Baldur's Gate 3 - "Evil" Astarion Vampire Lord Romance Ending

Baldur's Gate 3 - "Evil" Astarion Vampire Lord Romance Ending

Loretta Rye

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Jori Joestar
Jori Joestar - 21.09.2023 02:02

Fix him? No. I want to make him worse

Caroline L.
Caroline L. - 20.09.2023 22:41

Well, Tav helped him murder thousands. Now she gets to experience the consequences.

scarymonsters - 20.09.2023 05:24

I'm gonna be honest I really love that this game allows you to actually romance morally ambiguous/evil characters while fully acknowledging how messed up and toxic it is. And that you even have the option to encourage Astarion to go down this path at all. Astarion hasn't properly worked though his trauma and is now high on power and Tav is now in a subservient position to him, possibly forever. Best case scenario Astarion does keep his word and makes Tav a full vampire. But even if does he'll likely always be paranoid of someone being more powerful than him, probably even Tav. And the game/narrative makes that pretty clear.

However what I really love about it is that even though the game/narrative acknowledges this isn’t a healthy dynamic (to put it mildly) it still ALLOWS you to make the choice. And doesn't even really judge you for it. The narrator says "maybe degrading yourself is what you want" for a reason when you read his mind. She’s basically asking "you're sure you really want this?" You still have the option to walk away even then (by kicking him in the balls, which I also love) but the fact that this game actually allows the player the autonomy to make such a dark twisted choice is very cool. It really does feel like a sort of monkey's paw wish kind of dark ending where Astarion gets what makes him happy and Tav gets to see their lover enjoy the sun again. But he doesn’t get what he ultimately needs: to heal. And worse yet Tav is now in same position he once was in.

I like that the game leaves it somewhat open-ended as to whether he will really keep his word and turn Tav but also PRETTY HEAVILY implies he ultimately won't. Both of Astarion's endings hurt in such different ways for me lol. I hate seeing him have to go back to the shadows SO MUCH after seeing him enjoy the sun for 100+ hours but at least he can begin healing. Idk I ascended him in my current playthrough but I may just change my mind and reload my save so I can be a truly supportive partner and talk him out of the rutual. Gonna miss this version of him a lil ngl.

364Leinad - 20.09.2023 05:23

He's so happy 😃

Yasheema MoonYoung
Yasheema MoonYoung - 19.09.2023 09:47

Astarion is so hot when he's evil and he protect his girlfriend

NoseBleed - 18.09.2023 23:14

Oop. I sneezed and there's a long character study essay. Whoops. Welp buckle up cause this gonna be long...

Maybe a hot take but I think people are misinterpreting the evil version of this character?

For example I've seen people say that if you read his mind after he turns you into a spawn he'll think less of you but I don't think that quite right...

What the narator says is (this only from memory lol): "He thinks you're degrading yourself by being with him but maybe that's what you want?" I personally interpreted this as yes he thinks less of Tav but he also thinks Tav's degrading themselves by being with him specfically because he's kinda ruining them by making them his pet. It's not cold caluclated way but its in a insecurity self hating way. From what I've seen the character has shown a consitant pattern when it comes to his insecurity and I think the narrator's phrase here is more self inflicted than anything.

Number two is the "love" debate (which was very fun to read in the comments 😭👍🏾) as in does he actucally love Tav here? One side says no as in dnd lore vampires don't feel love and if you refuse to become his spawn he admits that he would have "Used your love against you until there was nothing left" and that he "respects" you for refusing him. The other side says that he does but its in a "twisted" way.

So...who has the right answer here?

Well obviously I have the right answer cause you're all wrong and I secretly wrote this game actually 🤓☝️

Ok but to be serious for a sec once again I think both are correct (kinda) but one side is wrong about the dnd lore on vampires. Vampires are capable of feeling emotions it's just in the traditional sense their alignment goes from good/neutral to mainly evil. So it means that genuine emotions get twisted instead. So in this case, the genuine love that he felt for Tav has turned into possession/obession. And the differences in accession him and spawn him directly point to this. For example when the incubuss in the game tries to manipulate you or in other circumstances where the main character is in danger he goes from sounding concerned/hiding his concern (spawn version) to more forceful and posessive. Instead of being concerned about someone he cares about getting hurt the accession verson of him is mad that someone is messing with what he considers his. That the opposite of cold and calculating.

Remember he as a character has been established as being manipulative and a bit of a liar (even before accession) so I think when he says that line of him "using your love against you/respecting you" he's manipulating Tav cause after that he straight up asks if you can be partners again (albeit not romatically) after that line. I think its his way trying to still have Tav in his life.

