To Have or Not to Have Children

To Have or Not to Have Children

The School of Life

3 года назад

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@Sidorvm - 24.04.2024 12:00

People who against having children, if you had more money, would your opinion be still the same?

@VS-vx5hi - 18.04.2024 03:13

The people I know who have children (which are the majority) face at least one if not more of the following: always stressed, anxious about money, don’t have much sex, are overweight, age quickly, fight with their partner over really dumb things, and drink every chance they get.

I don’t know if it’s because they have children or not.

@LindaGrey-wm9uc - 16.04.2024 02:57

I'm 73. Had two live babies. One talented wonderful son that someone decided to kill at 23yrs. A daughter who decided to steal what she could out of me and then tried to put me in a mental institution. Would I have kids? Although my son gave me so much that was beautiful, and I will always treasure the memories, if I had it again, I would not have children.

@LouiseIngram-hd5yc - 08.04.2024 01:29

I’m not mentally or physically capable of child rearing. I would have hated it.

@scottc3740 - 03.04.2024 21:08

I have three boys ages 10, 6, and 2 and love them to death, but about 30% of the time I utterly despise being a parent, and I find that that figure is slowly increasing as I (and they) age. My profession pays a lot and I work much longer hours than my wife, but I somehow end up doing at least 50% of the parenting during non-working hours. My strong recommendation to any guy who wants to have kids is the following: let your wife be a stay at home mom and make it very clear from day one that your job is to make money and her job is to look after the kids (even when you’re not working). Otherwise, you’ll likely find yourself doing much more than should be expected of you and both your physical and mental health will suffer because you spend all of your time caring and providing for others but not yourself. Also, give each other time to yourselves. Not just a few hours here and there at home, but let each other take trips with friends and other times take your kids away for the weekend so that each other has a couple days of complete peace and quiet. Yes, you will unquestionably need it.

@denesejamerson6540 - 27.03.2024 23:55

Never married!

@roniroukoz6040 - 17.03.2024 15:03

I have been trying to explain this idea for so long, thank you for this video who makes it so clear ❤

@Kat-id7rz - 17.03.2024 08:39


@dulcilass - 29.02.2024 05:03

I don't even understand why having or not having kids should be considered as a choice. If a person doesn't want kids and has never wanted kids, there is no choice involved. One simply doesn't have kids and it doesn't mean a person is going to suffer. Any more than being monogamous means you will suffer. I've been monogamous for almost 50 years and have been perfectly happy with my partner. And I know people who haven't had children and they are content with their childfree life. They aren't suffering at all.

@Marina-mw3sn - 28.02.2024 03:56

I honestly don't think that many parents regret having children. What's missing from this is the joys of each choice and weighing those.

@marekvselicha7093 - 24.02.2024 19:27

Some people are made to be parents, some are not - some are taught, and some have to come to it on their own, organically. I had a terrible childhood, though, somehow, I managed to pull through and not dwell on it too much. I have contemplated for many years, that being married, having children, etc is not in my cards. Then I met a person, whom I decided I wanted to share my future with, and ultimately to have a child with (we however have thought for a bit about remaining childless). I am now a father and a husband and despite being destined (in my estimate based on my personal experience) that I shouldn't be a husband and a father, I am now happy, although a little scared, and determined to be the best of both. The bottom line is, that without children being born, there is no future for humanity.

@MaryJones-rx3my - 24.02.2024 07:53

This comment section is so weird. I'm sixteen and the oldest of ten. i want kids...

@marianaricalde204 - 14.02.2024 05:20

I was unsure if I wanted to have kids or not my whole life. After seven and a half years of marriage, I got pregnant on birth control. Now I have two kids, and I truly love being a mommy. I feel in peace with my life and I feel truly grateful to get to experience this deep love and this strong feeling of protection, and if the world ends tomorrow, I'll be there hugging and kissing my kids really tight.

@theoffspring07 - 27.01.2024 18:33

I wouldn't want to bring a child into this hellish world now.

@oliviaalexander4577 - 26.01.2024 01:24

Im pushing 30 n ive never once had the desire too want/have kids. Personally i get annoyed by them after awhile

@c0ffe3mn88 - 13.01.2024 07:11

Alright I know this is old.

This is my view:

If we were at war ( where I live ) Yes I would have kids.
I am good with children and kids my other half ( isn't confident enough )
Do I want kids? - I would go either way I'm pretty easy

The reason why I am like this is because of my upbringing - I moved around so much it wasn't funny and when you move around a lot and don't have stability it's very difficult to settle down ( this happened to me during the years it would have been best for me to have kids )

I actually got diagnosed with Adult ADD recently too so perhaps that was why.

