Breaking Bad: Walter White Did Absolutely Nothing Wrong | Video Essay

Breaking Bad: Walter White Did Absolutely Nothing Wrong | Video Essay


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Holden Cox
Holden Cox - 17.09.2023 04:36

I’m genuinely unsure whether or not this is ironic

QuantumSweater - 16.09.2023 21:14

Jimmy neutron was the clinching argument.

Exorbulla - 16.09.2023 15:46

anyone got the video of that guy who reacted to this and didnt realise its a meme?

Trung Tran
Trung Tran - 15.09.2023 04:24

This video is the most “say something wrong loudly” I have seen around this show. Walt is the devil, and Jessie is the one who knows him the most, period

mrlevinielsen - 14.09.2023 16:50

You had me for… 30 whole seconds

Joseph Passafume
Joseph Passafume - 14.09.2023 08:41

My dumb butt didn't notice this was satire 3 months ago because I was watching so many Breaking Bad videos after not watching any before that I wasn't paying attention

This video represents Walter White because I brushed past the questionable parts and thought it was serious all the way through and then I watched another video some time later that was blatantly satire after a few minutes and I watched it again and then I noticed it was ironic- it's just satire... but maybe? This is just satire.

Chasify - 14.09.2023 05:58

officer, its okay, im based

PartizaniEditz - 13.09.2023 20:18

bro did Elliot dirty 💀

javar0202 jv
javar0202 jv - 13.09.2023 07:31

100 percent agree,
I was thinking about it for awhile besides for a few mistakes, witch all humans make,
In that world he was probably one of the only good people,

He really did have his family and Jessie's best interest in heart, he cared about people, for the most part, even those that betrayed him, like Jessie did, his family did, even outside of his family, he still tried to work thing's out unless they gave him no other choice,

After everything, he was even willing to give up all his money to save hank, knowing that hank would have took him in, knowing it would have left him broke, his family with nothing, and him in a cell for the rest of his day's, he was still willing to give it up to save hank,
And it was only Jessie's last betrayal that finally made him wash his hands of him, and want to hurt him emotionally as much as Jessie did him, with telling him he watched Jane go out and didn't save her,
Even tho unfortunately it was truly in Jessie's best interest,
But when he said it he wanted Jessie to feel what he felt,

but even after all of that, at the end, he still saved Jessie 1 final time,
And after skylers massive betrayal he still cared about her, an didn't move on, why I'll never get,

Like I could get why deep down he would still love her, I just don't understand why he didn't find a new piece after that one, one that actually cared about him and wanted him for who he really was, flaws and all,

Anyway, i think Walt wanted to go out, not just being someone people knew, but someone that people liked, loved, but most importantly-looked up to, & respected,
He found his purpose and he wanted to be the best to ever do it,

ultimately, I think like most to all men,
When our time comes, we want to know we did something worthwhile, we fulfilled our goals, or destiny, and not just started a family, but took care of them and passed our knowledge onto the next generation of us. We want to be looked up to and seen as the true definition of a man, especially by our son's, if we are blessed enough to have them.
Anything short of that would feel like a massive failure, like losing,
Like we never reached our full potential and we never did anything worthwhile, we never did anything worth a damn that could be looked up to or at least be respected,

That is probably one of the worst things a man could endure.

Anyway, great video, keep up the good work.
It would be cool to see more video essays like this, maybe on the walking dead, the last of us,

holydrones - 12.09.2023 22:18

Sigmund Fraud?

Dave Miller *TP*
Dave Miller *TP* - 12.09.2023 07:50

Bro I agreed with this a while back, and then I actually watched the series and i'm like "the fuck was i thinking" I realized that this dude was just doing this as a joke (at least, i think), so yeah

Bikuch - 11.09.2023 18:01

i had only ever heard of the son-mom part of the odepius complex. hearing the rest of it made it so much worse. i am now mentally scarred for life.

Dipper Pines
Dipper Pines - 11.09.2023 01:05

The comments under this video made my day.

be quiet
be quiet - 10.09.2023 04:52

walter isnt bad he was just trolling

Ratul - 09.09.2023 22:47

Walt did everything right

LE_K4PPA - 09.09.2023 16:09

Walt wasn't a bad guy, but sometimes he was a bald guy.

Kelton Gonzales
Kelton Gonzales - 07.09.2023 18:03

Walter White must be running for Office because boy did his donors go all out on this message paid for by Madrigals rivals. And obviously BMW is a rival subsidiary company of a bigger corporation equal to Madrigal. It all makes sense. This is the real world people.

dev - 07.09.2023 15:47

this was the biggest troll ever and i sat through it

NCR_trooper-69 - 07.09.2023 14:09

He was given a chance to return to his company but his ego makes him evil

Tomohawk McGinn
Tomohawk McGinn - 06.09.2023 14:05

5 minutes into the video
"This guy is dumb as fuck"

10 minutes into the video

LilBizcut - 06.09.2023 12:05

I didn’t realize this was satire at first and I wa spoke “bruh Walt was horrible” but now I gottcha

Chris C
Chris C - 06.09.2023 06:04

“As me said: Walt did nothing wrong”

-This guy + the comment section in this video 2020

Fartnite battle pass
Fartnite battle pass - 06.09.2023 03:44

Walt poisend that child not out of evil, but of basedness

Goofy ahh
Goofy ahh - 05.09.2023 13:04

whos mike? you mean finger?

