How to create Video Shopping Ads on TikTok Ads Manager

How to create Video Shopping Ads on TikTok Ads Manager

TikTok For Business

1 год назад

11,851 Просмотров

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@anti_furries538 - 18.09.2023 14:18

we dont care👎

@jakobbourne6381 - 28.02.2023 03:53

phlanx's tiktok engagement rate calculator makes it so that you don't have to calculate your engagement rate in tiktok manually, but more on just a few clicks, this allows you to identify engagement rate accurately and more reliably than manual means - and it's a metric you'd want consistent calculations on if you want accurate gauges on your market potential w/ tiktok

@pantelissarras4056 - 15.01.2023 01:04

guys you are kidding us. on objective selection there is only website conversion object available not catalog sales not shop purchases. and you documentation is totally outdated!!

@mainstreet204 - 02.10.2022 16:49

How do i get this feature in my ads manager and also can we use videos posted already??