Not a bad thing it's just how life turned out for me.

My sister has kids with her partner and I'm actually quite happy being an uncle to two lovely nieces and it's cool because I can spoil them.

Everyone's circumstance is different.

That one is mine.

I do monthly donations to kids who's parents are not around.

So it takes all sorts.

@AmeBibabi1 - 10.01.2024 12:39

This video is awesome

@sheilamei2011 - 05.01.2024 03:08

How many arguments are there on the video?

@markjalessian - 02.01.2024 09:17

I am deeply grateful – and it is a source of profound joy for me – that I don't have children. I am an introvert and love being alone and having peace in my life.

The main reason that I don't want children, however, is the fact that your children are not your own. They belong to the state, no matter what country you live in. You are forced to vaccinate them – which will undermine their immunity and health. You are forced to put them through school – unless you are in the financial position to home school them. The school will teach them mainly lies, and neglect to teach them important lessons, such as financial literacy and mind control. In many countries, your children are also forced to kill and die in wars.

I applaud good people who dare to have children. Without you there is no future for this world. For myself, I am just happy to step out when that time comes. In the meantime, I'll try to be kind to people around me and to help lessen the suffering in this world, especially that of the animals. The fact is I'm not sure if I'll ever be back or if it would even be helpful. Time will tell. But what i do know is that I'm glad not to have the added attachment to this planet that having kids would bring with it.

@MarylnBowan-vg7te - 01.01.2024 07:29

,(FACTS OVA FEELINGS) The Purpose of Children is Not Just the Expansion of Youniversal Consciousness it is Ollso the Expansion of hOUR Consciousness az PARENTS

@kungdu - 29.12.2023 19:57

Just do pick one. No regrets later in life.

@enensis - 29.12.2023 11:59

This has to be one of your best videos. I love them all but this actually hits home on the meaning of life more than just choosing kids or not. 😅 Suffering

@Seriksy - 29.12.2023 02:51

If I could have a more peaceful life in a rural village away from modern society's pressures, then perhaps. Not in the society we live in now where you are pressed by all corners. Even from places you didn't even know existed...

@tenzinsangmo1775 - 05.12.2023 20:52

Life is full of suffering by nature and only a wise couple doesn’t bring another human just to look after them in their old age. I am more concerned about the life of new human in this materialistic world than myself and totally forgetting about inner value which is compassion, kindness, love ,forgiveness.

@ronmoore6598 - 05.12.2023 06:52

That was stupid.

@user-kv9xc8jg4g - 30.11.2023 11:51

Having children simply because of family/societal expectations or because it will give someone joy or fulfillment in their life is actually incredibly selfish.

@mitya6568 - 28.11.2023 11:00

If no children just stack that 300k children money and you will not be lonely in nursing home

@theemptyatom - 26.11.2023 13:40

Contemplating a world without human presence raises profound ethical and existential questions. If humans collectively stopped procreating and eventually vanished, the natural world would continue its inherent cycles of predation and survival. In such a world, animals would persist in their natural behaviors, including predation, leading to suffering among animal species. This observation prompts reflections on the nature of suffering independent of human involvement.

Further contemplation reveals complexities in the ethics of interacting with the natural world. Although seemingly less morally contentious, some believe that killing plants for sustenance still carries ramifications. This perspective is rooted in the belief that plants possess a level of sentience, albeit different from animal sentience. The consequential impact on other species that rely on these plants for survival adds another layer to the ethical dilemma.

Expanding the concept of sentience to the Earth suggests that the planet may exhibit a form of awareness beyond human comprehension. This idea aligns with holistic views of nature that perceive the Earth as a living, interconnected entity.

In the context of such philosophical musings, a particular form of nihilism may emerge, particularly among those who do not believe in any existence beyond the physical life. For these individuals, the relentless cycle of suffering and the apparent inevitability of causing harm, regardless of actions, might lead to feelings of existential futility.

This situation creates a paradox for those who, despite recognizing the widespread nature of suffering in all life forms, choose a vegan lifestyle to reduce harm and suffering to sentient beings. However, one could question why, in the face of overwhelming and unavoidable suffering, these individuals do not pursue more radical means to cease their contribution to suffering, such as ending their own lives. Even in a nihilistic framework, there exists an inherent contradiction or a hint of hope or belief in the potential for positive impact through personal choices.

