Jalan Jalan - Lotus (Soundtrack of Dragonhunters)

Jalan Jalan - Lotus (Soundtrack of Dragonhunters)


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@tchan1132 - 06.01.2024 13:40

Simplesmente lindo

@doctormobius5 - 22.12.2023 01:43

I am so, so late to finding this song. ;-; I watched the movie when it came out.

@badi5127 - 21.12.2023 12:32

Movie is amazing and my favorite!

This scene and song makes my soul crush and I always have tears in my eyes... I want to distance myself from this but its a part of my I cant move away...

@borisdanyukov8267 - 17.12.2023 21:11

My God this was my childhood. I recalled my time watching this movie out of no where and for a solid hour I had Chat Gpt identify its name. After some arduous descriptions I finally found it

@dominickwolf7288 - 11.12.2023 04:43

I need someone with whom I can listen to this while we chill and look into the sky, someone who will just appreciate the moment

@radmehr333 - 28.11.2023 21:01

A praise to all kids that growed up with this masterpiece

@temujin2893 - 26.11.2023 00:34

epic movie and music. this song makes me appreciate the world, memories and so much more

@tonycorleone3140 - 18.11.2023 16:28

I was like 9 when this movie came out and I remember looking this song up when the movie came ended, 22 years old now , shits crazy

@deppo436 - 31.10.2023 01:21

This song gives off major Chrono Trigger vibes, almost having the same effect on me whenever I listen to "Corridors Of Time"

@marcussoto4645 - 30.10.2023 19:47

The last time i watched this movie was like 5 years ago and I still remember how beautiful and haunting this song is.

@sharhu - 17.10.2023 11:59


@sharhu - 17.10.2023 11:57


@sharhu - 17.10.2023 11:56


@sharhu - 17.10.2023 11:54


@sharhu - 17.10.2023 11:52


@sharhu - 17.10.2023 11:51


@sharhu - 17.10.2023 11:46


@sharhu - 17.10.2023 11:44


@sharhu - 17.10.2023 11:43


@josevst7274 - 17.10.2023 00:18

I still cannot believe the absolute powerhouse of atmosphere and potential this movie had. Sucks that it went a little to goofy for its dreary atmosphere, but great nonetheless. This song and scenery alone is so good, this isn't the stuff I'd expect to see on an adventure with a fire-pissing dog. This sounds and feels more like sitting on a chunk of rock after angels blew up the fucking planet and stargazing while realizing that the world is gone and no one will remember.

@osmmanipadmehum - 16.10.2023 07:08

what is it saying what are the words?

@fabienhaenel-1336 - 05.10.2023 01:30

Ils reviendront mon fils pour récolter la précieuse huile répandue sur le sable. Le roi te promet qu'a ce moment là nous nous revetiront de ta forme de vie et alors le carnage pourra commencer. Le roi t'es redevable et leto atreides se trompe la fidélité et la plus belle des choses. Merci fabien de tout ton coeur.

@deskyy - 01.10.2023 18:59

essa música

@lamson1990 - 01.10.2023 00:18

Jalan Jalan.

@viridianabarbosaruiz3954 - 26.09.2023 06:15

This song makes me feel wear, like flying in the sky and at the same time like dying...

@Frenzy_Flame. - 22.09.2023 09:14

I think I’ll rewatch this movie soon, both the setting and music were peak but that’s all I really remember about it. (Besides obviously the main characters + antogonists)

@gigadust3980 - 20.09.2023 23:25

To think that this cartoon got this banger of a movie dude . My 7 year old ass was so Amazed by this film back then. And even now that i watched it again i can say that i like this alot more then alot of other movies these days.

@fletcherrenn5326 - 14.09.2023 07:29

In my opinion, this movie is kind of absurdist. Take my ideas with a grain of salt, as I don't know anything about this world outside of the movie, so details may be wrong or misguided.

This movie takes place in a world that's dying, literally coming to an end. The places we see, the castle, the empty roads, and pure sky, there's almost nothing left. The world is full of dangerous monsters that prey on townsfolk, and bitter, solitary old men reminisce about the days before everything went wrong. The heroes and knights are dead, the world is missing, and the end of the world is literally only days away.

It's no coincidence the location the protags are going to is called "The End of the World." Literally, the world they are in is ending, and all we see is the end. We're not given more information than we need, or even as much information as we need, because it doesn't matter.

