How to Write on Word from Excel using VBA

How to Write on Word from Excel using VBA


10 лет назад

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@coreyterry900 - 05.05.2023 02:36

Hi. Is there a way to create several tables in excel and then import them into word using mail merge. So each table imported would be based on the page in mail merge?

@markangeloreyes4578 - 08.01.2023 04:19


@abdulhamidalhaddadi2255 - 07.12.2022 12:44

Great, I succeed. I like to apply this technic to my work.

i have registration records in excel, and for each record I isseu a letter.

how can I use my last record to my word document automaticly or can I make a drop down list related to excel file to select. if you have any idea.

@user-nm4ul6gr6o - 08.10.2022 13:11

Thank you so much

@mitchellhailey2333 - 29.06.2022 17:24

Wondering if anyone knows any way to speed up the process copy and paste paperwork? For work, I have forms that are a pape long that have to be created for around 30 different companies. The forms are all the same except for a few differences such as company names and addresses. The current way we do it is by having a template document and then typing or copy and paste in the needed information. This process can take a couple hours and I'm sure there's a better way to do it. The goal would be to have one document in excel that I could go in and list all the company's information and then it would automatically generate the needed documents. There's got to be a way to do it I just can't figure it out any help would be greatly appreciated.

@sainiprintingpress6607 - 02.03.2022 15:51

there is mistake, Hundred is coming two times, first should be lakh

@bondniko - 29.09.2021 08:18

Why mix early binding synthax with the late binding one?

@andrewhubler8397 - 21.06.2021 19:27

is there a way to insert data from pre-existing cells in Microsoft excel into certain cells of a pre-existing table in MS Word

@p2kc1 - 04.06.2021 21:49

Thank you so much dan that's a saving life tutorial. I have a quetion please!
Can i add an automate fonctionality of the following list in row?
1-Creating file with a specified name from a cell data
2- saving file
3- opening the file
Thanks in advance

@calmvolatility2787 - 04.06.2021 19:19

Super cool! Thank you!

@cuneytozkurt4867 - 14.03.2021 17:47

hi, how can you change insertafter range("a1") font style?

@nikhilsonkar3936 - 10.02.2021 16:19

If i have a word form that i want to fill up using data in excel sheet.. can that be done?

@mikelennon1078 - 31.12.2020 20:11

Anyone knows how to export /save all of Macros/Modules form a workbook (globally) into a word document without missing any VBA codes?

@justdoit_leo - 25.10.2020 19:19

Thanks a lot for video! One question, is it possible to make something like this but to transfer name of every excel sheet to the new word document page?

@akshitjain5780 - 21.10.2020 21:19

Thanks buddy for sharing this..can you please suggest how to paste the line in specific line

@algamdie - 30.07.2020 22:27

Excel vba is not fun . You are the fun one.

@RAOROCKSTAR1990 - 24.05.2020 06:17

What if I want to insert an entire table instead of just one cell? Range isn't working for table (A1:F20 kind of)

@Berita--Terkini - 19.04.2020 04:44

can be used for 1 sheet

@billithebros - 09.12.2019 12:18

To do the trick you have to created a reference to the Word type library Go to Tools>References, scroll down to Microsoft Word, and check it.

@matheusreges6056 - 07.06.2019 20:59

Thanks very much cara

@ignacio4535 - 09.03.2019 21:05

Hello and thank you! I was just wondering, this would be useful to create letters in Word from Excel, so, how can I create spaces so that the content of other cells be inserted in the write place of the letter, for example; Date, Introduction, recipients name, and final comments, signature, thank you!

@luizeduardo5786 - 28.12.2018 22:35

How can i do for save the Document ?

@jai5295 - 25.09.2018 05:33

Hi, how can we edit the letter templete in excel using vba

@thorngbun7084 - 31.05.2018 08:02

Very good

@ExcelForFreelancers - 01.05.2018 04:42

Thank's Dan. Love all of your videos :)

@nileshtikekar3235 - 31.03.2018 06:53

Thanks for the video. Very useful

@alextzamtzis5167 - 11.04.2017 23:44

Thanks for the video,

Is there any why to insert a whole table instead of one cell?
I tried to use Range("A2:C5") after insertafter but I get errors.

@kittyswain-evans6867 - 06.12.2016 23:07

First off let me say I am experienced with Excel but a real VBA newbie. I am playing with the function to add cell information to a Word document. Unfortunately I cannot get past the first "Set" to Create my Word Application Object. Since I am a newbie, I am sure I am missing something very simple.

