VARIANTS ONLY - Unity Prefab Changes You need to know about!

VARIANTS ONLY - Unity Prefab Changes You need to know about!

Jason Weimann

10 месяцев назад

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@Inf4mousKidGames - 13.09.2023 06:52

i respect your needler

@lee1davis1 - 11.09.2023 02:49

Here is a question about prefab it better to have an enemy prefab with all possible weapons already aligned to its hands then set inactive. Or to create prefabs of the weapons with the parent set to hand position then instantiate the weapon when instantiating the enemy? Thanks.

@F3ND1MUS - 23.07.2023 11:01

I read your last name as wiseman. Dislexia or something, still been on and off around here for years, still trying to create fun cool stuff, ty again for helping people.

@GameDevNerd - 22.06.2023 19:58

I've been using 2022.3 on a real project, and wasn't sure why Unity was doing that and saying my models were prefabs but after playing with it I didn't mind and kinda liked it ... I was like OK, nice, it made it easier to import spaceships and structures from Maya or Blender.

@RuberSocks - 21.06.2023 18:45

Thoughts on the new Photon Quantum tool for physics-networked games? (As opposed to Photon Fusion)

@ahmadjames151 - 20.06.2023 21:29

Too late ! now Unreal is the master !

@johnleorid - 20.06.2023 19:55

Please add an extro to your videos because at the end, the preview of the next video overlays with what's shown in the video. I didn't see you click on the last two menu points because of all the Icons and Thumbnails that blend in at the end.

Viewed on PC, Chrome Browser.

@1lsgaming27 - 20.06.2023 19:25

This was Very helpful and as much as I dont like changing unity versions, this video has convinced me to change my mind. One love Jason!

@thomasbrush - 20.06.2023 15:46

Ofcourse, Jason already figured out how to swap prefabs for us before it was cool

@owlhowly - 20.06.2023 15:24

hahah i love ur weapons
it's nice to see ur "stock footage"-ish clips

@MarcV_IndieGameDev - 20.06.2023 13:20

ooo, 2022 LTS!
I'll have to check it out!

@Terkish1987 - 20.06.2023 12:46

Could you please make a more detailed video with a presentation of this new prefab system in practice? Looks amazing. Great highlights video Jason.👏

@AaronAsherRandall - 20.06.2023 11:48

Prefab easy swap will be a game changer!

@legendaryswordsman2279 - 20.06.2023 11:28

These were some unexpected but much appreciated changes, thanks for the updates Jason

@halivudestevez2 - 20.06.2023 10:38

wow, I need to take a deeper and slower look into these new features. They may help a lot.

@gorkemvids4839 - 20.06.2023 10:17

" Delete parts you dont want" *deletes brain

@DavidZobristGames - 20.06.2023 10:10

that prefab, easy swap option is awesome!

@MaxIronsThird - 20.06.2023 10:02

I really hope people start using DOTS and ECS.

@nirangasithara - 20.06.2023 07:27

Nice !! Model replacing in prefabs solves an annoying issue I am currently having.

@IlseMulAuthor - 20.06.2023 07:19

Thanks for the short explanation. This seems like a very good update!
Out of curiosity, what is the AlienPlant from you use in the video and what is the project from the thumbnail?

@chatbear69 - 20.06.2023 06:17

Very cool!

@BrentMalice - 20.06.2023 04:19

was literaelly just being annoyed by something this fixes nice. ty

@WeenieWalkerGames - 20.06.2023 02:23

Interesting. I've tended to avoid prefab variants because inevitably something screws up and I'm forced to remake them all so never saw the point.

@griff7543 - 20.06.2023 01:19

what project is the thumbnail from?

edit: Jason's latest vid also has a similarly unrelated clickbaity thumbnail so I'm guessing he's discovered midjourney.

@INeatFreak - 20.06.2023 00:17

Nice, great to see Unity finally bringing some qol improvements. Hope to see more.

@pirateskeleton7828 - 19.06.2023 23:59

I’m hoping the DOTS can make raycasting more efficient, given that those types of physics interactions can’t be offloaded to an async.

@dippydogz - 19.06.2023 23:57

Nice! The Delete children of prefabs is great, I normally just turn them
Off but the hierarchy gets tatty as all hell

@lazartomic5800 - 19.06.2023 23:57

Jo soo good❤😂

@yensid46 - 19.06.2023 23:34

I am excited about the new changes. I have been playing for some. I love this preview. But I have to admit, most of what you were saying sounded like a foreign language. Got to start paying more attention to the jargon. Thank for this video Jason.

@frostgamedev5435 - 19.06.2023 23:29

awesome update!!!
