Want To Lose Weight? Doctors Say It’s Time To Stop Counting Calories

Want To Lose Weight? Doctors Say It’s Time To Stop Counting Calories


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@happymess3219 - 07.12.2023 01:00


counting calories is definitely the way. especially if you don't normally get too hungry until sometime in the afternoon (like me). next thing you know, you look up and it's bedtime. you're sleepy, not at all hungry, and you've eaten WAYYY less calories than you thought you ever could.

it's like for some of us, our body automatically 'intermittently fasts'.

@Natsinco - 30.11.2023 10:05

The laws of thermodynamics apply to all of us, and we are each responsible for our own health. Putting the fork down and picking the weights up works. It's hard, and there's times when it really sucks, but it's worth it, and it works.

@ImaDriveThroughTheBurgerKing - 20.11.2023 07:34

When you’re losing weight you’re supposed to be hungry

@fercho3689 - 05.11.2023 17:44

You just need to eat healthy

@tedameier - 04.11.2023 20:38

A disturbing new study says that studies are disturbing.

@angelatbluehairedsudios8106 - 31.10.2023 16:49

Low carb diets are too restrictive for me. I'll count calories and exercise! That way I can have carbs! I've lost 10 lbs doing it my way and not giving up anything! My roommate does keto and imo a diet that you can't have all vegetables is a dangerous one! Not being able to enjoy a slice of bread. Ridiculous! Life is way too short! Lol

@AMDpc067 - 15.10.2023 16:39

Total lies. To lose weight you MUST BURN MORE calories than you EAT. Its as simple as that

@bridgetboone1979 - 12.10.2023 18:54


@yougottabekidding7476 - 02.10.2023 13:37

Jennifer looks kind of rough.

@QueenD75172 - 28.09.2023 09:37

I am a 48 yr old that has been on and off the low carb train since my 20s. Since March this year I am slowly losing weight (8 kg so far) and I eat whatever I want. Pasta, meat, potatoes, chocolate BUT I do my best to chose high quality foods, cut out processed as much as possible and I estimate my calories (not going crazy with ist). I love making my own smoothies (no, not green, I love fruits), i often eat beans, lentils, quinoa, spinach, eggs, fish, I chose spelt instead of white flour whenever possible and I try to stay around 1600 cals (sometimes its 1800 cals), I prioritze quality sleep, hydrate very well and I do a lose intermitten fasting window between 4-8 hrs. I walk at least 10000 steps a day and I make sure I don't sit at a desk 8 hrs a day (got a standing desk and a walking pad). This is something I can do for the rest of my life. I will soon add strenght training and I will adjust my calories to a maintenance phase (probably 1800-2000 cals) once I reached my weight goal. If I want ice cream I have it but since I've been doing this the binging frequency has reduced and so have the cravings. At times (usually when I am stressed) I will overeat on bread for example I try to not go too crazy and the next day, when my scale has 2 kg more I remind myself that I did not have 140000 calories last night and that it's water weight. It takes usually 3-4 days to get back to the weight I was prior to "binge day" and that is okay. I do weigh myself every day but I am aware of how moody the scale can be and it doesn't face me like it used to. When I reach a milestone weight it usually takes me 3-4 weeks to "settle" the scale on it. Meaning, I learned to be patient and trust that what I am doing is working and just takes time.
In short: sorry, but low carb, low fat, low calories, etc is not working. Eat real food, chose little processed foods and if you like me and you like large amounts of food, try intermitten fasten and have one or two big meals a day. Be patient and lose it the sustainable way.
I only have 7kg to go but I already feel great because I finally have found a lifestyle and not a diet.

@Vinaykumar-ug4gm - 26.09.2023 07:48

Nice video. Slimonila Tea formulated by Planet Ayurveda is the best remedy for Obesity, Edema and Indigestion. Try it and thank me later.

@maxmarrero9635 - 26.09.2023 04:00

Hi protein diet is dangerous.