Who used to live here, in this city at the end of the world? What happened to the ghost town, with all the doors closed and in pristine condition? Why is everything floating? These questions are left unanswered and unasked by the character's in the movie because they do not matter.

Nothing matters in the world of this movie, and this is something that each of the characters grapple and come to terms with throughout its runtime. From the outset, it's shown to be a cruel and careless setting, where orphans and outcasts are beat up and picked on, childhood homes get decimated, people get eaten and attacked regularly, and for no purpose.

A unifying theme amongst the characters is that each is anchorless, adrift in this world much like the rubble and islands around them-I'm sure this is purposeful symbolism. All 3 protagonists are orphans. Zoe lives in an old castle with her uncle, who cares little for her, and his steward, who cares less. Lian Chu's village was obliterated 20 years ago, leaving him as the sole survivor. I don't know what the other character's situation is, but he also has no home and no family, born into a land that doesn't care about him at all.

Each character has a separate outlook on this truth-that the world is cruel and uncaring, and that everything is about to end. Zoe, the young girl, chooses escapism. She doesn't pay attention the hardships of her kingdom, and doesn't dwell on the deaths of her parents or any of the portents of doom that emerge. We are introduced to her mid fantasy-battle, retelling the same fairy tale over and over, constantly escaping to a simple world where strength and determination are enough to save everyone from the monsters and entropy that surround her.

Lian Chu dwells in his own thoughts, he is somber and soft spoken. Lian Chu is empathetic, looking for and seeing only the best in people. He feels sorry for Zoe, immediately seeing her as someone else who is adrift. He stuck up for the small, skinny kid who would later become his only friend, because he knew what it felt to have the world kick you while you're down. He just wants a farm, to raise sheep and cattle, and bring something into the world that has long been empty since the death of his village.

The skinny guy (forget the name) chooses nihilism. He was born poor and small and had it rough from the jump. No family, picked on at the orphanage, he saw morality as something to be afforded by people stronger or more powerful than him. He became clever, and then cynical. As he grows, he cheats people and gets cheated in return-and when that happens, he turns that blame inwards. He doesn't blame the townsfolk when they cheat him, if he was in their position he would do the same thing. It's a dog eat dog world, and the only thing that matters is looking out for #1.

I think the adventure that they go on-1 willing, 1 ambivalent, 1 unwilling-is a great metaphor for a search for meaning, and chips away at all 3's perspectives on the world around them. As they travel, they encounter wonder, mystery, danger, but more than any of that, they experience loneliness and permanence. Multiple times, we look back on the path the adventurers have just traveled, only to find that it has literally crumbled away. The past is behind us, literally and figuratively, and there's no way to return. Apart from one dead man and one mad one, the 3 adventurers are totally alone in terms of friendly company for the rest of their journey. The movie often emphasizes this, with wide open shots of a beautiful but desolate world, completely alien to anything we know. The characters trudge through these backdrops with no reaction, these vistas have no affect on them. At first, each falls further into their ideologies when confronted by this haunting, solitary adventure. Zoe rambles on and on about how dashing Lian Chu is, how much he's like silver knight gothic, desperately wishing for her fairy tale world to come true. Lian Chu becomes even more solemn and quiet, only speaking when he's directly addressed, and absolutely refusing to let her, or any passing sheep, come to harm. The small one becomes more cynical and more nihilistic, he constantly feels no desire to seek out truths that lie at the end of the world. He has no honor, no dignity, no empathy. He has no respect for custom or the sanctity of life, and why should he? Not much life remains that isn't hostile or simply evil. His tethers to meaning-and sanity-lie only with his one friend now.

At the end of the 2nd act, these competing ideologies come to a head, and all 3 are confronted with reality. Lian Chu knows he is doomed, and reminisces on the fact that they will probably lose. Zoe realizes that these 2 people are not knights, but liars, and this gallant adventure is much more likely to kill her than become an epic tale. The small one realizes that his greedy and selfish behavior has now left him truly, utterly alone. Now, he has nothing, and starts slipping into madness the moment he realizes it.

As the characters reach the end of the world, this is how they stand. Each alone, each helpless, in a land the king described as "a barren wasteland, with no life and no hope." The city that used to be here must have been mighty and proud once, for it has the most intricate and beautiful architecture seen to date, but the building are tattered and broken, buried in 10s to 100s of feet in ash. It reminds me very much of the ringed city from dark souls.

