outcomes"

It is a progression of the laws of conservation of mass, energy and momentum.

It states that since matter and energy are neither created or destroyed, but rather only change state, multiple universes cannot be instantaneously duplicated to allow the actualization of each possible outcome without violating the principles of conservation...

Therefore, quantum physics is massively in error.

I expect to receive my Nobel Prize any day now for this brilliant insight.

SOVEREIGN BEING - 24.06.2023 08:22

Let me spell it out for you, all' human beings are quantum computers./ And when you know that 🫵 can travel the multi verse 💫 By intent.

Mattias - 24.06.2023 03:21

But what is consciousness? Did I miss something? I see a presumption that consciousness is linked, per se, to the brain, but what about supposingly (due to a theological assumption back in time) dead materia has some kind of consciosness, as shamanic and similar experiences suggests? My point is: is it meaningful to discuss this matter without a clear definition of consciousness?

Adrian Stratulat
Adrian Stratulat - 21.06.2023 12:07

I love this show and watch almost all the videos, but equating objective idealism or subjective idealism with solipsism is a grave mistake in terms of philosophy and metaphysics.

chu Harry
chu Harry - 08.06.2023 13:32

When does the wave function collapse and when does the observer simply become entangled

Duke Cristián Waters (Gerardi / Carthage)
Duke Cristián Waters (Gerardi / Carthage) - 04.06.2023 04:10

Materials over human consciousness. Materials in the universe influences human consciousness.

Peter Codner
Peter Codner - 03.06.2023 13:29

Whose consciousness of what?

Dreamers speaking of " consciousness" , is like fish speaking of bicycles

Wesley Wardrip
Wesley Wardrip - 20.05.2023 08:51

They make the best science videos, he explains it so well without throwing in mysticism.

∞GOD - 16.05.2023 19:50


Thomas Palagyi
Thomas Palagyi - 15.05.2023 22:13

My biggest concern with quantum is our irresponsibility with quantum tunneling. If we change one electron, we can see it change another electron but, we can't see how many other electrons it changes as well. Since physics doesn't really seem to be too concerned about the direction of the flow of time, this can be a serious problem if we're changing the properties of a bunch of electrons all willy-nilly

Willem Esterhuyse
Willem Esterhuyse - 10.05.2023 18:24

We must remember that it is consciousness that devise and set up the experiment: leading to (an) event(s) that would not happen otherwise in nature.

Denis Mijatovic
Denis Mijatovic - 07.05.2023 16:06

The measurement problem is simply a misinterpretation of probabilities as metaphysical. That's all there is to it. It's just bad philosophy infecting science.

A MINO - 06.05.2023 17:02

i'm not convinced consciousness has anything to do with the physical expirement at all. what collapses the wave function is an interaction with another wave/particle. the information is there, we just can't say what it is. that is a very different thing than saying our consciousness has even an indirect influence on the results.

Stanley T.
Stanley T. - 03.05.2023 23:23

In the double split animations, while the entangled electrons communicated instantly, in the classical world it took forty years. Hence the 1980s PCs and mobile phones.
