5 Hardest Mounts to Get in World of Warcraft

5 Hardest Mounts to Get in World of Warcraft


4 года назад

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@nathanlungtau4745 - 02.05.2023 11:24

lol im not a mount farmer buy it surprise me that i got the prestigious mount without even farming ( unintentionally)

@dawnearl7167 - 24.03.2023 18:10

I have spent weeks, months even years trying to get the mount from Stratholme dead side.....it just wont drop....I am so sick of spamming the dungeon....I think I'm the most unluckiest player in the game. saying that i still have not got the timelost proto drake and farming that is crazy too. camping and groups is mental.
it just feels like I'm never gonna get there.....its the only classic mount...and still not got it after playing the game since burning crusade is a insult to me (still curse going in there most days even now haha )
That should of been on your list in my book :)

@nerothostv - 19.03.2023 11:19

Got onyx last week :D

@BeverlyHighland - 25.02.2023 07:33

This list is a joke. Purheart at last place? Really? It’s been two years since you posted this and it’s just as rare… Gladiator mounts should have been at the end, if even on the list… and you should have just mentioned AOTC mounts in general, but at the same time you can buy runs for them. The #1 makes sense, but pureheart should have 100% been #2.

@luapahcor5039 - 12.01.2023 07:44

it took my 10 years to get invincible 4 alts 4 runs a week

@06burhan - 18.12.2022 12:10

Warcraft's one of the most unique and successful feature is its mounts. I think main reason of it is how accessible most of them are for the community in-game and how they kept improving them visually. But I wonder what will the future hold for flying mounts with new dragonflight features. Will they decide to spread it out and if so will the older mounts be able to adapt.

@somewhereupthere785 - 10.12.2022 17:02

The problem with mounts in general is what it looks like. People will gage effort VS prize and decide that stupid unicorn horse is dumb and not worth the effort.

@malicant123 - 01.12.2022 16:20

I got the Ashes of Alar on the third of 4th try. I've been trying to get the blue proto-drake for nearly a year....

@Floppyh - 20.11.2022 19:02

This aged badly

@mykaelnyx8821 - 14.11.2022 04:55

I still say Voidtalon of the Darkstar from WoD.
Yeah it may have been a guaranteed drop, but with the chances of being lucky enough to find the portal, and only one person being able to click on the portal between spawnings, that thing was a real bitch to get and I still haven't gotten it

@zmdphoenix5017 - 08.09.2022 17:48

I am surprised that invincable and ashes of al'ar are not on here. Sure there still obtainable but I know multiple people that still are farming that mount since Wrath or TBC. haha.

@midotvadventure504 - 02.07.2022 12:33

A lot of things to learn in this game. Very exciting! I just levelled 60 2 days ago I’m proud of it.. getting rare Mount and max power is next 🚪

@FreeHugsVoldemort - 18.04.2022 20:27

Isn't the hardest mount meat vagon? It was limited and only a few players got it, it's unobtainable now.

@eskabanbeats - 11.04.2022 21:50

pffft only 500 honor level? the people who arent honor level 500 by now are either trolling or just never entered a BG in their life

@aragonaut - 25.01.2022 13:56

idk why I watched this assuming I was gonna see one of my mounts on the list.

@oldmanmyass3699 - 14.01.2022 20:56

i do not want any of those mounts

@fuzzyargy - 22.11.2021 13:02

your information on the bronze courser is outdated.. so much easier to get.. wow

@absynthefaerie - 11.10.2021 13:13

Wow I for sure have the 400 Mount one, I made it my goal to get that because of the green went with my demon hunter.

@Lenexa1124 - 03.10.2021 23:01

what the fuck is a not point not three chance?

@lavrot - 30.09.2021 07:59

ivory raptor ...... never seen another on my server

@Xyrothim - 25.09.2021 18:09

I'm going to say that brutosaur isn't hard at all. Your can either buy gold VIA wow tokens with your real money, or you can just be a booster/advertiser in a big boosting community. 100 reps is arguably harder then 400 mounts. 400 mounts is actually pretty common now

@garenhuddy1981 - 08.09.2021 03:28

Mollie is the rarest world boss in the game currently. 1% droprate with 1 chance about every month or two because the weekly quest rotates. This list is botched considering less than 1% of the player base have this mount.

@GarrethandPipa - 18.08.2021 07:44

over 10k runs for the drop baron rivendare deathcharger

@trevorcherry9399 - 09.08.2021 15:30

I have 3/7 in ardenweald mounts so far... still trying to add to the collection

@matfry2310 - 02.08.2021 05:39

Yeah maelie ruined the 100 rep one

@eli-nmusk2695 - 21.07.2021 01:44

No way 19% of WoW players own Invincible such clickbait.

@shadowboxing7029 - 30.06.2021 16:07

I'm blissfully unaware of WoW news for the most part, so I didn't know that the Bruto was going to be removed. As a collector I figured I'd get around to it one day. When I did find out, it was about 5 months away. Now I'm not a gold farmer, I get the gold I need and I'm happy with that. I don't utilise the AH because mostly, the pop is small and we have some pretty hardcore AH pvpers dominating it. So the only way I could think to get it, was to do old raids on multiple toons. Which is what I did for those 5 months. Plus Island Expeditions and various other things. It was possibly the most miserable time I'd ever spent in WoW before. I'm most proud of my 100 rep mount and 450 mount, but the Bruto, that thing triggers my ptsd lol.