This line of thought highlights the complex interplay between ethical choices, beliefs about the nature of existence and sentience, and the broader philosophical implications of how one engages with the world. It underscores the nuanced and often contradictory ways humans grapple with suffering, their role, and the search for ethical coherence in their actions.

@user-dm5xi8nk2q - 22.11.2023 20:29

I can’t understand what power can calm me,when I see or hear how stupid and gross little children are… it is the main reason,why I don’t want a baby, but I am already pregnant

@drumpfisidiot5021 - 18.11.2023 12:52

The wife and I love all the free time, disposable income, vacations every 6 months or so and of course our dogs.

@drumpfisidiot5021 - 18.11.2023 12:50

Oh god no thank you

@SassInYourClass - 17.11.2023 17:03

This process of thought is insane. So many of these cons are not at all definitive, and are full of assumptions of failure and self-blame for negativity caused by others. That philosopher just sounds suicidal to me.

@JustDinosaurBones - 16.11.2023 19:45

You always find such a beautiful way to use so many words and yet say so little <3

@zakaryloreto6526 - 06.11.2023 08:16

Our society has failed if having children the universal rule that all species follow is frowned upon.

@MonkeyDIvan - 01.11.2023 13:53

How lucky are the unborn...

@kylewatson5133 - 24.10.2023 02:57

My .02:

1. Do you have good genetics? This is YOUR opinion. But you should ask yourself this question.
2. Do you have good opportunities. This is YOUR opinion. But you should ask yourself this question.
3. Do you have financial stability? This is YOUR opinion. But you should ask yourself this question.
4. Do you live in a society that has a level of freedom that you tolerate? This is YOUR opinion. But you should ask yourself this question.

Just do some basic self reflection before you have children. Really, having kids is the most responsibility dependent decision anyone can ever make. You literally are playing god - namely, you are bringing someone into existence.

@Kumari_kl - 19.10.2023 06:56

😒 Constant war anxiety accident addiction manipulation depression deception population compitition comparison... the list goes on, a big no to procreation.

@augmenautus - 18.10.2023 20:49

I think, unfortunately, due to the rising cost of living caused by inflationary government policies, fewer people can afford to get married or have children.

@vortbio - 14.10.2023 23:05

What a strange non-answer of a video on whether or not to have children. It seems the question was just an excuse to dive into nihilism. Some choices are better than others. Some choices cause less pain and more happiness. Some choices provide more meaning. Of course, many choices contain elements of sacrifice but framing all choices as creating equal amounts of suffering is blatantly and obviously wrong.

People should try to anticipate the pros and cons of having or not having children within their specific situations and make the choice that seems to have more meaning, create more happiness, and cause less suffering.

@MisterMarin - 13.10.2023 10:08

Not to have children. That is the point that solves all of humanity's problems. No humans = no problems.

@marcsi6064 - 11.10.2023 01:11

For me big NO.I have never been interested to have kids,literaly I can't see myself to be mom at all and I'm almost 40.Luckily my husband thinks same.But I LOVE animals with my all heart deeply.Specially our two kitties😊

@poochicachoochichick1207 - 02.10.2023 18:42

Parents will regret having babies when they grow up, Babies will regret in living in this evil planet.

@halcyonzenith4411 - 29.09.2023 18:00

I don't know how anyone can study human behaviour and still think that there should be more of us.

@urbanobstacles - 28.09.2023 21:41

It's pretty stupid not to have kids. It's the only way your line passes on. And to anyone who says that's not important.......your ancestors are ashamed of you......and if that doesn't mean anything to you then you have serious issues and are extremely self centered

@user-rt2zq4jv8x - 28.09.2023 16:41

I am 35 years old. When I feel sad my 13 year old son warm my heart, bring me power. When my son blue - I am trying to cheer him up. In this moments I feel myself powerfull. We all needs "our ppl". In the end.... If life scare you - you never will live. Dont be weak covards.

@NONAME-kw3pu - 26.09.2023 05:20


@giselaperez6993 - 23.09.2023 15:23

Where is love in all these comments?
Being a parent involves many sentiments and joy is one of them.
A coin has 2 sides, I only read about the possibly problematic ones.
I have 2 children, I am divorced, raised them on my own, we had some difficult moments on the road( I'm 63) still it was fun. We traveled, we partied, we went out dining, movies, beach.....
Now waiting for grandchildren 😂😂😂

@INTERNATIONALvids - 21.09.2023 03:58

Obviously child free much better.
Less worry, better health, more money, more free time.
Modern parenting is a scam.
