Part 3 - Telekinesis with Gold, Silver, and Copper targets with Sean McNamara

Part 3 - Telekinesis with Gold, Silver, and Copper targets with Sean McNamara

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@andreroller1 - 10.04.2019 03:45

I want you to say that you have to take into account the static when you put your hands on the glass, with a thicker glass you can eliminate the theme of static. You can pass
a comb through your hair and then through the glass and you will see that psywheel will move

@akaisasori1052 - 23.01.2019 01:30

Based on my spiritual knowledge, it appears as if the intensity of the metals' connection to you is different. Almost like they have different energy frequencies. Gold might have a higher frequency than the others. But it's just a logical theory. But then again, everything has a certain level of energetic vibration.

@timmytainment - 18.11.2018 06:05

It is really amazing how this topic developed. 6years before it was so hard to find information about today heres much info with value

@lost2311 - 20.07.2018 17:59

I could do it easily when i was younger, but now i cant. Any ideas why?

@BogdanAndreiRO - 19.07.2018 16:40

Do you need the activate the pineal gland to do this?

@karen98653 - 04.07.2018 11:35

Hi Sean; a question occurred to me a while ago that I thought you might have a few theories about. I'm interested in psychokinesis as a whole, (telekinesis, pyrokinesis, telepathic and precognitive abilities, etc); I was wondering if theoretically other forms of psychokinetic ability may be easier to perform than others? (Air/fire manipulation or for example, might be easier than other kinds of psychokinetic abilities such as telekinesis, because they're using kinetic energy that's already present in the atmosphere to create physical movement). Again these are just some theories I have but I was curious as to your opinion on them. Thank you!

@mehransanea6631 - 24.05.2018 00:22

You don't mastered to telekinesis,why tech something that u don't know enough?

@devinallen7060 - 23.05.2018 00:26

Thank you my friend very much informative thank you for your time to make this all the vids you make are very informative

@petervincze4103 - 19.05.2018 12:44

... Will- power = power/force... Power...?

@antiochosyuliana7904 - 16.05.2018 21:25

And now again, but... with your brain wave device. Maybe some materials react differently to different waves.

@Pmr001 - 16.05.2018 15:31

Do I have to practice telekinesis everyday

@stephtk2480 - 16.05.2018 10:51

Good job Nice to see your exercice

@hannabhx4813 - 16.05.2018 10:29

Hiya! So i just wanted to ask you if you have tried subliminals? They help stregnthen your powers. You should check them out. Just search up Teleknieses subliminal and enjoy!

@-Pidi- - 16.05.2018 08:40

How can I do telekinesis with something covering it? I have less energy waiting for a connection cuz I feel like the glass is braking it. I know it doesnt sound right. But this how I feel. What should I do?

@-Pidi- - 16.05.2018 08:39

Yoir energy is so stronggg. I think mine is strong too but I didnt have time to practice lately..

@peanut8079 - 16.05.2018 08:20

awesome 😍😍i wish i have a telekinesis😍😍
