Why Putin's Invasion of Ukraine is a Failure

Why Putin's Invasion of Ukraine is a Failure

The Infographics Show

1 год назад

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Magicconch - 16.09.2023 21:16

They couldn’t get one single orc to rotate the vehicles so they don’t get sun damage?😂🤡

Ivan4es1 - 29.08.2023 17:04

Main failure of russians - they forget, they not win any war without Ukrainians.

TM VIDS! - 23.08.2023 21:22

Good :) (I hate P%tin)

Griffindor - 17.08.2023 07:30

Looks like Russia really is bringing back the Russian Empire: specifically the backwards technology 😂

Stephen White
Stephen White - 04.08.2023 00:44

You guys been on wrong about Ukraine since day 1 . Cia payroll??

Sean Monfared
Sean Monfared - 28.07.2023 20:51

is it still a failure?...the parts of ukraine that wanted to be russian are now russian...ukraine was not able to continue nato expansion and by doing so we prevented world war 3...ukraine was once russia they speak russian...its just a different government...that is russia in reality minus a few chunk of years

Adryon - 20.07.2023 05:14

Why isn't the fact that Ukraine (may be) selling the ammo and weapons given to them are ending up in very evil people's/groups hands??? I have heard from several outlets saying that Ukraine is selling weapons and ammo. on the black market etc. I AM NOT by any means saying this terrible war should be happening in the first place. Personally, I feel that in this day on time; war should bot even be happening!! This shows how the people in power have bot learned ANYTHING from history. They're morons and they're evil and seriously need to be stopped. But I believe both sides need to be held accountable for their actions and war crimes. I'll shut up now. Just wanted to bring this up. God bless everyone everywhere and god please protect the good people in this terrible situation. Rant over...smh...

TespianTeatar - 23.06.2023 05:51

do you really think that money can replace the truth that awaits you at the end of this cursed war? 🤔

Gaming For Fun
Gaming For Fun - 12.06.2023 15:55

Russia holding quite well when ukraine is being funded by all of nato and other countries as well as dealing with sanctions 🫡

【ÓuÒ】 - 04.06.2023 01:20

cry puty puty👴🏻

d4c - 18.05.2023 12:54

when you can tell your military to invade but you can't support them if I'm a Russian soldier ima retired immediately... this is bulls***

Marv Watkins
Marv Watkins - 15.05.2023 01:50

Afghanistan probably worse. Iraq less so.

Johann Johann
Johann Johann - 14.05.2023 14:43

Watching a video that had a great deal of real footage of the battle that ensued at the Antonov airport seemed to show Russia's "usual" air assault tactics: Russian helicopters swoop into Antonov airport shooting up trees, and bushes in open fields instead of targeting (or unable) to target Ukrainian troops shooting back. It seemed like Russian pilots were used to simply scaring off the enemy by the very sight of Russian hardware. It was really quite amazing at how effective Russian pilots were at removing the threatening Ukrainian trees and shrubs, just not the Ukrainian troops (who were nowhere near where Russian pilots were shooting). It was kinda like the popular Warner Bros. Wiley Coyote (Russia) and the Roadrunner (Ukraine) cartoons.

Per Ibe
Per Ibe - 11.05.2023 00:13

Russia - superpower is such joke! Army consists of 50 yo tanks without fuel and ammunition, the navy’s pride the Moskva sank and the air-force is nowhere to be seen. Putin has united Westeurope and Nato beyond belief. Putins war is a historic mistake from which he will surely fall. Unfortunately many, many innocent are suffering. Hopefully real democracy and freedom will eventually come. Can mankind ever learn?

Tablet Lenovo
Tablet Lenovo - 01.05.2023 21:17

ukraina is Russian territory!! There is no ukrainian nationality!! Fullstop!!

Grim - 01.05.2023 06:58

I wonder why Trump wanted to withhold military aid Grabs popcorn

Dave Rose
Dave Rose - 24.04.2023 20:34

It's not
Ukraine are being hammered.
Just cos sky news says Ukraine is winning.
They are not
There being smashed.

Harshhwardhan Rai
Harshhwardhan Rai - 11.04.2023 09:56

This video is now irrelevant as it is opposite scenario now

John Carney
John Carney - 07.04.2023 19:48

if they can't run fire missions while drunk they have real issues. most of the guys in my platoon were pretty much drunk all the time

Monkey - 02.04.2023 04:47

I understand why u said what u said! U're a biased western media!

Vidalion - 29.03.2023 02:27

More incompetence: Russian forces did knock out some cell phone towers in Ukraine in the early invasion, but according to some reports, forgot or didn’t know that the Russian forces would need those towers for their own military communication system. This lead to Russian use of non-secure walkie-talkies that was easy to listen in on.

Max Ruedy
Max Ruedy - 28.03.2023 04:47

It wasn't just the US that helped train Ukrainian troops,the UK,Canada,and almost every NATO country has helped,Finland,Sweden,Japan,,France most democracies in the world has helped.South Korea is now selling hundreds of thousands of 155 mm rounds to them.Slava Ukraini.