@chandnisingh9929 - 21.09.2023 15:04

I lost my 30 kg in 3 months only with simple tricks.

@valadezjose47 - 19.09.2023 17:25

Carbs arent bad people. It's all about eating less calories while tricking your brain your eating the same amount. At least in the beginning. Calories in calories out. For example if you have toast with peanut butter in the morning. Switch it to a rice cake and pb2
Eating basically the same amount but fewer calories

@oanafelicia3249 - 02.09.2023 18:47

But I lost weight eating potatoes but boiled or in oven made. Potatoes has alit of mineral ..potasium actually helps u loose weight.

@ritijoshi2411 - 02.09.2023 14:10


@BodyWorks123 - 31.08.2023 12:48

Awesome video! Very helpful tips and optimistic tone are genuinely encouraging. Much appreciated for providing your knowledge! 😀

@millionkillercj42 - 30.08.2023 02:07

I feel skinnier watching this video 😊

@SolomonSage - 28.08.2023 03:32

excersizing burns carbs in the bloodstream witch produces more insulin. It is a double edged sword

@victoriarivera1095 - 14.08.2023 01:42

Don’t let Amberlynn Reid see this 💩

@benjaminpease5297 - 11.08.2023 18:11

I do 6k runs and gain weight, with no other changes in diet. We are designed to maintain high weight, especially as we get older. Sad reality.

@Nikolai9510 - 08.08.2023 16:23

Is it healthy to restict carbs tho?

@Lovelyone1 - 28.07.2023 00:02

New approach??? Can you sat ATKINS??

@kinggoose3910 - 26.07.2023 19:01

I lost 80 calories I'm now 72.45 I need to lose more

@KetoCookbooksCorner - 20.07.2023 22:50

Prioritizing nutrient-dense, whole foods over calorie counting seems like a more sustainable and healthier approach.

@HealthPoliticsAndProtein - 20.07.2023 19:11

PSA - low carb is no better than other diets when calorie intake is equated. The carb insulin model of obesity is thoroughly refuted by tightly controlled studies

@nikkipage9132 - 18.07.2023 20:30

I don't know. I have done it all! Now at age 65, my back and hip health are not good. I have lost 33 pounds over a year and a half. More recently, I have been dropping pounds faster. I was counting calories, tjen I ate only twice a day
Tried a stint with weight watchers. What seems to be working is cutting out white sugar and gluten. Added fermented foods. I still eat potatoes and rice. Green vegs. I am not starving like i was. Chicken, steak, potatoes or rice. Sometimes corn bread..gluten free. I eat butter olive oil honey and maple syrup. I wonder about all these trends. I don't think its sustainable.


@felixthecat2786 - 10.07.2023 04:38

Low Glycemic is better than low carb

@giadarasmussen7880 - 27.06.2023 01:08


@kyohiromitsu4010 - 02.06.2023 15:11

I lost 20 pounds counting calories.

@LincolnHawk87 - 15.05.2023 21:46

All you have to do is stop eating sugar, but there’s too much money in weight loss to give that away, only sugar is stored in your body as fat. Humans have no business eating sugar and fruit, your body can’t process any of it. Your body makes what nano amount of sugar it needs when it happens to need it from the molecules in food without sugar. Not only will you lose weight and not have to exercise but will prevent many other diseases, skin conditions etc. the culprit is sugar, the medical industry is a multi billion dollar industry simply because of sugar. Why do you think there’s insane amounts of added sugar in 90% of foods even foods that you would wonder why in the heck is sugar added to this. Stopping sugar is hard though because it’s several times more addictive than heroine. It’s the single most addictive substance on earth but it can be done, many people are doing it. If you’re overweight stop listening to doctors ! And just stop consuming sugar.

@shihyoude - 30.04.2023 15:54

I vary my diet by using different IF, OMAD, fast 24 hours etc. Eat low carb, cut sugar..the combination works well. Also find a good quality MCT oil. I prefer powder type, feel better and taste better than just liquid oil.