@FirewalllDivision - 13.06.2021 12:55

raiding is a joke, pve shouldn't be on a hard to get list roflmao any degen can outplay a npc ai bot after x amount of tries etc... bots

@samisuhonen9815 - 13.06.2021 01:26

Glad mount is way harder than cutting edge. In fact, the cutting edge should be lower than the 5mil gold mount, because it's cheaper to get a mythic endboss boost than the AH dino. Also ANYONE can be boosted through mythic, you can AFK while you get the boost. For a gladiator mount, getting boosted is a bit different. Nobody can boost the worst players, so you would have to break the ToS if you don't meet the requirements, and buy a real money boost where someone else plays your account. But breaking the ToS and being banned aside, only players who can get to about 1800 in a team of similar skilled players on their own, are even boostable to 2400 by R1 players. 1800 rating is under 10% of the ladder usually, so you would have to be in the best 10% of the people who actively play arena, to even dream about buying a boost, which still requires you to give your best every match.

And based on how many people have them, the SL gladiator mount is owned by 0.39% of the population according to dataforazeroth. Meanwhile, over 1.5% of the population have cleared mythic nathria, a raid I have heard is particularly hard to clear, that killed many guilds before reaching the last boss. And still, 4 times more people got that than 2400 rating.

Let's take BFA where it was said to be the easiest expansion to get a "free glad mount". A whopping 0.5% of players have BFA S4 2400 rating mount. Over 5% of the playerbase had cutting edge Nzoth. That is insanely common. For the other raids of BFA it was around 3% that got cutting edge, and 0.13% of the population got 2400 in those seasons. To put it even more into contrast, getting rival, 1800 rating in BFA was harder than cutting edge in any of the major raids. That is still insanely far from the 2400 mount.

Point being, the 2400 mount should be on the top N1. spot. It is unboostable for 97% of the playerbase, and 99.5-99.9% of the playerbase can not get it on their own, depending on the season. Meanwhile the cutting edge mount is not obtained by 95-97% of players, depending on the season. And anyone, even if you literally have no hands, can get it by buying a boost.

@Orbert - 09.06.2021 00:50

Does the LK mount being acquired through the use of abusing the lockout system affect the results of hardest to get?

@danielclow - 02.06.2021 17:19

what about the emerald drake? T_T

@djslip_irie - 31.05.2021 16:51

I've noticed chromietime creates fresh shards where you basically get every world boss to yourself. So get a buddy who's in what ever expansion you want to inv you to group. And leave the "live" behind. It just eliminates competition for a spawn.

@djslip_irie - 31.05.2021 16:44

Imagine being horde and wanting the honor 500 mount.. 😭😭😭.. Alli que time FTW!

@Dogenheimer - 12.05.2021 07:11

Best mount ever is the Sinful Gladiator’s Soul Eater

@AdriReport - 08.05.2021 10:02

It's not that people don't want to "endure" pvp but rather that high end pvp or the fun pvp aka arenas don't give shit for honor. You can watch pikaboo or any main pvp streamer playing 8h/day of arenas and being honor lvl 100

@thefilthycasual3068 - 07.05.2021 14:10

I think the crab for this time period was less than any of these mounts shown.

@nhaskin5638 - 07.05.2021 06:40

I haven’t used invincible since... I don’t even remember. People that throw hype about it these days are just losers who couldn’t do the raid back in he day. Years later however....

@Battmatt99 - 07.05.2021 02:05

i dont know, ive been farming mimirons head for 10 years. that seems a lot harder than getting honor level 500 :D

@Anne231154 - 26.04.2021 00:25

I just got pureheart courser today. I have been playing since 2014, so it took a very long time. It has a nice special stnds on hind legs and turns around. I don't have any of the others. Good luck to anyone farming these.

@MrMurphyum - 21.04.2021 21:14

So you want a very rare mount? Play PVP for your rest of your life, and maybe at some point you will eventually get it.
Approximately by the time when you will have no more time to play computer games at all.

@helloween76 - 06.04.2021 03:39

Please have “Jimmy” make more appearances in your videos!!!!

@mikeslayer21 - 05.04.2021 21:52

sha of anger mount on around 13 killsXD just walked by and killed it

@HeyNicholasHere - 03.04.2021 08:47

My friend has #1

@carlacathro9125 - 29.03.2021 01:55

I've been playing wow and trying to get invincible since 09 and It finally dropped a month ago.... so to me that's been the hardest 😅

@schimundy7209 - 27.03.2021 01:03

winterspring tiger

@utkutalu6244 - 26.03.2021 21:04

Ashes of A'lar ? Elagon ? Mimiron Head ? ..

@SinSorrowEU - 24.03.2021 12:57

Old Wintersaber? Had it. Took ”a while”

@wolfgang-wagner-wowproductions - 24.03.2021 03:47

who is still interessted in more mounts in wow

@fridginator - 23.03.2021 19:17

1. any glad mount
2. any glad mount
3. any glad mount
4. any glad mount
5 any glad mount?

@andrewmarvel1757 - 23.03.2021 14:58

@syiler a REALLY lung time
