Owen Jones meets Theo Padnos | 'Western hawks are responsible for my Syria torture'

Owen Jones meets Theo Padnos | 'Western hawks are responsible for my Syria torture'

The Guardian

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Bernard Manning
Bernard Manning - 25.11.23 00:42

guardian so called newspaper journalist owen jones is a perverted creep who takes pictures and videos using his phone of mens penis in public toilets

Umang singh
Umang singh - 15.08.2022 21:45

He was a such inspirational guy

Knicks Fan
Knicks Fan - 14.08.2022 13:18

Read Matthew schirer's book " the dawn prayer " he gives a whole different perspective on theos experience. Ijs

John C
John C - 30.12.2021 11:29

It would make a lot of sense for someone like Theo to be some sort of foreign policy advisor. Sadly, he’s reduced to just interviews for our own insight and knowledge. Nonetheless, thank you for sharing Theo.

Motivation Exceeds Me
Motivation Exceeds Me - 16.12.2021 04:56

Would never wish what he went through onto any human being but it feels like Karma collected it's debt on him. What an absolutely despicable person.

Kitty Bitts
Kitty Bitts - 28.08.2021 05:36

I'd be interested to hear Mr. Padnos' opinion on President Trump and the current administration this many years later.

Avengerie - 13.07.2021 14:58

I wish Owen asked him about this (from wiki):
During the planning of the escape Schrier claims that Curtis knocked on the door to alert the guards about the escape, a claim Curtis admitted in an interview with Die Zeit.[8]

Lauren - 07.10.2020 15:33

He's a snake. I wouldn't trust him with anyone's life! Yuck

RPM Hunter
RPM Hunter - 14.06.2020 00:38

I feel like he’ll be a great Joker actor. Jaoquin phenix replacement

Laundry Toddz
Laundry Toddz - 29.08.2019 23:25

This guy threaten to rat on another American prisoner for trying to escape....he's no hero. Saw the segment on locked up aboad. He seemed like a coward

najmaj - 13.08.2019 02:54

I take it no one in the comments has read The Dawn Prayer by Matthew Schrier. He was with Theo. Theo is NO hero. Smh, he was thee worst and he purposely delayed escaping. Smh

Peace and love Love
Peace and love Love - 12.06.2019 09:36

Owen You r a little prat

Sam Most
Sam Most - 08.06.2018 19:40

This guy knows so much about them
make sense what he says

cathy simmons
cathy simmons - 15.02.2018 07:24

We need hawks, we need peacemakers. There is s season for each. When evil abounds no amount of peacemaking works. Sometimes you have to use your brain and brawn

BRUQBEATS - 09.05.2017 17:12

Interesting interview with calm and rational reasoning , which can be difficult I'm sure when one has gone through what Mr Padnos has.

Tehacjusz Rollanddestroy
Tehacjusz Rollanddestroy - 14.03.2017 14:31

Owne is the that presstitute from Guardian? No thanks coz all he says is tainted.

lovesallweneed - 10.03.2017 10:03

Thank you Owen Jones for this informative interview. Peace.

james elder
james elder - 09.03.2017 02:10

More politicians need to think like this guy

Mike Wheeler
Mike Wheeler - 02.03.2017 15:28

Why are each of his interviews factually different depending on the audience?

SuperJohnnyuk - 02.03.2017 03:20

When will Owen interview a Yazidi woman? Having endured the horrors and depravity of being sold to sexual servitude? I love how there is almost a complete media blackout on follow up interviews wth Yazidis that had escaped the horrors of radical Islam.

knifespoon - 24.02.2017 14:48

So the real message here is that MENA Islam is much worse than the liberals claim and that brutal dictators are the least-bad option. ISLAMISM is the heart of it.

The conclusion is clear: do not accept them in our societies and do not support their revolutions.

Thanks for the insight Owen!

Robin Breeds
Robin Breeds - 13.02.2017 20:55

‘Civilization Jihad’ in America The Muslim Brotherhood’s strategy for
realizing its mission of “destroying Western civilization from within”
was described in an undated 1991 Muslim Brotherhood document entitled
“Phases of the World Underground Movement Plan.” In this part, we
investigate what they’re doing to implement it. Brotherhood Influence
Operations convince
Muslims “that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in
eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and
‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands … so that … God’s
religion [Islam] is made victorious over all other religions.” Akram was
well aware that in the U.S., it would be extremely difficult to promote
Islam by means of terror attacks. Thus the “grand jihad” that he and
his Brotherhood comrades envisioned was not a violent one involving
bombings and shootings, but rather a stealth (or “soft”) jihad aiming to
impose Islamic law (Sharia) over every region of the earth by
incremental, non-confrontational means, such as working to “expand the
observant Muslim base”; to “unif[y] and direc[t] Muslims’ efforts”; and
to “present Islam as a civilization alternative.” At its heart, Akram’s
document details a plan to conquer and Islamize the United States – not
as an ultimate objective, but merely as a stepping stone toward the
larger goal of one day creating “the global Islamic state.”

