Making Barbarians Actually Fun to Play in D&D

Making Barbarians Actually Fun to Play in D&D

Pointy Hat

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Pointy Hat
Pointy Hat - 08.08.2022 22:06

Calling all Barbs, Calling all Barbs 🪓
Let's see how many "Jojo reference" we can find in the comments of this video ☺🔪

(Also devil twist is coming yall, this week was a lot and I wanted to make sure I didn't add to my backlog by releasing this without a twist!)

TCOW - 26.11.2023 23:10


Cassapphic - 24.11.2023 00:37

Ironically to the premise, I recently realised when I'm planning out a campaign with a hierarch as the bbeg and making a bunch of his desecndants as villains and other npcs to encounter throughout the campaign, that Allistair heavily influenced one of them. I want to have the option for the pcs to enter a torunament arc where the champion warrior for 5 years straight is a solo in team sport wild magic barbarian descended from a hierarch.

UndercoverAgent420 - 23.11.2023 19:30

This class twist was brought to you by Jason Blood/Etrigan. :))

Richard Landgraf
Richard Landgraf - 21.11.2023 02:59

A good Totem Warrior combination if you are an off tank, or just like being different, use the Eagle Heart to Dash as a bonus Action, and the aspect of Stallion at lvl 6, so you gain temp hp of 2x your lvl every time you Dash. So you get 12-40 temp hp every turn from lvl 6 on, as a bonus action, plus the actual dash.

Mart L
Mart L - 18.11.2023 13:21

My GM allowed for one uncommon magic item. I chose the Headband of Intellect.

My chance to make a Faerie Barbarian of the Beast!

Zach - 16.11.2023 21:45

You talk a lot of crap for someone in melee distance.
Wait no please don’t move away from me or fly I have no range please
Fuck my rage ended

Sarcasm Is My First Language
Sarcasm Is My First Language - 14.11.2023 11:25

the phone alarm jumpscare holy shit

Gacha Gamer88
Gacha Gamer88 - 10.11.2023 09:07

Is there a character sheet made for alistair? If not, one must be made immediately! He’s so cool

Peter Billings
Peter Billings - 07.11.2023 20:13

Creating a new character. Haven’t played a Barb or Fighter but I really like them in concept so I’ve narrowed it down to those two. This and your Fighter video really helped me think more creatively about these often simpler classes as being flexible, open canvases. Now that I know we have similar taste in characters, I’ll be checking out more of your content! ❤

ZackdasBohne - 03.11.2023 15:51

Soooo… essentially this video is telling people: if you don‘t like the characters that use this class, then make better characters and I love it ❤

MechaUlfR - 02.11.2023 21:31

Thought- I wish/hope that they rebalance the Totem Path barb.

Bear is SO GOOD it really should just be the default at level 3 and the other ones need some re-work. Wolf and eagle are ok, but I dont think Ive ever seen a barb pick tiger or elf and Ive never seen the appeal myself.

Id like them to just make the Bear totem ability the default and then add a skill benefit for the animal pick. Then redo the next level to mix in some of the more interesting abilities and differentiate the animals better. Bear should be all toughness, tiger and wolf should be "strong but mobile." and then the other two should give you good speed and mobility.

For Role play on barbarian, I think there are two issues. 1.) Even though they often have the same or even better Int then Fighters and pallies; everyone treats them like idiots. They also often have high wisdom (Which leans towards emotional intelligence.) and their unique cultural flavor makes them fun ways to explore a society and offer up interesting perspectives. Yeah they arent book smart, but that doesn't mean they are dumb. 2.).... no easy way to put it, racism. A lot of people treat barbarian characters with a degree of racism. (both in the game, and out.) thqt can be leaned into (make racism a major part of the story.) or it can be removed but just leaving it unexplored in the game... like theres a reason why your barbarians (DMs) Stop RPing when everyone in your world treats them like dog shit. "Well all I CAN do is hit things, drink, and seduce maidens. Sooo that's all I am going to do.")

