Why Retail WoW makes my life worse...

Why Retail WoW makes my life worse...

Xaryu Clips

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@brandonboss6868 - 31.01.2024 21:21

For me, retail is very repetitive. I am actually enjoying season of discovery much more. But that's just MY opinion

@timothytoon1283 - 31.01.2024 19:02

I wish you played retail! I miss your sick ass plays. However I respect what you say.

@anoobplays386 - 30.01.2024 13:00

I hate retail for how bloated and unnecessarily complex it is. Look how many damaging spells there are and how rotations have changed even since cata or mop, never mind BC or wotlk. Like I just want to play a game that's approachable and fun.

@Nightstalker314 - 30.01.2024 01:10

Could you see any kind of non-competitive PvP in retail that interests you?

@abcdgump616 - 30.01.2024 00:30

no retail is bad. the pvp is dog crap

@Sumoboi1 - 29.01.2024 23:12

So less money. Makes sense

@lebowski3748 - 29.01.2024 08:43

What happens if the stream doesnt do well? Say it xar dont be a pussy...

Ill help. If the stream doesnt go well there is less money. Thats the real end of the logical chain. Just say it. What are you afraid of?

@Steezowl - 29.01.2024 04:18

You should get back to retail arena. I feel what you are saying but u are important for the pvp community u are the mage protagonist in the pvp u have to get back at least for a little time just don't ignore it completely. You killing me how u dscribing "get overly competitive"" it's like something you would like to avoid cause it's to much aids for you to handle to be focus on.
No excuses Xaryu u gonna do what u have to do u belong to the arena you know it stop runing from it.

@jimmy8693 - 28.01.2024 17:33

What’s even going on in SoD right now? Honest question, I just arena in retail and set my expectations low (1800, I suck) and that leaves me plenty of time for life

@wesleyhess4940 - 28.01.2024 11:33

It's not the game, it's yourself that makes you a bad player.

@matg2503 - 28.01.2024 03:34

Retail is garbage, so is classic. World of warcraft in general is garbage... hell, video games are just all around garbage. I played video games my whole life and they literally just ruin your life.

If I play video games I start to prioritize them over my own life, maybe that's just me, some people can definitely do both. I however, get way too hyperfocused on video games and I neglect things I need to do in order to play them. I stay up too late, I start rushing my meals meaning I eat fast food over home cooked food, I stop focusing on my work-life and I neglect my job, my hygiene, myself. It's not worth it for me.

I have 3 friends who ALL do the same thing. 1 friend of mine can perfectly balance it and I don't know how he does it. It's a mystery.

@Psylo94 - 27.01.2024 23:06

the thing is that u make way more money playing classic then retail cuz nobody want u to play retail almost im not speaking for everyone but like mayby 20 % of ur community want to see u play retails its legit a dead game and theres nothing to do u loggin make ur cap 3 chest and spam arena like its a tournament realm , theres no grind no fun anymore in retail its super bad , honestly i rather played bfa or SL then that shit even tho i agree that DF have a better classe designe then the past expansion , but atleast in the past expansion there was something to do compare to now peoples forgot that its a MMO and the grind is part of the game , peoples have cry for DF to have fast pvp gearing blabla we want to get full bis in 1 day and now the same peoples are complaining that theres nothing to do in the game , this is why blizzard shouldnt listen to anyone anymore ngl since they start listening to peoples the game as being boring asf.

@gustavoaquino9230 - 27.01.2024 17:04

In retail i got tired of the 10 minute long intense fights, it just got ridiculous, it's like everyone is on steroids. Classic pvp is so good.

@biigdam - 27.01.2024 13:02

when the world needed him most he vanished

@Surgicalshred - 27.01.2024 08:22

Dude has a family now. Different time commitments.

@baro6447 - 27.01.2024 06:43

just dont be overly competitive xde

@grubi05 - 27.01.2024 05:11

Very well said, it's too competitive and not for everyone. Unlike other big streamers who just shit on it cuz they can't get everything they want in a week.

@dolan5312 - 27.01.2024 01:56

If you're self aware enough to know that it will consume you, why not just be disciplined like you are with everything else and regiment your time played? You don't have to only play retail. You and Pika can do some 2s, or you could do a few shuffs while playing SODcore in between queues and all is good.