 The Ummah is any county with one Muslim in as
this is part of the Islamic Community as the Ummah  is Uniformity which
eradicates the national identities of the peoples it conquers, Coptic
identity of Egypt, the Indian identity of Pakistan, Assyrian identity of
Iraq, Persian identity of Iran Hindu and Buddhist from Malaysia
Suppressed or totally wiped away. Islam whats Collective identity of the
Islamic nations as we see Judaism and Christianity replaced  by the Ummah in the Middle east these countries used to be the cradle of civilization ! Global jihad is driven by the 56 nation Organization of the Islamic
Cooperation (OIC), formerly known as the Organization of the Islamic
Conference. Since its creation in 1969, the OIC has been dedicated to
the destruction of the State of Israel, eventual implementation of sharia over the Western world. The OIC’s
often-stated objectives have not prevented either the European Union or
the United States from seeking close
ties with the organization. At least theoretically, dhimmitude
represents an interim status in which Islam conditionally accepts
defeated subject peoples into its midst, provided they abide by the
controls and limitations imposed upon them by their Muslim overlords.
This willingness on the part of Islam to create a religiously
legitimated civilization of domination and submission is often
misleadingly characterized as tolerance.

Venerable Simpatico
Venerable Simpatico - 13.02.2017 18:02

"Jihad is a lot of fun [for them]"
That's ironic because the word 'Jihad' means Struggle, the Greater Jihad is supposed to be endless strife and struggle within oneself to resist temptation/desire and acheive some mental fortitude.

Igwe Ogba
Igwe Ogba - 06.02.2017 07:25

Obama's legacy of doom

Rahul Kemp
Rahul Kemp - 04.02.2017 19:08

fake news

Goof Love
Goof Love - 01.02.2017 00:01

As a Muslim i condemn and apologize for your kidnapping and thanks Owen Jones

Caligula - 31.01.2017 03:59

Idea's for squares of 'Owen "the only gay in the village" Jones Bingo'

-Working cwass background
-Where i cum fwom
-Wondon Eweets
-Storms out of interview
-Angry squeak
-Flacid Optimism
-Failed Prediction
-Pubwic Schools
-It cant get much worse... and then it does!

Can anyone come up with more?

Space Ghost
Space Ghost - 26.01.2017 19:04

Owen Jones Oh Owen, you are deluded.

If you would like to prove your point in that Islam is so awesome and progressive there are 2 trials you could run and if the outcomes are successful (I shall define successful after the trials have been stated) then everyone should yield to your superior intellect.

1. You will need to fly over to Karachi with your rainbow flag. Walk around as you would in the UK "I'm gay, I'm gay, I'm gay, I'm gay & did I mention, I'm gay" whilst flying that flag for LBGT rights.

2. Send at least 4 of your Female family members to Malmö in Sweden.

So you should all stop within your respective countries/cities for 6 months. You must live normally, spending at least 5 hours walking outside of your accommodation frequenting the local amenities.

If you all arrive back alive, well and without being sexually assaulted then you win 😀

If not, then you Owen would have paid the biggest price of them all at the cost of conserving your rose-tinted specs 😔

Gökçe Kavak
Gökçe Kavak - 25.01.2017 20:52

The difference between Germany and the United Kingdom is Germany has been doing the European Union project in an obsessive compulsive way, something the United Kingdom isn't and Germany has made them (the European Union European project) to antagonise against something becoming different from Christianity, as well as a bad habit. That's why the European Union is failing, and becoming very upsetting is that the other 27 nations weren't able to block the divorce from the European Union, as they do continuously support Germany, instead of the United Kingdom, which is the United Kingdom is right in reality till the end.

Hmm.. - 25.01.2017 17:20

This is a great interview. Well done Owen.

MarvelDcImage - 24.01.2017 10:08

I recommend not being nice to them but killing them all with napalm.