EpicShortsVideos - 24.03.2023 19:18

What program do you use for animation ??😄

C M C - 21.03.2023 00:59

its a paper tiger

Mars Orozco
Mars Orozco - 17.03.2023 18:26

Russia has lost more senior officers in 6 months than the United States 🇺🇸 in all its conflicts since WWII. Incredible!!
Maybe he shouldn't be killing babies, children
and innocent civilians. 🇺🇦
Syria 🇸🇾 Afghanistan 🇦🇫

leni ortega
leni ortega - 16.03.2023 09:40

The phrase or slogan: "Hold my beer!"; isn't cool anymore because it's used too often, you don't want to hear it anymore!
Also, Putin Says "Hold My Vodka" not "Beer"!

Historylover - 14.03.2023 07:01

Reasons for Russia's failures in Ukraine. 1. Russia did not deploy enough air power to neutralize Ukrainian's Air Force and anti-air defenses. 2. Russia only used the simple, short sighted strategy of trying to conquer Kiev, Kharkov and major Ukraine cities. These would have been well defended. Russia's main objective should have been cut off Ukraine's western borders and key ports in Black Sea to prevent Western supplies coming into bolster the Ukrainian military. This probably was Russia's biggest failure. In order to achieve this, invasion from Belarus at the early start of the war would have been necessary. If I was the Russian war planner, the first objective was to capture the western border cities of Lvov and southern coastal ports. If Ukrainians did not receive Western arms and supplies, the war by now would have resulted in Ukrainian defeat. 3. Russia did not deploy enough troops to cover a large territory of Ukraine. Failing to do that, Russians need to concentrate its forces on key objectives. Spreading out your forces weakens them. All front war is a necessary strategy when you deploy enough troops and your opponent is equally strong. In Ukrainian case, neither was the case. 4. Logistics- Russians weren't well prepared to supply its forces keep momentum in the war. Idle columns of troops is a sure sign that the Russian lost valuable time that allowed Ukrainians to mobilize and build up. 5.Weather- Russia attacked during mid-February. It was close to a spring season when snows start melting and muddy season begins. Russia needed to invade Ukraine either in May or December. 6.Russia's preference of battalion size units is no no for a large invasion. Brigades or divisions are called the field units for a reason. Battalion lacks its own support units to sustain attacks. Brigades or divisions are required to conduct invasions.

eroildo. - 07.03.2023 09:38

El Punto de todo ésto 👇 es que un buen líder hace una nación fuerte 💪 bondadosa..LLENA de justicia de progreso y todas las naciones la admiran pero cuando cae en las manos de un pelele la nación sufre. Y sus ciudadanos son juzgado injustamente..por la culpa del. DICTADOR

youdodat2 - 05.03.2023 15:32

“The Russian Dictator?” 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Michelle - 26.02.2023 10:40

Anyone else, think just maybe, maybe theirs many Russians who never wanted this war & worked hard to sabotage it from the inside,seems obvious, nobody wants to be seen as a Villain, except Putin of course.

Eric Clausen
Eric Clausen - 25.02.2023 17:21

NATO Nations air force pilots break ground and fly into the wind and Russian pilots break wind and fly into the ground

Angie nicole
Angie nicole - 23.02.2023 12:35

"Hold my beer" 💀💀💀💀💀💀

Anthony Riffle
Anthony Riffle - 21.02.2023 03:13

Wouldn't it be "hold my vodka"?

Torjan Brunner
Torjan Brunner - 20.02.2023 22:54

The creatures of the deep sea have lost some of their luster. " Barnacle Boy"

annapolismike - 20.02.2023 08:15

First, Russia has NO business invading Ukraine. As far as calling Ukraine a Democracy, this is wrong. Zelensky has shut down the largest Christian Church in the Ukraine. WHY does he hate Christians? He also has arrested political leaders and media that has questioned his actons. This is NOT a Democracy. ANY further aid should be contingent upon this anti-Christian lifting his heavy handed actions on the Christians and media in Ukraine. The Ukrainian people deserver to live in peace and freedom. Peace will come when Russia ceases military operations. Freedom will come when. Zelensky is replaced. I was embarrassed the way the sewer..er..Congress fawned all over this guy.

brocast - 20.02.2023 02:08

Russia's playing the long game by sacrificing it's old equipment Vs NATO new equipment, therefore depleting they're reserves . But are also losing a lot of soldiers due to this.

Hecate's Daughter
Hecate's Daughter - 20.02.2023 00:18

Grammatically: There ARE too many. NOT "There IS too many." Just saying,,,

Sneakel - 18.02.2023 08:56

We all thought Ukraine was going to be gone in a couple months, but Russia got itself server muted on the world stage and became the laughingstock of 21st century wars.

Joe_DWilson - 18.02.2023 05:37

you do realize the US has sent more military aid to Ukraine than Russia's entire military budget for the year right

OMEGA Ω - 17.02.2023 17:48

Imagine needing NATOs help which is like 14+ countries. sounds like a real winner to me.

Toni Masirano
Toni Masirano - 16.02.2023 17:36

Do you think that you can fool the rest of the world?

Brian Thompson
Brian Thompson - 14.02.2023 20:43

The USSR was destroyed economically by the 11 year was in Afghanistan. Now Putin is using the same 40 year failed old playbook in 2022/23. The country has been cut off commercially from western stores, credit and goods. The wealth have been frozen in western banks. They can't get semiconductors from Taiwan to support repairs. They can't get ammunition. And their fuel exports have been capped at $60 per barrel so their margins are tiny. LoL He's now destroying Russia. It's going to take decades and a changed mindset to recover.

lesterverceles TV
lesterverceles TV - 12.02.2023 21:03