A lot of us miss the hell out of you and Pika doing arenas together, or the epic 1v2s that you consistently pull off. Retail is a lot of fun right now, albeit sub rogues are a plague, and I wish you still played it at least a little bit.

@marcusdddd4285 - 27.01.2024 01:12

Wrong .. truth is Xaryu has way more viewers now playing classic vs when he played retail . Hence the xaryu makes more money streaming classic lol

@skypop72 - 26.01.2024 23:22


@skateparade77 - 26.01.2024 12:09

Retail is a complete different game

@rukuu07 - 26.01.2024 05:30

Dude has his priorities straight.

@dutchdragon443 - 26.01.2024 04:36

i hate retail graphics sod is better in everyway lets be real

@Mischief1227 - 26.01.2024 04:14

I just talked to my retail guild, people that I haven't talked to in a year and they invited me back. I also couldn't explain why I didn't want to play retail again, but you described it perfectly. The competitiveness eventually leads to a worse life.

@line5872 - 26.01.2024 03:15

8.2 guys… sod hype sod hype soooooooddddd d hypeeee

@d.j.9739 - 26.01.2024 02:27

Retail is bigger then arena.
Just make sure not to que for an arena match and you should be good to go. ;)

@momentswithmyka - 26.01.2024 01:55

Wow consumes you I think we have all experienced this in one way or another.

@Krulfar - 26.01.2024 01:14

Same problem Savix has. These guys are too competitive for their own good. It is what it is.

@Psyraid - 26.01.2024 00:21

video starts at :30 thank me later

@Willy_786 - 26.01.2024 00:00

Yeah let's play the same leveling adventure once again, but this time is hardcore because the ""glory"". Amazing.

@Sornemus - 25.01.2024 23:48

Fair point. But I guess it is kinda bad that there is not that much to do in SoD currently. Maybe expanding scope would be fruitful - Asmon did so (diversified his streaming with some other games) when he faced similar struggles.

@srchzo - 25.01.2024 23:45

WoW retail is for sweaty boomers addicted to FOMO

@Orisha1990 - 25.01.2024 23:21

A man has to know his limitations. Xaryu has a competitive addictive personality and he can't keep his competitive side in check which in turn is detrimental to his life. If one day he could just play arena without needing to try hard grind 3s with other glad players and just enjoy it, I think that's the day he could do retail again.

@sergejur - 25.01.2024 23:18

Retail is for the new people that never will have family

@eodyn7 - 25.01.2024 22:58

People who hate retail WoW are cringe.

@TheBreathless24 - 25.01.2024 22:55

Well you can't say retail is trash, because you still wanna have good relationship with Blizzard... Like hosting tournaments and stuff. And i get that, it's part of your job. I'd do the same thing if i where you. But I can say it..! Retail is a trash game... It doesn't even make sense to me anymore. They even fucked up the whole UI they had for decades and now you need addons to try and make it close to what it was. Still has a lot of visual bugs and stuff.

@DafuqLuLZ - 25.01.2024 22:44

Dude just straight up described my wrath experience, and I didn't even think about it before. You're so right Xar, this game hooks up SO hard it's frightening.

@evanerra - 25.01.2024 22:42

I’m in a weird place where there’s too much to do in Retail and it gets overwhelming, but in SoD there’s not much to do anymore so it gets kind of boring.

@andrejohansson4012 - 25.01.2024 22:16

Play's retail, dead stream 💀/jk

@ShellYoung - 25.01.2024 22:15


@tylerwitte714 - 25.01.2024 22:01

Overthinker 👍

@shani9andri11 - 25.01.2024 21:49

More like no money streaming retail

@daltonsnippa584 - 25.01.2024 21:40

Doing keys and maybe doing the raid is fun but I haven't pvp since like BFA

@gamerbodkonian - 25.01.2024 21:33

dragon flight is boring. sorry but its facts.
and i will say it, its a trash game.

@bigybop - 25.01.2024 21:27


@stoneblood9864 - 25.01.2024 21:25

i honestly miss the xaryu retail arena vids

@deserable - 25.01.2024 21:23

Makes sens same for me i cant just casualy play retail like i casualy play SoD... in retail all i do is push arena and its just harder to do casualy

@GoofyBait - 25.01.2024 21:12

fair point
