How To Make A Twitch Raid Alert On Mix It Up!

How To Make A Twitch Raid Alert On Mix It Up!


1 год назад

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BROKEN MAILMAN - 13.07.2023 08:21

Subbed because I saw Warframe on the desktop. Stayed to become more proficient in mix it up.

Chris From Canada
Chris From Canada - 28.06.2023 00:58

Also, can Mix it up be used to do shout outs that would play soon as specific people chat on stream? I know firebot can do this, but I'm trying to keep my bots to a minimum.

Chris From Canada
Chris From Canada - 27.06.2023 01:42

Great video. You have an amazing voice for doing this. One question. No matter what setting I use, there seems to be a massive delay on the sound I want to play, even if I have it first in the list of things to run. Any suggestions on how to fix that?

Keltic Dave
Keltic Dave - 01.06.2023 01:15

thanks for the video 🤌

FrogAhoy - 02.04.2023 19:35

Thanks for the video, it helped me a lot! I had no idea I could use two separate overlays at the same time. That's awesome.

Cute cat also :D