T4llJak3 - 04.09.2023 20:42

the virginly reddit goddamn

UnShapingTheEarth - 04.09.2023 20:03

I think Frued is retarded

UnShapingTheEarth - 04.09.2023 18:48

Being incapable through weakness or fear of the atrocities heisenberg committed doesnt make you good or noble. I definitely see the elements in the show that heisenberg was always in walter. But i also do think he was a better man before and that his rise to power took over all his good attributes, like caring about his family. I think theirs also an interesting comparison to make between the drugs walt sells and how he changes. Walts drug is the power that comes with becoming heisenberg and the more he indulges in that drug the less he cares about anything else like a true drug addict. While it is true that in walters transformation he does gain some objectively good attributes, the evil that already existed inside of him and the evil that manifested itself from his thirst for control outweighs the good. The good attributes are masculinity. Walter goes from being a man boy, a weak and incapable individual with no power at all, to being masculine, confident, strong, and with the capacity to be violent. These are all good attributes in a good man. But the same can be used for evil. And it was his desire for power that killed him. On a deeper philosophical note you could say it was walts desire to be his own god that killed him in the same way it will kill the devil. He became strong through his pull towards darkness rather than becoming strong because its his God given duty. All that said, just like capacity for violence and being strong and confident, power is a tool that should be used for good by good men. But walter was not a good man, in fact one could argue he wasnt a man at all. How do we identify the difference between the mind of a boy and the mind of a man? Boys live in a very self centered world where the primary motivation is their own pleasure and happiness. Thats why parents must discipline their children, make rules, etc. a boy sees power no differently than he sees a superhero. Being a super hero would be awesome because it would be fun and make him happy, not because the super human abilities would be tools to help other people. So the power is completely self centered around how he feels. A man on the other hand understands that he has a responsibility towards his family and God to lead, protect, and provide. To do these things he acquires power, but it is merely a tool. The primary motivation in a man is not towards himself but towards those he loves. And in talking of emotion that brings up an even deeper concept from star wars. Should we protect the ones we love because we have feelings for them, or should we protect them because its our responsibility as men? Keep in mind the distinction between love and feelings. Feelings can be like falling in love, a completely selfish emotion where another person causes you to feel good. Love on the other hand is you doing something or enduring something that doesnt feel good for the person you care about and have pledged loyalty and commitment to. Anikin skywalker had feelings for his girl, but those feelings are no different than the feelings he may have for a toy. The toy brings a boy joy, but ultimately the boy prioritizes himself over the toy because the toy is merely something that gives him feelings. And that is why anikin kills patime. So we see that even when it comes to his responsibilities a man doesnt do it just because he loves someone but because its his duty.

Tj 😁
Tj 😁 - 04.09.2023 17:30

I cant believe people actually think Walt's a bad guy when he's justifiable on EVERYTHING he did.

Muhammad Ahmad
Muhammad Ahmad - 04.09.2023 15:09

Walter White: "Nobody cared who I was until I put on a Hat and Sunglasses.

RVNG BlackHeart
RVNG BlackHeart - 02.09.2023 22:10

The show was literally about a man’s journey to evolution and redemption, he couldn’t die until he was at peace and accomplished

The American
The American - 02.09.2023 20:51

This seems like an April fools video

a - 01.09.2023 21:22

hes literally a rapist.

RVNG BlackHeart
RVNG BlackHeart - 31.08.2023 23:38

Fraud was a quack with a mental disorder based around his own sexual deviance

Minime - 31.08.2023 18:49

Walt poisons Brock
People before Brock got poisoned:

AD draws
AD draws - 31.08.2023 09:04

Yea fbi I know a phycopath

Sypher - 30.08.2023 22:59

The evolution of Walter is a testament of what zero pussy does to a mf

Samar1sHere - 30.08.2023 06:33

Ok I actually kinda agree with the beginning

HYVE - 30.08.2023 04:38

What the actual frick you just spoiled better call saul without a warning, frick you

no one you know
no one you know - 29.08.2023 04:57

He didn’t go go karting with Jesse. He’s the worst person ever.

ArizonaRanger - 27.08.2023 21:48

“Your honor, my client is the danger. He is the one who knocks. Clearly, he is innocent.”

kippert - 27.08.2023 20:02

"The reason Walter White became based is because he didn't have a father figure"
dear God the internet has ruined me, I laughed so fucking hard

Biclopse 8
Biclopse 8 - 27.08.2023 16:27

Imagine watching Walt's insecurity and lust for power destroy his life and the lives around him, then call him a good role model 🤣 this shit is beyond parody

RandomGamerRiot - 27.08.2023 15:20

I can't tell whether or not this is satire
Edit: I take it back this is clearly satire

Lolganrox - 27.08.2023 03:09

This is peak trolling

LBX Productions
LBX Productions - 25.08.2023 17:47

I thought it was going to be an actual video, but honestly im glad it wasnt this was hilarious

DJ Erok
DJ Erok - 25.08.2023 03:01

this video is based

jake mcdonald
jake mcdonald - 24.08.2023 14:27

Walt was good

Unconventionaly motivated men are never understood by those they live for