Now don't get me wrong the accession version of him he is very much using Tav's love to manipulate them but it's to insure that he has complete control because he obessed. That to me is the opposite of cold and calculated. It's "love" in a very twisted unhealthy way. I'm actucally not sure if "love" is the right word cause its much more selfish than that and this goes double for if you become his spawn as he see's himself as having complete control over the main character and now won't let you leave.

In any case if he felt nothing but cold calculation (whether that be before/after you become his spawn) why doesn't he just...kill you? I mean if you're willing to refuse/break up you're a direct obstacle that could grow to be a threat later and from the writing and implication (lvl aside lmao) he's powerful enough to do it and make sure none of the other characters get in his way and yet..he lets you live in every version even if your replationship with him gets low he only threatens you and leaves. Maybe I'm just missing a lore reason here? But still...

In any case TLDR: I think people are wrong about him not "loving" the mc and I also think people misinterpret the "he thinks you're degrading yourself by being with him" line.

Or idk maybe I'm just delusional for character studying this twinky group of pixels 🥴

Somnium-Arts - 18.09.2023 15:16

I don’t like Evil Astarion :(
Breaks my heart 😢

DAoC Nostalgia
DAoC Nostalgia - 15.09.2023 17:56

Its disappointing they have him go full psychopath after ascension. I don't feel bad killing off thousands of vampire thralls. The broken moral compasses of your party like "they deserve a chance blah blah" like WHAT they are blood drinking undead parasites.
It makes sense to ascend Astarion to no longer need to feed, and to be able to walk in the sunlight, while at the same time getting rid of a huge vampire infestation. Maybe vampires aren't necessarily going to kill humans like mind flayers do, but they are still parasites, they still create undead thralls, they still thirst for humanoid blood.
Its disappointing because we have this opportunity to gift our friend with freedom and power. To take thousands of blood thirsty vampires, and consolidate them down to one NON-bloodthirsty vampire.
Vampire lords can and have been very dignified in many lores. And Larian has been very grey on morally right and wrong things to do in other aspects of the game.
9/11 a temple full of Gith? Only Lae'zel really seemed bothered. Exterminate a vampire infestation? OH MY GOD HOW COULD YOU!?!?
And then they had to go and make Astarion a mustache twirling comic book villain once he has power and freedom?
D move Larian, D move...

Tequila Sunset
Tequila Sunset - 15.09.2023 13:50

Does the game ends in another place if Astarion is “bad”? And you even can talk to him? What happens next?

After defeating the brain my game goes straight to the cutscene on the beach where (good) Astarion) runs away after being burned by the sun.

Random clod
Random clod - 15.09.2023 06:50


Mynx - 14.09.2023 23:50

when he said “You're mine” i.. i'm sat 🧎🏻‍♀️

weirdtakoyaki - 14.09.2023 12:13

How did you trigger this? Post battle the only cutscene I got was with karlech

Liz - 12.09.2023 09:37

So basically this is another tragic Solas story. Wonderful 😂😭

SweetNightmares - 09.09.2023 17:42

I wanted him to be a good true vampire even if he did the ritual, I wanted him to have his freedom and treat tav like a queen not to be toxic 😭

Ernie - 08.09.2023 22:00

[sing to the tune of 'How Can I Refuse?' from Barbie Princess and the Pauper]:

I've been bowing, I've been scraping,
I've been lying like a rug.
Enduring centuries of Cazador's abuse.
But today I am escaping,
and he's not looking so smug.
One small ritual, so how could I refuse?

I'm returning home a hero,
Who's discovered mighty wealth.
And what better vamp-lord could my dear Tav choose?
I'm the suitor who will suit 'em
Make the kingdom ours by stealth.
And I'll wear the crown, for how could I refuse?

Raise every glass and rouse every cheer!
Praise that the reign of Astarion is here!
Master in charge of all that I see!
All hail me!

And by siring my lover
I get all that I desire:
Like a moat, an ermine coat, and palace views.
Even though Tav treats me coldly,
It's a sign of inner fire,
For inside they're thinking, "How can I refuse?"

Holly Wu
Holly Wu - 08.09.2023 19:29

The 3d models and the animation are so not in line with the voice overs. I bet 2 departments never worked together.

Schwarz - 07.09.2023 08:33

Imagine my face when I really thought it was the only way to save Astarion, and in fact it turned out to be a rather weak vampire with a huge ego, who just decided to follow in his master's footsteps as if following his father, like a child, dreaming of taking his place.... It was so sad. I would have loved the opportunity to just provoke Astarion to talk some way to get his Kasador blood and just become a full-fledged vampire without a master, rather than as the game suggests: a) be a "perfect" vampire fool, b) forever remain with a real light soul in the shadows. This is a very sad development, such a character deserves more!

UmbralBushido - 06.09.2023 03:00

Ok strahd lite, let's get you back to your coffin

Shani - 05.09.2023 21:52

The only way I would ever be able to do this is if I did a full evil playthrough as well...