MarvelDcImage - 24.01.2017 09:55

Arrest John McCain and Obama

Graham Smith
Graham Smith - 23.01.2017 14:16

Make peace with Jihadist - I am sorry - that is nonsense

Mike Rees
Mike Rees - 22.01.2017 15:48

Quite the journey. Started off incredibly naïve, trusting everyone that contacted him. Wound up with a lot of insight into the situation.

Adrian Conlon - Editor
Adrian Conlon - Editor - 20.01.2017 19:30

Thank you for this Owen.

Vive Babeuf
Vive Babeuf - 20.01.2017 00:07

Support Assad against imperialist intervention, stop funding FSA, Al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda pls

erzan - 19.01.2017 14:21

Owen PLEASE do a video on other factors that are fueling Islamic terrorism and extremism in the Middle East. Because clips like this is giving people a false narrative. Not intervening in Syria has fueled the illegal use of (chemical) weapons of mass destruction, the increasing sphere of influence of Russia, over 500,000 dead Syrians, millions of refugees and Europe shifting politically right. The idea that Western military intervention would have been worst suggests all of the above would have happened and more, which is unknowable. Libya is used as an example by anti-interventionist like yourself Owen but what if the West never intervened who is to say 500,000 more would have not died with its old regime in place? Thus the horrible state Libya is in now, without those hypothetical 500,000 dead is technically in a 'better' situation. But you cannot tell, alternative paths of history is just a guessing game.

I know it's nigh impossible to cover all factors in short videos and every material. But rarely do Westerners ever get information on other equally (and some more) important factors that have contributed to the mess in Syria, Iraq and the Middle East. For example the complete failure of Iraqi governments to build a coalition of inclusive government and heal the Shia/Shiite Muslim divide. The Saudi Arabian governments support for religious far-right doctrine that is Wahhabism. Or the general failure of ordinary (many but not all) Muslims to fight for Liberal reforms in Muslim majority countries. Clips lie this is good but trust me, it is giving people the false impression that by simply vowing to never intervene in the Middle East Islamic terrorism and the oppression will disappear. Job done. I know because that is the line of reasoning many left-wing friends or people online use all the time.

When I mention things like Wahhabism they have no idea what I am talking about. Western military intervention is not the only factor and in many cases I'd argue it is playing a neutral impact. We need to confront the harsh reality that Islamic majority countries and their religious followers need to radically reform, politically and religiously. Like majority Christian countries and their religious followers have done since the Protestant reformation.

Joseph Felix Guez
Joseph Felix Guez - 19.01.2017 12:18

I feel i learn more about politics and world affairs from people like Theo Padnos, than i do from politicians who just regurgitate the same rhetoric. This guy has lived it.

Jeb Oddie
Jeb Oddie - 17.01.2017 14:47

This was fascinating, cheers Owen👍🏻

mickeyhynes - 17.01.2017 12:37

Owen, could you have a sit down with Maajid Nawaz?

jared sandoy
jared sandoy - 17.01.2017 05:56

Anyone else think the Donald Trump angle was shoehorned in? Clinton was the hawk of the two.

Gökçe Kavak
Gökçe Kavak - 17.01.2017 04:26

Very terrific scenario and extremely very terrible things he's lived while he's been reporting on ISIS fangs. Turks consider that Turks mustn't keep them in Syria while they crossed the border to Syria and Iraq from Turkey. I don't know but Turks are also fearing to torture someone and many people, when they had done the same, especially after the 15 July Turkish coup attempt very vehemently.

Piotr Alekséyevich Vakulinchuk
Piotr Alekséyevich Vakulinchuk - 17.01.2017 01:50

You've been adviced before to make policy in your own country with your own people, but you still prefer to work for the Empire. 1st of all, wahabism is not islam but against it, you must say that.

Chris james
Chris james - 16.01.2017 23:48

Who would donate towards funding a Owen Jones no frills solo tour of the middle east promoting LGBT rights?

Kevin Quinn
Kevin Quinn - 16.01.2017 19:48

Theo Padnos should be teaching PTSD aversion to the US military who are suffering from the effects of slow service at TGIF at Base Kandahar.

Hecatonicosachoron - 16.01.2017 17:51

Brilliant interview. It's hard to fathom what Padnos has been through.

Fred Falke
Fred Falke - 16.01.2017 17:17

good interview

MB88 - 16.01.2017 02:05

+Owen Jones Is He Still Doing Journalism?

MB88 - 16.01.2017 01:58

+Owen Jones So What Is Next For Him?