@ShwetaKedia-nice - 29.04.2023 16:23

Despite trying various methods, my brother was unable to lose weight. However, he has been following the Keto diet recommended by eMediHealth for the past 3 months, and has lost almost 26pounds/12kgs. His dietician has informed him that if he continues for another 3 months, he can lose an additional 33pounds/15kgs. I am thrilled to see his success and have been inspired to follow the same diet plan.

@ericajimenez6759 - 25.04.2023 06:07

I'm the oldest here, I'm trying to last a bit longer😂😂😂 good job sir keep up the good job God bless you with many more healthy year's here with your co-workers and in this life❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😊

@marineguy4eva - 23.04.2023 22:52

Telling people to restrict calories is bad? The reason why obesity is an epidemic and kills people more than anything else is because people can't restrict from eating calories. Calorie counting is about a caloric deficit so if you burn 2800 calories a day you can easily eat 2500 calories which is more than enough for the average person.

@Eheh980 - 23.04.2023 12:37

I'm insulin resistant and have type 2 diabetes. Counting calories truly does work without cutting the cards also. I had to eat a high carbon diet and low fat due to gallstones being excruciating, and my sugar level went from 48 to 34 and I lost over 70lbs. Whatever works stick with it that's all that matters

@searbhreathach9762 - 08.04.2023 07:28

Don't tell me they are actually serious. Calories in calories out. That is how weight loss works. 👋*Slaps

@dyosatettot4822 - 06.04.2023 00:45

Ottimo consiglio! Concentrarsi sulla qualità degli alimenti che mangiamo, invece che contare solo le calorie, può portare a una perdita di peso sostenibile e salutare. Per tutti gli appassionati di fitness che cercano di perdere peso senza dover passare attraverso il dolore della privazione alimentare e della fame, il programma Metodo FESPA potrebbe essere la soluzione ideale per voi. Con il suo approccio personalizzato e la sua attenzione ai cambiamenti salutari dello stile di vita, il programma può aiutare a raggiungere i vostri obiettivi di perdita di peso in modo salutare e sostenibile. Perdere peso senza privazioni può essere molto pratico e divertente! Nessun sacrificio, nessuna fame.

@rg-mi5hh - 02.04.2023 22:13

Plant food is supposed to be healthy. So why do they say don't eat many carbs.

@erica7798 - 02.04.2023 00:12

Controlling the added sugar you can find in cakes, soda, bread etc is important too.

Activity such as taking long walks or lifting all together will help you have a healthy mind and body.

@shoaib492 - 25.03.2023 09:23

Weight loss tips that actually work

@wolf3104 - 25.03.2023 00:58

If you have 70 kg and you want to lose 20 kilos, this will happen in one year of dieting. Who said they ve lost weight fast, just trolls.

@LM33333 - 24.03.2023 04:42

Don’t count calories, but count carbs. Any other thing to obsess over.

@EarthHelps - 23.03.2023 16:31


@timewaster7416 - 20.03.2023 11:18

Cutting carbs is not sustainable, u will gonna crave sugar and junk food after some time on that diet, instead eat healthy carbs like whole wheat bread, brown rice

@fitbody351 - 15.03.2023 22:06

I lost weight with a very good detox kit, if you want I can help you

@denveyebanks4787 - 14.03.2023 16:41

Question: When this lady said she lost 88 lbs. Was that from one (1) dieting period. Many dieters tout losing x amount of weight but it was a total weight after a few separate periods like losing 6 pounds and gaining 4 back. Then losing 8 and gaining 5 back. Then calling the weight loss of 15 lbs. Very misleading.

@tenza7556 - 13.03.2023 06:04

Cutting carbs has honestly been the only thing that has ever worked for me.

@el_pimpo - 12.03.2023 12:43

Why am I not hearing anyone say cut off sugars instead of eating less?
