BEST CLASS Tier List for Official WoW Classic Hardcore

BEST CLASS Tier List for Official WoW Classic Hardcore

Dungeon Coach Gaming

10 месяцев назад

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Devon Dasilva
Devon Dasilva - 12.10.2023 19:09

Warlock should be the #1 S tier.

Ghost Of Haven
Ghost Of Haven - 30.09.2023 07:20

Confident enough to make a tiers list but put endgame ret pal + Spriest tier C 😐

wraith - 24.09.2023 08:18

Don't understand this tier list. Maybe explain what you're actually ranking before making the video lol. Speed, ease, or what? Dislike from me.

Zachary Hernandez
Zachary Hernandez - 23.09.2023 10:40

Wow this really did not age well at all

irr globunny
irr globunny - 22.09.2023 07:53

My tier list would be..

dathip - 20.09.2023 05:04

DANG! LOL i never played paladin and didnt even do much research so end game paladin, I am kind of useless haha. Should I reset talent points once I get to lvl 60?

Orik - 11.09.2023 18:47

surprised how low you put paladin on leveling tier. its soooo boring but its sooooo safe. plus free mount means you can invest gold into professions and pots more easilyt.

Kudoh Lol
Kudoh Lol - 11.09.2023 11:08

Where do you get your data?? from my understanding shaman is one of the least represented classes, worst scalers, and not good at leveling passed 20-30.

Its basically play shaman to give the warriors and rogues WF :)

Monstahpanda - 10.09.2023 03:06

Priest wanding brings u safely to 60

Tobias Ommer
Tobias Ommer - 02.09.2023 18:58

Downside to raiding as an elemental in hardcore: you may end up tanking the occasional boss 😅

It only happened to me (not HC tho) on Garr (Garrr?) and some ZG bosses, so I couldn't even die from being hit (even as a cloth ele, they hit like wet noodles) but worse could happen ^^

theperfectbeing - 02.09.2023 16:47

As someone who's leveled every single class to 60 (some of them more than once) I can definitely tell you that priest is still near the top for leveling smoothness once you get wand spec + spirit tap. Sure it's slower than some others but you never come close dying or run out of mana, extra points for being dwarf with desperate prayer, fear ward and stoneform (huge against all poison mobs). Also druids are way more stable than rogues in every aspect of the game simply due to bear form and ability to self heal, during leveling druids are easily the most durable tanks and you can survive multi mob pulls most other classes straight up die to, plus you can get away easily with travel form. Rogue poison quests are risky af

TipsysMichigander - 02.09.2023 04:30

Druid not being S-Tier is an actual crime!

Your list is honestly kind of janky, Sorry bud - That is on you!

Druid can and have hit max level on servers first.

BKDDY - 01.09.2023 22:00

Warrior 4 life

Krogzax Ants
Krogzax Ants - 31.08.2023 00:29

Lol mage is one of worst i think.

Most easy are paladin and priest. Most worst are warrior, mage and warlock in my opinion.

newm0116 - 30.08.2023 23:56

The endgame discussion around healers is interesting to me as I did a lot of that recently. I agree priests are overall the best healers, but I think what makes this whole conversation interesting is that I wouldn't say priests are the best at the two main healing roles, tank healer, and raid healer. Paladins are the best tank healers in Vanilla hands down. Likewise Shaman are the best raid healers, in large part because they're kind of the only AoE healers in Vanilla. But because those classes are faction specific in this version of the game, Priest end up becoming defacto the best tank healers for the Horde, and the best raid healers for the Alliance.

Overall I think you're pretty spot on about the healers places on the chart, except for Resto Shaman, they are above resto Druids for sure, in a Classic era raid on Horde side I want 1 maybe 2 Druids, but I'd want at least 5 or 6 shaman any given night, and I ran some nights with far more than that and was happy to have that many chain heals. Totem duty doesn't require nearly that many, but chain heal is easily the best overall heal spell in the game.

ok - 28.08.2023 03:40


TieSyndicate - 27.08.2023 07:00

Shaman not being S tier is odd to me ... IMO

John G
John G - 27.08.2023 05:00

shamans statistically proved to be the best leveling class^^

Alex Collins
Alex Collins - 25.08.2023 23:24

I have a lvl 8 hunter so far. I can vibe with this list for sure! Gonna level as beast mastery then switch to marksmanship and survival for endgame (assuming i get there!) 😂

Ignacio - 25.08.2023 17:36

Worst tier list ever