The team bands together, and fights the World Gobbler, literally the death spectre of the world, a massive, mysterious bone dragon that inhales everything it sees. However, at the end of the world, with no hope in sight, all 3 choose to believe in each other and themselves, and all 3 march on in the face of impossible odds and no real chance.

As the story ends, each character has found real value in the world around them, even before they stop the calamity that is going to end it. In fact, it is this very belief that does end that world, and rebirth it to a refreshed and vibrant paradise.
Each character is lost, adrift and breaking apart, much like the debris around them. It is only when they find meaning in each other and in this life that the world returns from its dull grays and shattered architecture into verdant fields. Just as they heal the land, they've healed themselves.

I think that this movie shows 3 different approaches to the nihilism and isolation problem-avoidance, isolation, and selfishness- and shows the flaws in each. By the end of the movie, they are not celebrated heroes or extremely wealthy, but they are happy-something none of them were before.

I wish I had the ability to craft a story like this, but I wouldn't even know where to start. I'll have to content myself with appreciating them

@monkeymadness9552 - 05.09.2023 17:27

I remember watching this movie when I was very young me and my siblings would watch it everyday we loved this movie we even watched this movie when we were eating and to this day we still watch it, those where the good old days

@atomania6279 - 03.09.2023 15:56

this music >>>>>>>>

@taco4056 - 27.08.2023 18:56

Watched this movie on repeat when I was younger could never find it till now

@afeliyatenase1714 - 20.08.2023 20:04

The visual part of this cartoon is so beautiful, words can not describe. And this music is so magical, like a lullaby of all life. This scene when they quarreled and dispersed at the end of the world is so atmospheric. The cartoon and the animated series are grossly underrated. So I wanted to continue when I finished watching the series. I watched the series and the cartoon as an adult, my admiration is not connected with childhood and nostalgia, although it would be very cool to see when I was still small and impressionable, nevertheless, at more than 20 years old I was impressed.

@Nicholasfandefnf - 07.08.2023 16:38

This is amazing, nostalgic

@hirogi3562 - 05.08.2023 22:21

With chaos, with destructive force, peace of soul is preserved with the knowledge that everything ends, life goes on

@anton_blyat7705 - 02.08.2023 08:25

Memories coming back😢

@Kuba_q-bn3xp - 02.08.2023 02:04

Realy undertated movie, one of my fav from childhood. And especialy this soundtrack is just epic. Nostalgia hits hard

@prod.eternally - 27.07.2023 21:00

This gave me an unexplainable feeling earlier when I first seen it and it gives me a stronger feeling now I’m spiritually attached to this song/movie 🫶🏽

@ihatepeople7405 - 26.07.2023 21:47

Too much nostalgia in 6 and a half seconds.

@RCUdeogu - 24.07.2023 01:56

I can’t wait to show these movies to my future kids (if I can)

@shanky123456789 - 16.07.2023 12:58

2023 anyone?

@moyamamashluha6168 - 01.07.2023 04:52

походу я с детсва шарил за искусство

@elfercho1147 - 21.06.2023 01:54

This song made me cry, its been a looong time when just a soundtravk has made me cried

@aGoodJoe789 - 16.06.2023 05:59

Miss these era..🥺❤️

@ItsKeyng - 15.06.2023 17:26

I just love that everybody basically had the same experience with this movie and song 😅

@deardiso9193 - 06.06.2023 06:24

still today i dont understand why Jeanneline Zaza are not in the movie...

@muhammedashkar1170 - 04.06.2023 21:37

He was my one friend!

@aaronbellidoflores6983 - 02.06.2023 16:31

Mientras haya vida, habrá esperanza

@AltaiSolder - 23.05.2023 14:54

Я плачу, этот мультфильм моего далёкого и счастливого детства. Когда я впервые его увидел мне было лет 8 я был поражен миром Охотников на Драконов. Затем я наткнулся на мультсериал и моя любовь к этой вселенной стала только больше.

@EVOLUTIONINCARNATE - 20.05.2023 15:08

Every once in a while I come back to this music when I’m low
Like really low
And it helps me feel what I’m actually feeling
An extremely deep feeling of loneliness and sadness
Utterly alone on a floating island
Looking over the edge wondering if I should fall or not
The pain of living is so much sometimes and I’m unsure how much longer I can take it

@jaxtengremorynaberius6606 - 20.05.2023 13:48