Dim wApp As Word.Application
Dim wDoc As Word.Document

Set wApp = CreateObject(Word.Application)
wApp.Visible = True

When I run this I get the following error:
Run-time error '429': ActiveX component can't create object

I would appreciate any help I can get. Thanks.

@josebetancourt5890 - 18.08.2016 04:15

Love your videos!! It's possible to write a code in which can lookup through folders and subfolders the file names that has been added for example, today?

Thanks a lot!!

@nitishabikoo4425 - 17.08.2016 09:18

hello i have a company where we give some courses n certificate of attendance. its very time consuming do the certificate of attendance for hundred of participants, i copy n paste the names. Is there any other automatic ways i can do it faster?
Thank you very much

@Axmoon1 - 12.05.2016 15:38

I've done what you told. Unfortunately, my problem is way more complex.
I've chaged the matrice so that the text is copied only If it has already been chosen by one of many CheckBoxes previously.
The thing is, I cannot add 2 texts one after an other. The matrice stops at the second
"Dim wApp As Word.Application" , meaning that this word application has already been launched, so I cannot ad anything to it.

Could I put this line at last so that it opens only after every text is selected?

@redlady120 - 27.02.2016 12:34

hi there.
hope you guys can help out.
it's a similar situation in a userform in excel.
i'd like to know how to add a text box wherein selected labels will appear with entered data in it. sort of like a summary of what you've entered to appear in a box in the same excel sheet.
also, how do I add a time start-time start function button in excel userform.
thanks a bunch.

@sunilsuwal4812 - 26.02.2016 12:09

How can I get this example files...?

@saikumargaddam302 - 28.05.2015 18:19

Cheers mate.I like your explanation.You build it from scratch. :)

@Phoenix-ry8hq - 01.05.2015 20:59

i need to get something similar for Office 2001 for MAC.
need EXCELL sheet converted to WORD for easy read.
each row with many collums in excel has various txt data.

i need each row to be converted into 1 word document so it’s easy to read.
what would you charge? can you make that work in office 2011 for mac?

@AlexanderWDI - 18.04.2015 09:34

Is there a way to export a cell (from excel) as a string to a word document at a specific spot within a body of text in the word document.
Thank you.

@alondrabelemmoralesplata2308 - 15.04.2015 20:01

well and what instruction or command to save the document as Word or PDF excel macro ??? that I have a macro that generates the Word document from a template and not save the document as generating :( can you help meeee pleaseeeeeee  :'( ExcelVbaIsFun

@mgrinnan01 - 23.01.2015 06:08

Thanks Dan... EXACTLY what I needed to see. Was a tremendous help!

@shaynasapri5850 - 22.12.2014 11:28

can i have wirtten manual..

@jorge.mpjunior - 02.12.2014 17:39

What version of Excel are you using?
I asked  because of this error "Dim wrdApp As Word.Application" and I think its happens for this cause (version of Office. PS: I'm sorry for my english, I'm a brazilian!

@kadir_keles - 26.11.2014 16:09

Hey there!

A quick question: Is there a way to save the file as docx, together with pdf? I want to have the pdf version of the document as well. Thanks!

@exroyal6262 - 27.09.2014 22:01

Hello , I have one question.  I did a word file and I used developer and I want to use the protect form. Until here everything is OK but in my word file, there are some graphics. I want to enter some date into the graphic to change the figures (Sales Amounts) however because I used protect form , I am unable to change the graphics. " I can unprotect and change the graphic however my employee will use this form and thats why ı am protecting it. Is there any way you can help me ? I hope I express myself well. Thanks 

@davide.i - 14.09.2014 19:53

Hello! I have a Worksheet of Excel 2010 with several numbers (for example from A1 to A5) and a cell with the sum (A6) I want to link the number of the sum to Word 2010. I want to write, for example: "The sum of 2014 is " and add the information from excel. It could be as if I have a phrase with a field in the middle of it. The number of this field should change automatically if I change the numbers in Excel. Is it possible for you by VBA? I tried the "Past Special" But i can't "move" the pasted field as I want. Could you tell me what I should do for my goal?
Thank you very much!

@ZRBBL - 10.08.2014 11:28

Hello! I got an Excel function which ConvertNumToWords, May I exceute it in Word, so that I get the numbers in words right in the Word document? Thank you for share. Blessings!

@DatabaseDesigns4U - 02.08.2014 15:05

Wow! Fun stuff! :) Snap! :) I love it! Thanks for sharing. :)

@zachariahprince08 - 28.07.2014 02:56

Thank you so much. It really helped me a lot

@loveg8202 - 26.06.2014 20:02

It's really fun, next time i should use this method to communicate between Excel and Word...