Charisma is for your inspiring leaders, your diplomats, its for delecate negotations with conflicting parties. It is NOT for war meetings, or for interpersonal relationship building . There are a LOT of scenarios where players and DMs default to charisma as the stat in question... thats not actually how real life works. Now extreme deception can use charisma...but if a PC isnt lying in any big way.... that doesn't matter.

So DMs stop treating your barbs like meat shields that hit things and not just allow them to RP but invite them to RP and RP the same way other classes RP.

You wouldnt make a Wizard roll a cha check to convince a King that they know about magic. Why does the Barb need to make one to convince people she/he knows about how to fight or knows about nature, or knows about anger and emotions?

Welwyrmi Entertainment
Welwyrmi Entertainment - 01.11.2023 18:39

The barbarian stand user joins forces with the monk stand user.

Together they conquer the labyrinth simply by BREAKING EVERY FUCKING WALL ?!

Idk gaming
Idk gaming - 01.11.2023 15:18

that back story would make a great anime protagonist like the Mc from black clover

Linn Kirksæther
Linn Kirksæther - 31.10.2023 19:36

Damn I love Alastair's character concept so much!

JClimber - 27.10.2023 06:37

Improvised this Barbarian with a Caboose RvB type personality, into poetry and writting and cooking and gardening. The rest of his brothers (party members) all could cast magic and he couldn't, so I make him a Wild Magic Barbarian because he wanted to use magic as his brothers

Marco Pedone
Marco Pedone - 24.10.2023 12:40

I had an idea for a Barbarian inspired to the case of Phineas Gage.
A proud and noble knight gets horrifically injured during a jousting tournament, and the traumatic brain injury (besides causing him to go back to level 1 due to the sheer trauma) makes him become violent and impulsive.

Kaj Olsen
Kaj Olsen - 22.10.2023 04:19

Made my first D&D character. We did our stat rolls and I got the worst. So rather than take it seriously I tried something different (not that I've ever tried anything before).
For the Race I picked a Forest Gnome and a Barb for the Class.
Just to screw around I gave the lowest stat to Strength. So it's a 6 which makes it -2.
Been enjoying myself a lot.
Thanks for the info. I haven't got much of a clue how to play this game but I find it very fun.

RustBrand777 - 19.10.2023 02:47

Take Conan, literally the epitome of a barbarian, and he’s considered to be intelligent, or so I’ve heard.

RustBrand777 - 19.10.2023 02:24

Mate your a DND content creator who doesn’t make dragon content your missing half the game😂no hate man it’s your channel but can we at least get a explanation?😂

Larissa B.
Larissa B. - 16.10.2023 15:03

I have a barbarian who is this gorgeous petite(-looking; sleeper build) blonde elven girl that was raised by a Clan of halforc berserker barbarians who found her as a baby! Her magical elven lineage made her a wildmagic barbarian. So yes she's the stereotypical brute who cant read, the twist is that you really wouldnt expect it when looking at her. Especially once her Party members insisted and dolled her up 😂 shes actually a woman but the vibe gives Vladimir on omegle (if u dont know what that is i highgly recommend looking it up)

Moose Talon
Moose Talon - 15.10.2023 06:03

That is a very BIZARRE art for the path of spirits.

Hephsmith - 13.10.2023 13:27

This reminded me of an old idea I had for a cleric that could multiclass in barbarian. This man used to be your average healer cleric; focused on keeping his teammates alive. However, when they bit off more than the could chew, he couldn't protect them enough. This guilt hung over him, causing him lots of anxiety. The priests at the temple suggested flagellation to atone for his sins. This didn't bring him relief. It only turned his anxiety and sadness into a fiery hatred. He was his own nemesis, and punished himself with more than flagellation, and often left the penance hall with bleeding knuckles and sometimes even a concussion. He was raging at himself, punching and headbutting the walls and pillars, leaving dents and craters. Most people at this point would kill themselves, but he thought that wasn't enough torment. The temple sent him out to vent his frustration somewhere other than their crumbling penance hall. That's when he'd meet his first team in years.

ZackdasBohne - 11.10.2023 14:17

One thing that I always found kind of weird was how intimidation (or seducing) for that matter is in many rule systems just charisma, doesn’t look into physical traits at all. I mean the orc with the great axe may not be eloquent conversation partner, but he sure as hell can be intimidating than the bard I think.