I guess two Darkurge playthroughs it is!!!

Cross-eye - 05.09.2023 07:44

Nah 💀 I might have to change my run to dark urge bc i need this evil mf twink in a way that's concerning to feminism

Darkhol - 04.09.2023 10:20


Olive Finch
Olive Finch - 03.09.2023 01:56

If he wasn't objectifing Tav in that ending I would totally go for it. I would love to conquer the world with Astarion.

lisha - 02.09.2023 14:20

I like how it's clear several hours have passed before she finally broaches the 'I think we should break up' option, lmao.

Gercee Morningstar
Gercee Morningstar - 02.09.2023 07:35

anyone got a video in which he doesn't run during the ending? whats the difference on that if he is ascended?

NightKitty - 30.08.2023 21:50

what armor is that he's wearing?😊

Rina Morgan
Rina Morgan - 30.08.2023 13:50

The world is a vampire...

AgonizingDemise - 29.08.2023 22:37

AAAARGH! My game bugged! I did just this, romanced him, let him ascend, killed the brain, but somehow my game thinks Astarion is dead (even if he was in the last few scenes) and I only get an option to 'honour his memory"! I am so sad XD

Frosgailt - 29.08.2023 22:26

The face expression changes all of a sudden are hilarious

Jett Gem
Jett Gem - 29.08.2023 06:51

damnit, I'm still on the fence about which path I want to take with him. On one hand, I am all for blood and death and power - on the other? I don't think that's worth losing love 😩how rude of them to not let you have both!

Courtney - 29.08.2023 03:16

If evil why hot 🥵

TikiMillie - 29.08.2023 01:19

Could stake him in his sleep

Colonel Bragg
Colonel Bragg - 28.08.2023 07:00

Its cute when he proclaims himself to be the most powerful being in the world to my Dark Urge character

21PreEnd - 27.08.2023 22:47

What is that armor ?

Corvae C. Kalvidae
Corvae C. Kalvidae - 27.08.2023 14:07

You know, I was never really sold on Astarion. But that evil laugh has won me over.

Aiyana S.
Aiyana S. - 25.08.2023 19:57

i love the evil, by the good ending i think he is more broken because of his past. and he tell us from the beginning he wants revenge. 200 years agony and we say no, not my option

Kizawu - 25.08.2023 15:12

Forgot his name and had to search "baldurs gate vampire twink"

Liz - 25.08.2023 10:39

In my ending I went with “evil” Astarion and honestly I don’t regret.

Brockit Gaming
Brockit Gaming - 24.08.2023 23:12

Bro relax we are level 12

Jenny Gwen
Jenny Gwen - 24.08.2023 19:27

I think the version of Astarion as an ascended vampire is exactly what this character deserves. After years of slavery, sadness, abuse, he has what he deserves. In his place I would have done the same. He's not a Cazador 2, he's just a guy who finally sees the possibility of "doing what he wants" as he should be a perfect chaotic neutral (I don't think he's completely evil). It has no ambitions to torture or torture its progeny. He wants to live as it suits him. And can. A perfect anarchist and I love it. Astarion is this.

TuberoseKisser - 23.08.2023 17:36

I can't fix him but i can make him happy.

Cathcrowllat - 22.08.2023 21:09

How do you get this? My game just went 'everyone celebrates, the end' o.O

MissKatastrophic - 22.08.2023 18:33

Ooo. 🤢 I think imma keep staking this guy.

tofu - 22.08.2023 07:47

so does his combat change after the ritual? since he’s supposed to be more powerful?

Denyave - 22.08.2023 05:28

He is super disturbing. But honestly... The scene the night after the ritual was hot.

Dongobog - 22.08.2023 01:48

How does this change if you're an evil ending dark urge?

minimumware - 21.08.2023 18:49



Isha - 21.08.2023 07:28

Okay but why does he look so adorable in the thumbnail? Is it just me?

Völva - 21.08.2023 03:59

What armor is this? For him and you?

Frozen 17
Frozen 17 - 20.08.2023 06:44

Wow what cringe voice acting that doesn't match the "animation"....or whatever that stiff random moves should be lol Larian took degenerate cringe shit from BioWare and take it to another level. And they call this garbage of a game "groundbreaking" lel

adrienneinchi - 20.08.2023 04:53

Astarion did not become a true vampire via traditional means, and I wish there were ending options and dialogues that did more with this. He ascended via a ritual, not his master converting him by willingly giving him some of his blood.

Astarion willingly gave a drop of his blood during our conversion and plans to allow our character to feed on him in the future. From a lore standpoint, this technically makes us a full vampire, too.

They could have done something about the influence of Dark Desires regarding the MC (because of the ritual) to allow for an ending option that is more emotionally fulfilling, even for a an evil alignment.
