ОтветитьΙωάννινα ήπειρος Ελλάδα αγάπη ❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьΑγάπη Ελλάδα ❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьMy home town 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷
ОтветитьDid you saw any primary schools in there ?
Ответить❤❤❤❤❤❤ πολύ καλό βίντεο ευχαριστώ πολύ από Αλεξανδρούπολη
ОтветитьWere dos albania come from ioanina got the name ioanis the disaplefrom jesus you sond like the macedonias with mega alexandros loanina is my city
Ответитьwell done my friend, an interesting and a short guide for my belloved city. i live abroad and i miss it so much.
ОтветитьThe history says loannina was the capital citty of Albania, janina.
ОтветитьΙωαννίνα is just like most other cities in the Epirus region. One can get a bus ride from Igoumenitsa to Ιωαννίνα. This is useful to know as there is no other form of transportation. Tourists usually visit Corfu, then take the ferry to Igoumenitsa and from there a bus ride to Ιωαννίνα. It's about 80 km I think.
ОтветитьI’ve always heard it pronounced yáhneenah. Is this not correct?
ОтветитьAlbanian town.
ОтветитьBeautiful Albania 🇦🇱
Ответитьjanina and all greece WAS ALBANIAN..!!
ОтветитьWelcome to my Hometown! I am from Ioannina!!
ОтветитьΜy home town 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷
ОтветитьAlbanian epope love
ОтветитьWhat we lost 🇦🇱😓
ОтветитьSouth Albania 🇦🇱
ОтветитьGreke food
Ответитьσύντομα θα γίνει Αλβανός
ОтветитьΜενω στα Ιωαννινα , ευχαριστω για τα σχολια σου. --- Τα Γιάννενα ηταν και ειναι πρώτα στα άρματα, στα γρόσια και στα γράμματα….!!! Να περνας ομορφα.🙂
ОтветитьIoánina es una unidad periférica situada en el noroeste de Grecia. Limita al norte con Albania, al noreste con la unidad periférica de Kastoriá, al este con las de Grevená y Tríkala, al sur con las de Arta y Préveza y al oeste con la Tesprotia
ОтветитьAlbanians a nation that was created yesterday claiming an ancient greek city is the second most funny thing , the first being skopians claiming Makedonia😅 just shows how far political propagandas can go , you cant even really be mad at the people who believe it ,even though it is as much true as donald trump being native american , or me being an alien from Venus ...
ОтветитьPage 738
Megalo- or before a vowel megal- combining form. indicating greatness or abnormal size: megalopolis [from Gk megas great]
In Indonesian , we call the whole greece as Yunani. And i think its originally from the corrupted name of Ionninna into Yunani. This city must be so special back then even my nation called the whole country after this city.
ОтветитьIt needs to be mentioned that Ali Pashë Tepelena was neither greek nor turkish but he was an Albanian 🇦🇱
ОтветитьWatching this video from kavala
ОтветитьJanina/Ioannina was the second biggest albanian city untill 1990. :) Guess which was the first one? Shkup or Skopje, nowadays capital of Macedonia. :)
ОтветитьThankyou , enjoyed it thoroughly.. my parents were born in the villages outside Ioannina and post war migrated to Australia as many did in those times.. I have visited twice so far and would love to go again 💕
ОтветитьAlbanian land stolen by greece stole the land this was Albanian land Vilajeti of Janine
ОтветитьAlbanian city 🇦🇱
ОтветитьThe best city 🌃 to live in Greece 🇬🇷
It has Everything!!!! Nature, history, traditional food 🥘 amazing people and very good night life. It also has winter ❄️ and summer☀️ activities to do as its less than one hour away from the amazing mountain 🏔 villages and from the crystal clear waters of the Ionian Sea 🌊 !!!!
I highly recommend to visit if you have the opportunity to do so !!!!
My hometown <3
ОтветитьHum Tum?
ОтветитьFuck off This city was Albanian Land .Divided on this yer 1913 take Greek. and Ali Pasha is From Albanian The City Off Tepelena You Do Know about the History you are big idiot