Paragon_X - 10.10.2023 01:04

Alistair's brother: *magically trips Alistair mid-sparring* Cope and seethe, lol

Scott Chadwick
Scott Chadwick - 09.10.2023 20:12

My barbarian helped everyone else in the party travel, she tossed people up cliffs, across pits, and waded through waist high water to the shorter races, she was a Goliath. So, waist high for everyone else was knee high to her.

cybera the galvonic mechamorph
cybera the galvonic mechamorph - 09.10.2023 15:44


Law Uchia
Law Uchia - 09.10.2023 10:41

I know someone wo PlayStation a Barb as a Magical Girl

Robert Westfall
Robert Westfall - 07.10.2023 05:50

@pointyhatstudios could you redo this barb video, but twist it with a pixie who's brain cycles from really genius to truly retarded depending on what state they are in?

Jack Sand
Jack Sand - 07.10.2023 03:02

I’m super new to the space but love fantasy/worldbuilding and making characters in video games/backstories for them

I’ve had this idea for an Aasimar “Rage Angel” - basically a naked Blood Angel from 40k

Cyanosis - 06.10.2023 21:20

The Jo Jo music was a flashbang

Meredith Butikofer
Meredith Butikofer - 04.10.2023 22:14

It makes me so happy that you gave the stable master a beard, even though she’s a girl because dwarf rep!

Austin Maxie
Austin Maxie - 03.10.2023 14:47

Lol is this a jojo reference 😂

GloopusBloopus - 03.10.2023 04:45

That backstory is really good

SadGirlHours - 02.10.2023 22:48

Its probably because of baldurs gate but barbarians are so fun. I love being able to body an enemy in one turn

I also have anger issues BRJDJDJJD

Aaron Radney
Aaron Radney - 01.10.2023 09:22

The posession idea was really cool and it's how I flavored a barbarian I had in mind who used path of the ancestral guardian. I also had a similar idea to the wildmagic barbarian thing you described but focused on a wizard who was born into a family of powerful sorcerers. Loving the channel and looking forward to seeing more.

宇宙星人 - 30.09.2023 19:31

Karlach is my utility character in bg3 sounds like your dungeons need more pen and paper jumping puzzles

Tommy Leung
Tommy Leung - 28.09.2023 11:54

sounds like an adventure anime protag haha

Jarenimo - 27.09.2023 08:42

Wolverine is the perfect barbarian, he is a meat shield that rages

BarbarosaAlexander - 27.09.2023 04:15

I stay for the bit at the end.

Albert Rúnarsson
Albert Rúnarsson - 25.09.2023 21:23

What about using the link between barbarians and spirits to make a barbarian lich for your next which lich video?

alien joe
alien joe - 25.09.2023 08:09

God damn man don’t be posting porn like that. That stable master needs some censorship

Tech Deth
Tech Deth - 25.09.2023 03:47

I think we miss a way to make barbs +/-'s logarithmic. Because that would be wild 💀

blondesub - 24.09.2023 04:22

one of my barbarian characters was a leonin father of 75 cub and to relax from his kids and/or make money he would go adventuring and he used his rage to save a new party from being wiped out and with his years of adventuring he became very wise but not so good with new things like magic

Arc forum
Arc forum - 23.09.2023 07:00

Gustov from saga frontier 2

Gellert Grinderwald
Gellert Grinderwald - 21.09.2023 18:58

Kinda remembers God of Highschool

Márton Puskás
Márton Puskás - 20.09.2023 15:01

Oh damn. Channeling the anger and grudges of a spirit/spirits is so fitting for the class and rich in roleplay potential. I love these videos, since I'm only knowledgeable about DnD from what's in BG3, these vids are very informative.

Nicolas V
Nicolas V - 20.09.2023 02:26

spirit of fury is absolutely dope, especially when considering Brutal Critical. I've considered asking my DM's to homebrew Brutal Critical to allow for Crits on nat 19 or 20 rolls, but I don't have to with this subclass!
